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The 22nd William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium (Pecora 22) convened in Denver, Colorado, USA from October 23 – 27, 2022.

The conference was hosted by the USGS and NASA, with an overarching theme of Opening the Aperture to Innovation: Expanding Our Collective Understanding of a Changing Earth, which embraces both the innovations and discoveries that resulted from 50 years of Landsat Earth observations, and also current and future innovations in science and technology that are contributing to our ability to improve our understanding and better manage the Earth’s environment.

For more information on this conference, check out the Pecora 22 website.


Technical Sessions

TS_1-1_Assessment of Artificial Light at Night and Consequent Risk for Juvenile Salmon in the Lake Washington Basin_JSchulien

TS_1-1_Calculated Risk-Leveraging Multi-Mission Compositing_KFickas


TS_1-1_Long-Term Monitoring of Water Clarity in Amazon Basin Using Landsat Data_DMaciel

TS_1-1_Sentinel-2 Chlorophyll_WSalls

TS_1-1_Towards Macroscale Application of Water Remote Sensing_STopp

TS_1-2_CEOS ARD Specifications for SAR_BKillough

TS_1-2_CEOS Strategy for ARD_SLabahn

TS_1-2_Leveraging ARD with DE Africa_ALewis

TS_1-2_Planet Fusion Applications of a Next-Generation ARD_RHouborg

TS_1-2_Quantitative-Metrics-for-Interoperability-Emily Maddox

TS_1-2_Sentinel Hub-On Demand Sentinel-1 CARD4L_GMilinski

TS_1-2_What's Next for ARD_ALewis

TS_1-3_Analysis of Underfly Data_SDSU_GGross

TS_1-3_Claibrating the 50-Year Landsat Archive_EMicijevic

TS_1-3_L8 Per-Pixel Raiometric Uncertainty Algorithm_MPagnutti

TS_1-3_Landsat 9 Calibration Move to Operations_CAnderson

TS_1-3_OLI Radiometry_Thome

TS_1-3_OLI2_Development and Characterization Lessons Learned_EKnight

TS_1-3_Planet-Interoperability and Calibration For a Heterogeneous Constellation of Satellites_AJumpasut

TS_1-4_BZ-SDG Project_CEvans

TS_1-4_EO for SDGs_CSchmidt

TS_1-4_Modeling Forest Phenology_SMartinuzzi

TS_1-4_Monitoring Mangroves_LFatayinbo

TS_1-4_West Africa_DWood

TS_1-5_2016 NLCD TCC Validation_JDerwin

TS_1-5_Improving Classification Accuracy Using AI for NLCD_PDanielson

TS_1-5_Next Generation NLCD Tree Canopy Cover_KSchleeweis

TS_1-5_NLCD 2021 and Beyond_JDewitz

TS_1-5_NLCD Change Detection Using CCDC_SJin


TS_1-6_Automated DEM Extraction MAXAR_GMiecznik

TS_1-6_East Timbalier Island_GFisher

TS_1-6_Landslide Monitoring Using UAS_DDrinkall


TS_1-6_USGS DEM Historical Change Detection Pecora 2022


TS_2-1_Market for Remotely Sensed Data - Kass Green

TS_2-1_Michael Meyer_pecora


TS_2-1_Robert Welk_Pecora

TS_2-2_Automating Urban Delineation and Examining SDG Indicator_OCardenas

TS_2-2_Conservation and Sustainability_RWAllen

TS_2-2_Digital Earth Africa_MHalabisky

TS_2-2_Phoenix Metropolitan Area_CWang

TS_2-3_Al-Based Cloud Clearing for Geolocation Validation_BZhang

TS_2-3_Comparing Geometric Performance of L8 & L9_RRengarajan

TS_2-3_Harmonized Landsat-Sentinel-2 V2_JJu

TS_2-3_L8-S2 Haromization_RRengarajan

TS_2-3_L9 Geometry_MChoate

TS_2-3_Providing a Satellite Cross-Calibration Capability Across the GEOS of Systems_CAnderson

TS_2-3_Radiometric Calibration EPICS_JFRueda

TS_2-4_Coral Reef Rehabilitation_SFurey

TS_2-4_DEVELOP Fog_ZWerner

TS_2-4_DEVELOP Peru_EDelgado

TS_2-4_DEVELOP Yonkers, NY_TBarbakova

TS_2-4_Midwest Ag_OLandry


TS_2-4_Understanding the Impact of Forest Management on the Cameron Peak and CalWood Fires_CChoi

TS_2-5_Brining It All Together_JO'Neil

TS_2-5_Coastal Land-Aquatic System Biogechemical Cycle Modelling with LCMAP Science Products_JLiu

