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Arctic Rivers Project: Connecting Indigenous knowledge and western science to strengthen collective understanding of the changing Arctic

The Arctic Rivers Project will weave together Indigenous knowledges, monitoring, and the modeling of climate, rivers (flows, temperature, ice), and fish to improve understanding of how Arctic rivers, ice transportation corridors, fish, and communities might be impacted by and adapt to climate change.

U.S. Groundwater Conditions

The U.S. Groundwater Conditions animated data visualization depicts groundwater levels at 2,281 well sites across the U.S. At each site, groundwater levels are shown relative to the historic record (using percentiles), indicating where groundwater is comparatively high or low to what has been observed in the past. The corresponding time series chart shows the percent of sites in each water-le

Nitrogen Loading from Selected Long Island Sound Tributaries from 1995 to 2016

This dashboard application displays nitrogen concentrations and loads in selected Long Island Sound tributaries.

Pennsylvania Real-Time Water Quality

Real-time computed concentrations of water-quality constituents such as suspended sediment and fecal coliform bacteria are calculated using ordinary least squares regression models. The results of these models, along with direct water-quality measurements, can be viewed here as time-series graphs, or downloaded as tabular data.

Climate Research & Development Program - 2021 Year in Review

Geonarrative that summarizes research highlights from the Climate Research & Development Program from 2021.

Geonarrative: Coastal Resilience Initiative

The Coastal Resilience Initiative geonarrative is a data-driven, interactive narrative that shares information about the USGS-led Coastal Resilience Initiative while allowing viewers to explore past and ongoing work and access coastal science tools. The Initiative's mission is to provide information to protect lives, property, resources, and the economic well-being of coastal communities in the No

Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units 2020 Year in Review

Our Program is a unique cooperative partnership among State fish and wildlife agencies, universities, the Wildlife Management Institute, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This story highlights the activities and accomplishments of the program and its cooperators for calendar year 2020.

Deciphering Nature's Seismograph: How Sediments Record Past Earthquakes and Inform Future Hazard Assessments

People have been recording seismic activity for centuries. To assemble a detailed earthquake history of an area and understand how faults may behave in the future, however, scientists need to go further back in time—from several hundred to many thousands of years ago.

Inland Fisheries Across the World: Assessing the State of Freshwater Aquatic Resources

Inland fisheries represent 12% of total global fishery production, provide accessible and affordable high-quality protein to some of the world's most vulnerable populations, and lack the traditional assessment processes necessary for estimating harvest potential. This project aimed to develop a scalable framework to assess the current and future status of inland fisheries worldwide.

2018 Nor’easter Storm Events in Coastal New England

Dashboard presenting nor’easter storm events in coastal New England in January and March 2018.

Chronic Wasting Disease Research by the U.S. Geological Survey & Partners

The USGS, the science bureau of the Department of the Interior, conducts wildlife disease surveillance and research to support management of affected species and their habitats. Here you will find information on USGS science addressing Chronic Wasting Disease across the Nation.

Building a Cloud Forest From the Ground Up

California's Channel Islands were once home to cloud forests, but this unique ecosystem was lost. USGS & partners are bringing them back.
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