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Central Energy Resources Science Center

The United States Geological Survey (USGS), Central Energy Resources Science Center (CERSC) addresses national and global energy geoscience issues and conducts interdisciplinary research on energy systems.   You can explore the projects that are based here using the 'Science' option to the left.


Bipartisan Infrastructure Law helps fund new USGS facility at Colorado School of Mines, focused on energy and minerals research

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law helps fund new USGS facility at Colorado School of Mines, focused on energy and minerals research

MEDIA ADVISORY: Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Brain, Director Applegate to Attend Groundbreaking for USGS Energy and Minerals Research Facility

MEDIA ADVISORY: Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Brain, Director Applegate to Attend Groundbreaking for USGS Energy and Minerals Research Facility

EMRF Public Meeting Notice & Public Comment Period for Draft Environmental Assessment

EMRF Public Meeting Notice & Public Comment Period for Draft Environmental Assessment


Facies variation within outcrops of the Triassic Shublik Formation, northeastern Alaska

The Shublik Formation (Middle to Upper Triassic) is a heterogeneous unit that is a major hydrocarbon source rock in northern Alaska and the largest known Triassic phosphate accumulation in the world. This formation, which occurs in the subsurface and crops out within the Arctic Alaska basin, was deposited on a gently sloping ramp along the northwestern Laurentian margin. In this study, we document
Julie A. Dumoulin, Katherine J. Whidden, William A. Rouse, Christina A. DeVera

Assessment of conventional and continuous oil and gas resources in the Lewis Shale in the Southwestern Wyoming Province, Wyoming and Colorado, 2023

Using a geology-based assessment methodology, the U.S. Geological Survey estimated undiscovered, technically recoverable mean conventional and continuous resources of 294 million barrels of oil and 11 trillion cubic feet of gas in the Lewis Shale in the Southwestern Wyoming Province, Wyoming and Colorado.
Jane S. Hearon, Christopher J. Schenk, Thomas M. Finn, Benjamin G. Johnson, Sarah E. Gelman, Jenny H. Lagesse, Cheryl A. Woodall, Tracey J. Mercier, Heidi M. Leathers-Miller, Kira K. Timm, Ronald M. Drake, Andrea D. Cicero, Geoffrey S. Ellis, Michael H. Gardner, Phuong A. Le, Scott S. Young

3-D geological modeling for numerical flow simulation studies of gas hydrate reservoirs at the Kuparuk State 7-11-12 Pad in the Prudhoe Bay Unit on the Alaska North Slope

Accurate reservoir evaluation requires reliable three-dimensional (3-D) geological models. This study conducted 3-D geological modeling for numerical flow simulation of the B1 sand gas hydrate reservoir at the Kuparuk State 7-11-12 pad, Prudhoe Bay Unit, Alaska North Slope. The model integrates well logs, core, and seismic data to address spatial heterogeneity in geological structures and reservoi
Machiko Tamaki, Misuzu Taninaka, Satoshi Ohtsuki, Aung Than Tin, Naoyuki Shimoda, Timothy Collett, Ray Boswell
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