TS_2-6_Comprehensice Monitoring of Environmental Change_POlofsson

TS_2-5_LULC Modeling_TSohl

TS_2-5_Predicting Landsat Reflectance Patterns With Climate Data_KFickas

TS_2-6_Land Cover and Land Use Change and Impacts on Decision Making Processes Affecting Food Security and Environment_JAnchang

TS_2-6_Leveraging Time-Series Satellite Imagery to Improve Land Cover Monitoring in the Lower Meking Basin_RKennedy

TS_2-6_Mapping Land Cover Change Across Amazonia and Beyond_SSpera

TS_3-1_Belize Coastal Lagoon_CManiyar

TS_3-1_Orange Band_DMarciel


TS_3-1_Using Satellite-Derived Satellite Water Quality Data_LOlmanson

TS_3-2_Mapping the Tropics_EDelgado


TS_3-2_Spectral Diversity_CChan

TS_3-3_Collecting Spectra ona Budget_VScholl

TS_3-3_Buoy Talk_Mattie

TS_3-3_ECCOE Landsat 8_9 Underfly_EMaddox

TS_3-3_Impact of 50 years of Landsat on Vicarious Calibration Methods and Accuracies_KThome

TS_3-3_Low-Cost Radiometer Designed to Enhance Landsat THermal Validation_Rochester Institute


TS_3-4_Impact Observatory_ALarson

TS_3-4_STAC and Cloud-Native Geo_MHanson

TS_3-4_STAC and The Planetary Computer_PGadomski

TS_3-5_A Random Forest-Based Commission Error Filter for Landfire Disturbance Mapping_SKumar

TS_3-5_Landfire Disturbance_BTolk




TS_3-5_Painting the Landscape by Number_JPicotte

TS_3-6_ CroplandCROS_R Mueller

TS_3-6_Corn Yields MODIS_DJohnson


TS_4-1_An Assessment of Earth Observation Imaging Spectroscopy User Needs_NRoberts

TS_4-1_Does Higher Spatial Resolution Improve Snow Estimates_EBair


TS_4-1_Preparing for Surface Mineral Mapping_RKokaly

TS_4-1_Studying and Monitoring Freshwater Ecosystems_NPahlevan

TS_4-2_Assessment of Satellite-Based Observations of Bathymetric Change_CParrish


TS_4-2_Remote Sensing of Shallow Water Bathymetry_FNurindrawati

TS_4-2_Satellite Derived Bathymetry_MP-Lovejoy


TS_4-3_Advancing Cropland Monitoring_MHansen

TS_4-3_Extracting Fields from Space_LYan

TS_4-3_Mapping Crop Types Globally_DJohnson

TS_4-3_The Symbiotic Relationship Between Landsat and Agricultural Applications_DWilliams

TS_4-4_Communicating the Meaning of Place_CMandryk

TS_4-4_Integrating Ecocultural Knowledge and Remote Sensing_RBoger


TS_4-4_Trees Around the GLOBE_PNelson

TS_4-4_Understanding Gender Barriers_SSchenkein

TS_4-5_EAG Phenology_SBoyte


TS_4-5_Is GeoAl the Crystal Ball to the Future of Earth Observation_VSagan

TS_4-5_Landsat Data and Information in the Cloud Era_RLenczowski

TS_4-5_Modeling Snowmelt Runoff Using Landsat Fractional Snow Covered Area_SArab


TS_4-6_Cloud Geo Technology_CKurnia

TS_4-6_Crossing Paths_SBatzli

TS_4-6_Fifty Years of Landsat Ed and Public Outreach_GButcher


TS_4-6_Harvesting the Landsat Archive_GMountrakis

TS_4-6_Integrating Per-Pixel Accuracy Metrics in LCMAP and NLCD Products_GMountrakis

