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Scientists with the USGS Benchmark Glacier Project study the process and impacts of glacier change, including sea-level rise, water resources, environmental hazards and ecosystem links. At the core of this research are mass balance measurements at five glaciers in the United States. Since the 1960s, these glaciers have been studied using direct observations of glaciers and meteorology. The project also integrates remotely sensed data to enhance our understanding of how glaciers respond to changes in climate.
Our Research: Our group studies mass change at five glaciers (Gulkana, Lemon Creek, South Cascade, Sperry, Wolverine) in North America using field and remote sensing techniques. To do so, we measure snow accumulation and snow and ice melt at specific locations on the glaciers, then extrapolate those point observations across the entire glacier surface. We also measure air temperature and precipitation at each site to connect glacier and climate change.
Why this Research is Important: When paired with weather, streamflow and geochemical data, this research helps managers prepare for local, regional, and global impacts of glacier change. With a firm foundation of long-term records, the USGS Glaciology Project continues to broaden its value and impact by using new technologies and expertise.
Objective(s): This project aims to advance the quantitative understanding of glacier-climate interactions from local to regional scales. The current focus is on merging the long-term field records with newer, richer remote sensing data. The team is also working to ensure consistency and comparability between records as well as evaluating methodological sensitivities.
Methods: Glacier mass balance, climate, streamflow, and geochemical data are being collected from five U.S. glaciers. Additionally, remote sensing data from satellites is being used to study and monitor the changes the glaciers have undergone in the past sixty years.
Glaciers and Landscape Change
Below are data or web applications associated with this project.
Scanned field notebooks from a USGS Benchmark Glacier: South Cascade Glacier, Washington,1957 - 2022
Glacier-Wide Mass Balance and Compiled Data Inputs: USGS Benchmark Glaciers
Below are publications associated with this project.
U.S. Geological Survey Benchmark Glacier Project
The imminent calving retreat of Taku Glacier
Specialized meltwater biodiversity persists despite widespread deglaciation
Parsing complex terrain controls on mountain glacier response to climate forcing
Explaining mass balance and retreat dichotomies at Taku and Lemon Creek Glaciers, Alaska
Glacier retreat in Glacier National Park, Montana
Reanalysis of the U.S. Geological Survey Benchmark Glaciers: Long-term insight into climate forcing of glacier mass balance
Glacier recession since the Little Ice Age: Implications for water storage in a Rocky Mountain landscape
Interannual snow accumulation variability on glaciers derived from repeat spatially extensive ground-penetrating radar surveys
Local topography increasingly influences the mass balance of a retreating cirque glacier
Glacierized headwater streams as aquifer recharge corridors, subarctic Alaska
Snow and ice
The Glacier - Climate Connection
Below are news stories associated with this project.
Scientists with the USGS Benchmark Glacier Project study the process and impacts of glacier change, including sea-level rise, water resources, environmental hazards and ecosystem links. At the core of this research are mass balance measurements at five glaciers in the United States. Since the 1960s, these glaciers have been studied using direct observations of glaciers and meteorology. The project also integrates remotely sensed data to enhance our understanding of how glaciers respond to changes in climate.
Our Research: Our group studies mass change at five glaciers (Gulkana, Lemon Creek, South Cascade, Sperry, Wolverine) in North America using field and remote sensing techniques. To do so, we measure snow accumulation and snow and ice melt at specific locations on the glaciers, then extrapolate those point observations across the entire glacier surface. We also measure air temperature and precipitation at each site to connect glacier and climate change.
Why this Research is Important: When paired with weather, streamflow and geochemical data, this research helps managers prepare for local, regional, and global impacts of glacier change. With a firm foundation of long-term records, the USGS Glaciology Project continues to broaden its value and impact by using new technologies and expertise.
Objective(s): This project aims to advance the quantitative understanding of glacier-climate interactions from local to regional scales. The current focus is on merging the long-term field records with newer, richer remote sensing data. The team is also working to ensure consistency and comparability between records as well as evaluating methodological sensitivities.
Methods: Glacier mass balance, climate, streamflow, and geochemical data are being collected from five U.S. glaciers. Additionally, remote sensing data from satellites is being used to study and monitor the changes the glaciers have undergone in the past sixty years.
Glaciers and Landscape Change
Below are data or web applications associated with this project.
Scanned field notebooks from a USGS Benchmark Glacier: South Cascade Glacier, Washington,1957 - 2022
Glacier-Wide Mass Balance and Compiled Data Inputs: USGS Benchmark Glaciers
Below are publications associated with this project.
U.S. Geological Survey Benchmark Glacier Project
The imminent calving retreat of Taku Glacier
Specialized meltwater biodiversity persists despite widespread deglaciation
Parsing complex terrain controls on mountain glacier response to climate forcing
Explaining mass balance and retreat dichotomies at Taku and Lemon Creek Glaciers, Alaska
Glacier retreat in Glacier National Park, Montana
Reanalysis of the U.S. Geological Survey Benchmark Glaciers: Long-term insight into climate forcing of glacier mass balance
Glacier recession since the Little Ice Age: Implications for water storage in a Rocky Mountain landscape
Interannual snow accumulation variability on glaciers derived from repeat spatially extensive ground-penetrating radar surveys
Local topography increasingly influences the mass balance of a retreating cirque glacier
Glacierized headwater streams as aquifer recharge corridors, subarctic Alaska
Snow and ice
The Glacier - Climate Connection
Below are news stories associated with this project.