Web Tools
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EXPRESS Data Viewer
Expanding Pacific Research and Exploration of Submerged Systems (EXPRESS) is an inter-agency federal and nonfederal collaborative research effort aimed at gathering new data of the deep ocean, continental shelf and slope offshore of California, Oregon and Washington. This expansive partnership includes three federal agencies and additional principle investigators from leading research institutes.
Unified Hazard Tool
Use this web application to obtain earthquake hazards data from the U.S. Hazard Model.
Climate Change and Freshwater Fish
Lakes in Wisconsin are getting warmer, and fish communities are changing as a result. Understanding recent trends and anticipating future changes can help decision-makers protect resilient populations, adapt to new conditions, and effectively communicate realistic expectations.
Global Vs30 Mosaic Map Viewer
Global Vs30 Mosaic Map Viewer based on topographic slope, with custom embedded maps for Vs30 (the time-averaged shear-wave velocity to 30 m depth) models and data.
Landsat Archive Dashboard
The Landsat Archive Dashboard provides interactive map views of Landsat Collection 2 products per WRS-1 or WRS-2 by Path/Row. There are three Landsat archive maps: Landsat 4 – 9 daytime, Landsat 4 – 9 nighttime, and Landsat 1 – 3. A product summary statistics page is also provided for Landsat 1 – 9. Maps and the statistics page can be filtered on multiple categories.
2021 Climate Adaptation Science Centers Annual Summary
A geonarrative highlighting the Climate Adaptation Science Center's science, partnerships, and capacity building activities from Fiscal Year 2021.
Louisiana’s Coastwide Reference Monitoring System (CRMS)
The CRMS network includes 391 sites with standardized data collection techniques and fixed sampling schedules. Monitoring data including hydrologic, accretion, herbaceous marsh vegetation, forested swamp vegetation, soil properties, surface elevation, and land/water composition are available for download from the CRMS website.
Mapping Radon in Pennsylvania's Groundwater
Radon, a colorless and odorless gas, is commonly found in groundwater in Pennsylvania. This web tool allows interactive display of Pennsylvania Water Science Center measurements of radon in groundwater samples from wells. All data presented here is publicly available and a data download tool is provided that will output all currently-displayed data.
Oregon Lake Profile Analysis Tools
In response to recent harmful algal blooms (HABs) that have occurred in many of the large water storage reservoirs in the Willamette River Basin the USGS is measuring related water-quality parameters in Detroit Lake, Blue River Lake, and Cougar Lake. The USGS has also developed profiler tools that allow users to see how the water quality parameters vary with depth in those reservoirs.
Geomag Plots
View data plots from geomagnetic observatories in near-realtime.
Bear Lake Water-Quality Data Visualizations
Displaying water-quality data with depth over time at a single location has always presented a challenge. These data visualizations were developed as a response to that issue by Katherine Jones, USGS Office of Quality Assurance.
Mauna Loa - Preparing for the next eruption of Earth's largest active volcano
This geonarrative provides an overview of Mauna Loa’s eruptive history and hazards and includes interactive maps and datasets to help residents prepare for the next eruption.