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Irrigation Causes Naturally Occurring Uranium to Dissolve into Groundwater in the Eastern San Joaquin Valley
The USGS first identified uranium as a potential issue in California's groundwater during studies conducted in the Modesto area funded by the USGS National Water Quality Assessment Program. Subsequently, the GAMA program undertook a broader analysis of uranium concentrations across the State.
Trends in Arsenic Concentrations in the San Joaquin Valley
Arsenic is known to be a problem in groundwater used for drinking water supplies in the San Joaquin Valley. About 10% of the are of groundwater resources used for public supply contain more than the USEPA MCL of 10 µg/L. Most public-supply and domestic wells currently yield groundwater with arsenic levels below 3 µg/L and do not exhibit trends in concentration.
Albuquerque Region Nitrate Map Viewer
This interactive map summarizes historical groundwater sampling for nitrate in the Albuquerque Basin, potential sources of nitrate in groundwater, and other complementary data.
Baseflow Forecasts for Selected Sites in the United States
The Baseflow Forecast Web Tool allows you to access baseflow forecasts at thousands of locations across the Nation.
Tunnicliff wetland sites in Montana
Tunnicliff wetland sites in Montana
Sportsman wetland sites in Montana
Sportsman wetland sites in Montana
Silicon Mountain wetland sites in Montana
Silicon Mountain wetland sites in Montana
Schrieber wetland sites in Montana
Schrieber wetland sites in Montana
Rostad wetland sites in Montana
Rostad wetland sites in Montana
Richardson wetland sites in Montana
Richardson wetland sites in Montana
McGinnis Meadows wetland sites in Montana
McGinnis Meadows wetland sites in Montana
Wagner wetland sites in Montana
Wagner wetland sites in Montana