Web Tools
Check out web tools that include alert and notification services, data access, data analysis, data visualizations, digital repositories, and interactive maps.
Data Access Tools
Data Analysis Tools
Data Visualizations
Digital Repositories
Interactive Maps
All Web Tools
Tracking Water Quality of the Nation's Streams and Rivers
An online graphical data tool provides annual summaries of nutrient and sediment concentrations and loads and streamflow information for 106 sites monitored as part of the USGS National Water-Quality Network for Streams and Rivers.
Photographs of Willow Creek Reservoir near Heppner, OR
Interactive photograph viewer used to see changes to Willow Creek Reservoir. Includes 5 cameras. Best viewing starts after September 17, 2016. This web tool is no longer updated because data from the photo monitor is no longer available. Retained for historical reference.
FishVis Mapper
The FishVis Mapper is the product of an Upper Midwest and Great Lakes LCC project, “A Regional Decision Support Tool for Identifying Vulnerabilities of Riverine Habitat and Fishes to Climate Change” that developed an approach for predicting fish species occurrence under current climate conditions and project how fish species occurrence may change under future climate conditions.
New York Nowcast Beach Status
New York Nowcast predicts water quality conditions at select beach swimming areas in NY. The Nowcast estimates conditions by merging environment and climate data with variables measured at a beach by 8 AM each morning and entering them into a computer program which provides a probability from 1 to 100 as to whether or not the beach has exceeded the bathing-water standard of 235 units of E. coli.
Climate Change Tool
Application of Flood Regressions and Climate Change Scenarios to Explore Estimates of Future Peak Flows
Upstate New York Surficial Aquifer Viewer
Map view of over 30 sand and gravel aquifers in upstate New York (Note: Zoom-in to purple-shaded areas for detailed 1:24,000 scale aquifer maps. Use the Map Identify tool, "i", to display links to related on-line reports.)
New York Borehole Well Log Viewer
Borehole geophysics is the science of recording and analyzing measurements of physical properties made in wells or test holes. Probes that measure different properties are lowered into the borehole to collect continuous or point data that is graphically displayed as a geophysical log.
Monthly Hydrologic Conditions for New York Mapper
The U.S. Geological Survey New York Water Science Center’s monthly summary reports and tables of hydrologic conditions for surface and ground water list the station, county, period of record, and several statistics, including color-coded percent exceedance categories based on average monthly conditions for the period of record at each station.
Central Valley: Drought Indicators
During the recent droughts of 2007-2010 and 2012-2017, groundwater pumping has increased from the combined effects of the drought and land-use changes, re-initiating land subsidence. In order to document historical subsidence and monitor continued changes, the USGS has gathered and interpreted data from a variety of sources.
Kansas Flood Map
This map shows the location of stream gages where the water level is currently at or above flood stage (depicted as a black triangle) or at high flow (depicted as blue circles) The high flow conditions are expressed as percentiles that compare the current (i.e., within the past several hours) instantaneous flow value to historical daily mean flow values
NYWSC 305b map - Ambient Groundwater Quality Monitoring
Ambient groundwater quality monitoring well mapper information for New York
USGS Dam Removal Information Portal (DRIP)
A tool to explore trends about dam removal science and query scientific studies that evaluate environmental response to dam removals.