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Water Cycle Processes

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The Water Cycle, Arabic, هايملا ةرود

The Water Cycle, Arabic, هايملا ةرود

The Water Cycle, Arabic, هايملا ةرود

The Water Cycle, Arabic, هايملا ةرود
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Evapotranspiration and the Water Cycle

Evapotranspiration is the sum of all processes by which water moves from the land surface to the atmosphere via evaporation and transpiration.

Evapotranspiration and the Water Cycle

Evapotranspiration is the sum of all processes by which water moves from the land surface to the atmosphere via evaporation and transpiration.
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Follow a Drip Through the Water Cycle

You may be familiar with how water is always cycling around, through, and above the Earth, continually changing from liquid water to water vapor to ice. One way to envision the water cycle is to follow a drop of water around as it moves on its way. Read on to learn more about the journey.

Follow a Drip Through the Water Cycle

You may be familiar with how water is always cycling around, through, and above the Earth, continually changing from liquid water to water vapor to ice. One way to envision the water cycle is to follow a drop of water around as it moves on its way. Read on to learn more about the journey.
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Glaciers and Icecaps

Glaciers are a big item when we talk about the world's water supply. Almost 10 percent of the world's land mass is currently covered with glaciers, mostly in places like Greenland and Antarctica. You can think of a glacier as a frozen river, and like rivers, they "flow" downhill, erode the landscape, and move water along in the Earth's water cycle.

Glaciers and Icecaps

Glaciers are a big item when we talk about the world's water supply. Almost 10 percent of the world's land mass is currently covered with glaciers, mostly in places like Greenland and Antarctica. You can think of a glacier as a frozen river, and like rivers, they "flow" downhill, erode the landscape, and move water along in the Earth's water cycle.
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Veeringe, The Water Cycle, Estonian

Võite arvata, et iga taevast langev vihmapiisk või iga joogiklaas vett on värske, kuid see on alati olemas olnud ja on veeringe pidev osa!

Veeringe, The Water Cycle, Estonian

Võite arvata, et iga taevast langev vihmapiisk või iga joogiklaas vett on värske, kuid see on alati olemas olnud ja on veeringe pidev osa!
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Su Döngüsü, The water cycle for schools, Turkish

Gökyüzünden yağan her yağmur damlasının, ya da içtiğiniz her bardak suyun hiç kullanılmamış olduğunu üşünebilirsiniz, ancak o her zaman buradaydı ve Su Döngüsünün bir parçasıydı.

Su Döngüsü, The water cycle for schools, Turkish

Gökyüzünden yağan her yağmur damlasının, ya da içtiğiniz her bardak suyun hiç kullanılmamış olduğunu üşünebilirsiniz, ancak o her zaman buradaydı ve Su Döngüsünün bir parçasıydı.
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Гардиши об, The water cycle for schools, Tajik

Шумо метавонед фикр кунед, ки ҳар як қатраи борони аз осмон афтида, ё ҳар пиёлаи обе, ки шумо менӯшед мутлақо нав аст, аммо вай доимо ҳамин ҷо буд ва қисми гардиши об дар табиат аст.

Гардиши об, The water cycle for schools, Tajik

Шумо метавонед фикр кунед, ки ҳар як қатраи борони аз осмон афтида, ё ҳар пиёлаи обе, ки шумо менӯшед мутлақо нав аст, аммо вай доимо ҳамин ҷо буд ва қисми гардиши об дар табиат аст.
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Кругообіг води, The water cycle for schools, Ukrainian

Може, ви думаєте, що кожна крапля дощу, яка падає з неба, чи вода, яку ми п'ємо із склянки, постійно є новими, але вони завжди були тут, як частинки із кругообігу води.

Кругообіг води, The water cycle for schools, Ukrainian

Може, ви думаєте, що кожна крапля дощу, яка падає з неба, чи вода, яку ми п'ємо із склянки, постійно є новими, але вони завжди були тут, як частинки із кругообігу води.
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Vattnets kretslopp, The water cycle for schools, Swedish

Du kanske tror att varje droppe regn som faller från himlen, eller varje glas vatten som du dricker, är helt nytt, men det har alltid funnits här och är en del av vattnets kretslopp.

Vattnets kretslopp, The water cycle for schools, Swedish

Du kanske tror att varje droppe regn som faller från himlen, eller varje glas vatten som du dricker, är helt nytt, men det har alltid funnits här och är en del av vattnets kretslopp.
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O Ciclo d’água, The water cycle for schools, Portuguese

Você talvez imagine que cada gota d’água que cai do céu ou cada copo d’água que você bebe é água totalmente nova, mas a água sempre esteve aqui e faz parte do ciclo d’água.

O Ciclo d’água, The water cycle for schools, Portuguese

Você talvez imagine que cada gota d’água que cai do céu ou cada copo d’água que você bebe é água totalmente nova, mas a água sempre esteve aqui e faz parte do ciclo d’água.
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Водени циклус, The water cycle for schools, Serbian

Можда мислиш да је свака кап кише која падне са неба или свака чаша воде коју попијеш сасвим нова, док је она у ствари одувек овде и део је воденог циклуса.

Водени циклус, The water cycle for schools, Serbian

Можда мислиш да је свака кап кише која падне са неба или свака чаша воде коју попијеш сасвим нова, док је она у ствари одувек овде и део је воденог циклуса.
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Усны эргэлт, The water cycle for schools, Mongolian

Тэнгэрээс орох борооны дусал бүр, аягалан уух ус болгон чинь шив шинэ гэж чи бодож байж магадгүй. Гэвч энэ ус үргэлж оршсоор ирсэн, усны эргэлтийн нэг хэсэг юм шүү дээ.

Усны эргэлт, The water cycle for schools, Mongolian

Тэнгэрээс орох борооны дусал бүр, аягалан уух ус болгон чинь шив шинэ гэж чи бодож байж магадгүй. Гэвч энэ ус үргэлж оршсоор ирсэн, усны эргэлтийн нэг хэсэг юм шүү дээ.
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