TS_4-6_Near-Real_Time Crop Phenology_FGao

TS_4-6_Phenometric Lapse Rates_GHenebry

TS_4-6_Thirty Years of Satellite Seasonality_JGray

TS_5-2_ASPRS 10YR Forecast_ASampath

TS_5-2_Climate TRACE_ADavitt

TS_5-2_GHG Monitoring From Space_ADavitt

TS_5-2_Land Imaging Architecture Analytical Tools and Applications_EWengert

TS_5-2_New Drivers for Remote Sensing_ASampath

TS_5-2_User Driven Eath Observation Pathways_GSnyder




TS_6-1_Operationalizing the Generalized Split-Window Algorithm_Mattie

TS_6-1_TIRS 2_MMontanaro


TS_6-2_Development of SAR and EO Derived Wetland Products_MBattaglia

TS_6-2_High-Latitude Aquatic Remote Sensing_LCatipovic

TS_6-2_Landsat Albedos High Latitudes_CSchaaf

TS_6-3_Delayed Palm Oil Conversion_DParker

TS_6-3_Land Use Expansion in South America_VZalles

TS_6-3_Massive Soybean Expansion in South America_XSong

TS_6-3_Tropical Forest Loss Area_ATyukavina

TS_6-3_Tropical Forest Symposium_MHansen



TS_6-4_RTC Comparison_AFlores





TS_6-5_Making the Past Relevant through Landsat_PNelson


TS_6-5_Review of Undergraduate Remote Sensing Research_RSivanpillai

TS_6-6_Developing a Method to Monitor Changing Tree Cover in NE Communities_HEllerman

TS_6-6_Diameter Estimation of Eucalyptus Plantations_BMiller

TS_6-6_Forest Type Differentiation_AMaxwell

TS_6-6_Utilizing NAIP_ARitz

TS_7-1_CAC and ESWG Brief_DOpstal

TS_7-1_CAC Source Mangement_PRinkleff

TS_7-1_Declassified Photographs from US Intelligence Satellites_JGriffith

TS_7-1_Providing Declass Imagery_SWarn

TS_7-1_The Global Fiducials Library_SSmith

TS_7-2_Burn Severity Portal_SBogle

TS_7-2_Effect of Burn Severity on Vegitation Succession_ABadola

TS_7-2_Fire History Metrics_MVanderhoof

TS_7-2_Impact of Wildfire_YYang

TS_7-2_Spaceborne Mapping of Fire Retardant Drops Using Machine Learning Techniques_TSaltiel

TS_7-2_Wildfire Monitoring_MCrowley

TS_7-3_Full Speed Ahead or Not So Fast_SFilippelli


TS_7-3_Mapping Casual Agents of Disturbance_YZhang

TS_7-3_Monitoring and Analyzing Shifting Cultivation in Laos_SChen

TS_7-3_Spatial and Temporal Availability of Cloud-free Observations_AFlores

TS_7-4_Beqaa Valley, Lebanon_LAbdouni


TS_7-4_Multifaceted View of Conterminous US_ZZHU




TS_7-4_Widespread Changes in 21st Century Vegetation Cover_Stanimirova

TS_7-5_Curriculum Insertion Points 2022_RDodge




TS_7-5_The Half Earth Project Exercise_TMueller


TS_7-6_Discrimination of Forest Regrowth_CBlinn

TS_7-6_Estimating of Foliar Traits_TGara

TS_7-6_Virginia Tech_PWilliams

TS_7-7_Black Marble_ZWang

TS_7-7_Night Imaging_MPagnutti

TS_7-7_Nighttime Lights_BKillough

TS_7-7_Recurrent Acute Disasters_MRoman

TS_7-7_The Day Night Band_SMiller



TS_8-1_WATERSMART Adam Oliphant

TS_8-2_Analysis of Brine Spill_GVandeberg

TS_8-2_Dissemination of Global Flood Severity_MGlasscoe

TS_8-2_Near Realtime Agricultural Flood_ZLi


TS_8-2_Satellite-Derived Training Data_JGanuza

TS_8-3_Detecting Eastern Redcedar Encroachment in Kansas_CLiang

TS_8-3_Dry Forest_PArevalo

TS_8-3_Multi-Source Mapping of Forest Susceptibility_RBhattarai

TS_8-3_The Sentinel GreenReport_CLiang

TS_8-3_Understanding Forest Vegetation_SSahoo

TS_8-4_Evaluation of Landsat Image Compositing Algorithms_SQiu


TS_8-4_Identifying Wetland Change_NFrench

TS_8-4_Landsat-Based Global Land Cover Training_RStanimirova

TS_8-4_Thematic Accuracy Assessment_RCongalton

TS_8-4_Using Landsat to Detect Change_SAdeli

TS_8-5_Assesing the Result of the First GEO Service Worshops_Stone

TS_8-5_Rising Water_BYantis

TS_8-5_Rising Waters_Dodge

TS_8-5_Undergraduate Mentors Perspectives_CPoirier


TS_8-6_Hot Spots in the Ice_ADuVivier

TS_8-6_Multi-factor Coral Disease Forecasts_MDonahue

TS_8-6_Multiscale Spectroscopy of Intertidal Biofilm_KByrd


TS_8-6_Trout Unlimited_DDauwalter

TS_8-7_Application of Earth Observation Data_LCarey

TS_8-7_Monitoring Container Ship Backlog_YBai

TS_8-7_Natural Hazard Geodata Examples_DOpstal


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