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USGS Fractured Rock Geophysical Toolbox Method Selection Tool

Video Transcript
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Detailed Description

This video provides an overview of the USGS Fractured Rock Geophysical Toolbox Method Selection Tool. The Fractured Rock Geophysical Toolbox Method Selection Tool (FRGT-MST) is an Excel-based tool for identification of geophysical methods most likely to be appropriate for project goals and site conditions. We envision the FRGT-MST: 1) equipping remediation professionals with a tool to understand what is likely to be realistic and cost effective when contracting geophysical services, and 2) reducing applications of geophysics with unrealistic objectives or where methods are likely to fail. The 'toolbox' comprises 30 surface, cross-hole, and borehole geophysical methods. Additionally, hydrologic tests appropriate to fractured rock are included. The user enters information in two tables for site parameters and project goals. Based on user entry, a third table is populated with indicators for which methods support specified goals and are feasible at the site. Worksheet appendices provide detailed information on various methods. The toolbox and additional information are available from the USGS website, 

Additional Credits: 
Written and Produced by C.B. Dawson and F.D. Day-Lewis, U.S. Geological Survey Office of Groundwater, Branch of Geophysics. Development of the tool was supported by the Environmental Security Technology Certification Program, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the USGS.




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