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Measuring the July 2016 flood in northern Wisconsin and the Bad River Reservation

On July 11-12, 2016, severe thunderstorms hit northern Wisconsin, resulting in widespread flooding. Immediately following the flood, the USGS and the Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa Indians began collecting evidence of peak flood levels. USGS scientists used these high-water marks, along with streamflow and lake level, to reconstruct the extent and depth of flood inundation.

Global Ecosystems Viewer

The Global Ecosystems Viewer provides visualization and feature identification of continental and global ecosystems data. Data from the Global Ecosystems activity allow for a fine resolution inventory of land-based ecological features anywhere on Earth, and contribute to increased understanding of ecological pattern and ecosystem distributions.

GLRI Edge-of-Field Monitoring (geonarrative)

The GLRI Edge-of-Field Monitoring project focuses on identifying and reducing agricultural sources of excess nutrients which can threaten the health of the Great Lakes. This geonarrative details the basics of edge-of-field monitoring (EOF), explores EOF applications, shows USGS is working collaboratively with our partners, and discusses how EOF can improve conservation efforts.

U.S. Water Use from 1950-2015

U.S. Water Use from 1950-2015 is an interactive map viewer used to visualize water use by region and date for U.S. freshwater withdrawals, 1950-present (created by USGS VIZLAB).

Groundwater Recharge in Pennsylvania

A map app to get recharge values from streamgage locations in Pennsylvania. Development of this app is described at the Related Science page.

Arkansas Wateruse

In 1977, the Congress of the United States recognized the need for uniform, current, and reliable information on water use and directed the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to establish a National Water-Use Information Program (NWUIP) to complement the Survey's data on the availability and quality of the Nations water resources.
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