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The CASCs develop science, data, and tools to help natural and cultural resource managers address the impacts of climate change on fish, wildlife, ecosystems, & the communities they support. 


Indigenous Peoples


Projects by Region


Wildlife and Plants


Drought, Fire and Extreme Weather


Water, Coasts and Ice




Science Tools for Managers




Science to Action Fellowship

The Science to Action Fellowship program supports graduate students in developing a product that puts science into action, directly applying scientific research related to climate change impacts on fish, wildlife, or ecosystems to decision making about natural resources.

Science to Action Fellowship

The Science to Action Fellowship program supports graduate students in developing a product that puts science into action, directly applying scientific research related to climate change impacts on fish, wildlife, or ecosystems to decision making about natural resources.
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Climate Adaptation Postdoctoral (CAP) Fellows Program

The Climate Adaptation Postdoctoral (CAP) Fellows Program is a one-of-a-kind research opportunity that brings together postdoctoral scholars from around the country to conduct independent and collaborative applied research on climate change impacts to fish, wildlife, and ecosystems.

Climate Adaptation Postdoctoral (CAP) Fellows Program

The Climate Adaptation Postdoctoral (CAP) Fellows Program is a one-of-a-kind research opportunity that brings together postdoctoral scholars from around the country to conduct independent and collaborative applied research on climate change impacts to fish, wildlife, and ecosystems.
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Regional CASC Undergraduate and Graduate Research Opportunities

The National and Regional CASCs are committed to supporting young and early-career scientists and managers. Read on to see a list of education and training opportunities offered by the regional CASCs.

Regional CASC Undergraduate and Graduate Research Opportunities

The National and Regional CASCs are committed to supporting young and early-career scientists and managers. Read on to see a list of education and training opportunities offered by the regional CASCs.
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