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Streamflow monitoring network analysis

US Geological Survey operates a streamflow monitoring network that extends across the United States and its territories. The network was analyzed systematically by Konrad and others (2022) for its coverage, resolution, and representation of a wide range of public interests in streamflow information The results can be used to identify priority areas for continued or expanded monitoring.

U.S. Register of Introduced and Invasive Species StoryMap

Comprehensive and Authoritative Lists of Non-Native Taxa Established in Alaska, Hawaii, and the Conterminous United States.

A Century of Change in Grand Bay, Mississippi and Alabama

The Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR) in southern Mississippi was established to provide recreational and educational opportunities along with facilitating science-based coastal management; therefore, Grand Bay is the subject of numerous short and long-term environmental studies. The reserve is an important location for research and conservation.

Los Cambios Costeros en Puerto Rico

El Servicio Geológico de los Estados Unidos (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés) ha desarrollado una geonarrativa en español e inglés sobre los cambios en la costa de Puerto Rico que explica las tendencias históricas de la línea costera de la isla, los impactos de los huracanes en la costa y las posibles soluciones para proteger a las comunidades y mitigar los peligros costeros.

Shoreline Changes in Puerto Rico

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) has developed a Spanish and English geonarrative that displays shoreline changes in Puerto Rico and covers topics on the island’s historical shoreline trends, hurricane impacts on the coast, and possible solutions that could help protect communities and mitigate coastal hazards.

Chester County (Pennsylvania) Monitoring Networks

Since 1969, the Pennsylvania Water Science Center has had a cooperative program with Chester County to measure and describe water resources. Cooperation has been primarily with the Chester County Water Resources Authority, with participation from the Chester County Health Department. The Chester County Monitoring Network web tool provides near real-time water data.

ScienceBase Data Release Summary Dashboard

The ScienceBase Data Release (SBDR) Summary Dashboard aggregates information about USGS's ScienceBase data releases, including the number of data releases by Mission Area, Region, and Science Center. It allows users to filter data release metrics by Science Center and date range and download a CSV

Informing Future Decision Making on Uranium Mining in Arizona: Science for Health and Environment

The USGS is conducting research at uranium-bearing breccia pipe deposits to address data gaps related to the potential effects of uranium exploration and mining activities on the Grand Canyon watershed, its people, wildlife, and water resources. Study locations are primarily on Federal lands with a few locations on Tribal lands, and include historic and active mines.

World Terrestrial Ecosystems Explorer

The World Terrestrial Ecosystems Explorer (WTEE) contains the World Terrestrial Ecosystems (WTE) 2020 global raster dataset that was produced in a joint effort by the USGS, Esri, and The Nature Conservancy. This dataset, with a 250-meter spatial resolution, identifies 431 ecosystem types including both ‘natural’ ecosystems and ‘converted’ landscapes.

PAD-US Data Explorer

Administered by the U.S. Geological Survey Gap Analysis Project, the Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US) is the nation’s official inventory of public open space and private protected areas. The lands included in PAD-US are assigned conservation status codes that both denote the level of biodiversity preservation and indicate other natural, recreational and cultural uses.

Cascadia subduction zone database: compilation of published datasets relevant to Cascadia subduction zone earthquake hazards and tectonics

As part of the USGS Powell Center working group on Cascadia earthquake hazards, we compile and host several available geologic, paleoseismic, geophysical, and instrumental datasets along the Cascadia subduction zone. The ArcGIS online map and downloadable map package include both raster images and shapefiles. In this Story Map, we outline the features and datasets compiled.

PAD-US Statistics Dashboard

Administered by the U.S. Geological Survey Gap Analysis Project, the Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US) is the nation’s official inventory of public open space and private protected areas. The lands included in PAD-US are assigned conservation status codes that both denote the level of biodiversity preservation and indicate other natural, recreational and cultural uses.
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