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Lower Colorado River Hydrologic Monitoring

The Lower Colorado Monitoring Network is a series of groundwater-level and water-quality wells, as well as streamgages and micro-gravity sites. This interactive map displays the sites and provides links to the most current data.

Areas of Land Subsidence in California

In California, land subsidence—mostly from groundwater pumping—was first documented by the USGS in the early 20th century. Completion of State and Federal water projects that bring water from California's wet north to its dry south allowed some groundwater aquifers to recover, and subsidence decreased in these areas. Subsidence continues today, sometimes at high rates of more than 1 foot/year.

Vegetation Dynamics Drought Viewer

The Vegetation Dynamics/Drought viewer provides a dynamic online map interface that can be used to view USGS and other data. 

GAMA Priority Basin Project Groundwater-Quality Results: Assessment and Trends

This interactive webmap plots water-quality data from domestic and public-supply wells sampled by the USGS for the California Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment (GAMA) Program Priority Basin Project (GAMA-PBP), and allows users to download datasets. The GAMA-PBP is a cooperative program between the California State Water Resources Control Board and the U.S. Geological Survey. 

Mojave Groundwater Data

Interactive map of the Mojave and Morongo groundwater basins.  Data layers include sites and data for groundwater levels, water quality, and land subsidence.  Groundwater data spans 1994 to the present.

Current Streamflow and Water-Quality Monitoring at Select Sites in the Animas and San Juan River Basins, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah

The USGS monitors current streamflow and water-quality conditions at various sites in the Animas and San Juan River Basins in Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah, including areas below the Gold King Mine release area. These streamgages provide continuous data on streamflow and select water-quality constituents including specific conductance, water temperature, pH, and turbidity.

Water Quality Data Viewer for New York

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists are leading a diverse range of studies to address CyanoHAB issues in water bodies throughout the United States, using a combination of traditional methods and emerging technologies, and in collaboration with numerous partners. 

Map Projection On the Web

While some instrument teams provide science-ready versions of their data, many other archives must first be processed by the individual researcher. POW provides users with calibrated cartographic images that can be used for geologic mapping, analysis in a Geographic Image System (GIS), change detection, merging of dissimilar instrument images, and use in a host of other scientific applications.

Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature

Planetary nomenclature is used to uniquely identify a feature on the surface of a planet or satellite so that the feature can be easily located, described, and discussed.

See the FAQ for more information on common questions.

For general inquiries regarding planetary nomenclature or the Gazetteer website, please contact Tenielle Gaither by emailing

Planetary Image Locator Tool (PILOT)

PILOT (Planetary Image Locator Tool) is an online data portal used by planetary scientists and cartographers to search through the raw archives of the PDS Cartography and Imaging Science Node. It searches through a large catalog of visual, infrared and spectrometer camera images taken of planetary bodies in our solar system. For information on specific missions, please visit the Data Portal. 

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