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What is the naming convention for Landsat Collections Level-1 scenes?

The Landsat Collection 1 Level-1 product identifier includes the Collection processing levels, processing date, collection number, and collection tier category:



  • L = Landsat
  • X = Sensor (“C”=OLI/TIRS combined, “O”=OLI-only, “T”=TIRS-only, “E”=ETM+, “T”=“TM, “M”=MSS)
  • SS = Satellite (”07”=Landsat 7, “08”=Landsat 8)
  • LLL = Processing correction level (L1TP/L1GT/L1GS)
  • PPP = WRS path
  • RRR = WRS row
  • YYYYMMDD = Acquisition year, month, day
  • yyyymmdd - Processing year, month, day
  • CC = Collection number (01, 02, …)
  • TX = Collection category (“RT”=Real-Time, “T1”=Tier 1, “T2”=Tier 2)

Example:  LC08_L1GT_029030_20151209_20160131_01_RT

Means: Landsat 8; OLI/TIRS combined; processing correction level L1GT; path 029; row 030; acquired December 9, 2015; processed January 31, 2016; Collection 1; Real-Time

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