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An official website of the United States government

Educational Resources

Tap into over 140 years of USGS research in the natural sciences with lesson plans, activities, maps, podcasts, lectures, videos, animations, and more. Select from the SCIENCE TOPICS on the left-hand navigation bar or the titles BELOW the images under Educational Topics, which will guide you to lessons & activities.

Educational Topics

Image: A Green Treefrog in Florida
mine symbol map for conterminous US
This is a photo of a view from Desert View in Grand Canyon National Park.
hawaii forest
Global Change
Color photograph of lava lake
Natural Hazards
Underwater image of wave breaking over a coral reef
Oceans and Coasts
Earth, the water planet
Solar System
Color photograph of cone near coast
Water Resources
Map highlighting locations of USGS shoreline change data products
Data in Schools
Three UGSS staff smiling at a table with various animal displays under a tent
Adventures in STEM
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