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November 30, 2023

USGS Research Economist Aaron Enriquez was invited to travel to the University of Alaska Anchorage to participate in a series of meetings with researchers working on topics related to marine Arctic resilience, adaptations, and transformations.

Aaron is attending as an expert on the economic value of salmon, and he will be presenting updates on his salmon-related research. In that work, Aaron has modeled people’s demand for fishing trips to different personal use fishing sites in Southcentral Alaska. He observes how demand depends on various daily factors, including salmon run size, commercial fishery operation, weather, and more.

Using travel cost methods, Aaron also estimates some nonmarket values of interest, including the value per personal use fishing trip, the value per salmon caught while personal use fishing, the value per additional salmon in the run, and the value for reductions in commercial fishing.

He will be in Anchorage, Alaska during the week of December 4th through 8th.

photo of man with large dipnet containing a fish. Birds, other dipnetters, beach, ocean in background.
Aaron Enriquez fishing on an overcast day at the Kenai River Personal Use Salmon Fishery.

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