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Earth Science Week at USGS

Earth Science Week, founded in 1998 by the American Geosciences Institute (AGI), is an annual international event held during the second week of October to encourage better public understanding of and appreciation for the Earth Sciences and Earth stewardship.

What is Earth Science Week?

This year's Earth Science Week is the second week in October annually. Each year there is a new theme. 

The USGS partners with AGI to support geoscience literacy by distributing Earth Science Week Teacher's Toolkits, which contain K-12 educational resources from a broad range of partners, including USGS. Many Earth Science Week activities are available online and on social media. Have fun learning about Earth, our one and only home!

Earth Science Week Events

Sunday: International Earthcache Day

An EarthCache is similar to a geocache, and is a special place where people can learn about unique, geological features. EarthCache pages include a set of educational notes along with coordinates. 

Monday: Minerals Day

Minerals Day is all about raising awareness of and appreciation for minerals and mineralogy! A mineral is a naturally occurring, inorganic solid with a distinct chemical composition (or range of compositions) and specific physical properties. There are thousands of different kinds of minerals, so picking a favorite is challenging. Quartz is a common mineral that comes in many different colors, is harder than glass, and is made up of the two most abundant elements in Earth's crust (silicon and oxygen). As part of Earth Science Week 2020, USGS scientist Shannon Mahan talks about how she studies minerals in the video," May the Quartz be WIth You."

To learn more about USGS work with minerals, visit the Energy and Minerals Mission Area, the Mineral Resources Program, and the National Minerals Information Center. Did you know that minerals can even be mapped from hundreds of feet above Earth's surface? Learn more about the USGS Earth Mapping Resources Initiative (Earth MRI) and watch the Earth Science Week (AGI) webinar," The Global Supply of Critical Minerals: Assessing and Tracking Critical Mineral Commodities" by USGS scientist Nedal Nassar.


Minerals in Mobile Devices

Minerals in Mobile Devices

Metals & Minerals in Medical Devices

Metals & Minerals in Medical Devices

Critical Minerals in Landsat 9

Critical Minerals in Landsat 9


Tuesday: Earth Observation Day & No Child Left Inside Day

Learn all about the USGS Landsat Program here. USGS, along with NASA and other agencies, partners with AmericaView to create lesson plans and other educational resources for working with Landsat satellite imagery, which are mostly targeted to grades 6-12. Downloads of the AmericaView board game, "Factory Earth: Making Products from Earth Materials" are available in English and Spanish and the USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center's outreach and education website can be found here.

No Child Left Inside Day encourages students to go outside and research the Earth outside, like a professional geoscientist. Can you get outside today and find something new about Earth? 


Landsat 9 Story Map

Landsat 9 Story Map

Earth Observation Case Studies Videos

Earth Observation Case Studies Videos

Earth Observation for Teachers & Students

Earth Observation for Teachers & Students


Wednesday: National Fossil Day

Fossils are the remains of prehistoric life. Most fossils are found in sedimentary rocks because the other two rock types form when rocks either cool from molten material (igneous rocks) or change due to increases in heat and/or pressure (metamorphic rocks). National Fossil Day promotes the understanding and appreciation of fossils. If you're near Washington DC, you're welcome to visit the Trek Through Time, an interpretive, paved walking path through the trees behind the USGS National Center in Reston, Virginia. Bring your imagination as you walk through the past ~540 million years on Earth and enjoy learning about what Earth (and Virginia) were like during the Phanerozoic.


Trek Through Time

Trek Through Time

Geologic Timescale

Geologic Timescale

News: Oldest Fossil Footprints in North America

News: Oldest Fossil Footprints in North America


Thursday: Geoscience is for Everyone Day 

What inspires you about the Earth? What can you do to help young people from underrepresented communities explore exciting careers in the geosciences?



Geoscience is for everyone

Geoscience is for everyone

Water Cycle in many languages

Water Cycle in many languages

Virtual Classroom Visits

Virtual Classroom Visits


Friday: Geologic Map Day

Why are geologic maps important, and how are they used? Geologic Map Day promotes awareness and understanding of geologic maps and is hosted by the U.S. Geological Survey, Association of American State Geologists, National Park Service, Geological Society of America, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in partnership with AGI. Want to know what rocks are beneath your feet? Need ideas for Geologic Map Day? You can learn all about geologic maps with the National Geologic Map Database. Then, watch a recording of a public lecture about the National Geologic Map Database (Aug. 2022) and download a USGS geologic map of North America, known as the Tapestry of Time and Terrain.

Did you know that the USGS-NASA Planetary Mapping Program makes geologic maps of other planets and moons? Explore interactive geologic maps here and find a color-by-number activity of the Perseverance Landing site (Jezero Crater on Mars) here.

Knowing what types of rocks are under your feet is important for the understanding of natural hazard risks, resource identification, exploration, infrastructure planning, and more. EDMAP is part of the National Cooperative Geologic Program; follow the link for more information.


National Geologic Map Database

National Geologic Map Database

Educational Mapping Program - EdMap

Educational Mapping Program - EdMap

Tapestry of Time and Terrain Download

Tapestry of Time and Terrain Download


Saturday: International Archaeology Day

Hosted by the Archaeological Institute of America, this event is a celebration of archaeology and discovery. 

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