Models provide the capability to simulate scenarios of possible future conditions and management options to help water-resource professionals with planning decisions. Groundwater models are commonly used to evaluate changes to the water budget of an aquifer resulting from land-use changes, water withdrawals, and climate, and how these changes affect streamflow, lake levels, water quality, and other important variables.
Watershed models are useful for addressing a wide range of water-resource challenges, such as quantifying changes in water availability over time, understanding the effects of development and land-use changes on water resources, quantifying changes in constituent loads and yields over time, and quantifying aquifer recharge temporally and spatially throughout a watershed.
The USGS Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center (OTWSC) uses a variety of modeling techniques to simulate and describe water conditions in Oklahoma and Texas. Visit the links below for more information on our data and science.
OTWSC has expertise in a wide variety of modeling science applications, including, but not limited to:
- Hydraulic Analysis
- Flood Inundation
- Continuous Regression
- Numerical
- Groundwater Flow
- Saline and Brackish Water
- Flow and Transport
- Integrated Surface-water/Groundwater
- Land Subsidence
- Parameter Estimation/Uncertainty Quantification
- Web-based model viewer
Find out more about OTWSC geophysics science expertise in this printable information sheet.
Groundwater Models
Computer models of groundwater systems simulate the flow of groundwater, including water levels, and the transport of chemical constituents and thermal energy. Groundwater models provide hydrologists with a framework on which to organize their knowledge and understanding of groundwater systems, and they provide insights that water-resources managers need to plan effectively for future water demands.
MODFLOW is the USGS's modular hydrologic model. MODFLOW is considered an international standard for simulating and predicting groundwater conditions and groundwater/surface-water interactions.
Coastal Lowlands Regional Groundwater Availability Study
Coastal Inflow Sediment and Nutrient Monitoring
Edwards Aquifer Groundwater Model Uncertainty Analysis
Estimating Potential Effects on Streamflow from Nearby Wells in the Lower San Antonio River Basin
Hydrogeologic Framework of Gaines, Terry, and Yoakum Counties
National Water-Quality Assessment Project in Texas - Surface Water Activities
National Water-Quality Assessment Project in Texas - Groundwater Activities
Upper Rio Grande Basin Focus Area Study
Hydraulic Models
Hydrologic Engineering Center River Analysis System (HEC–RAS) is a step-backwater model for simulation of water-surface profiles with steady state (gradually varied) or unsteady-state flow computation options. Hydrologic, hydraulic, and other data (such as high resolution Digital Elevation Models and Land Use/Land Cover) can be incorporated into the HEC-RAS model in order to better represent field conditions in the study area. Once calibrated, HEC-RAS models can be used to simulate potential floods of varying flow magnitudes.
Bandera Flood Early Warning Tool
InFRM Flood Inundation Mapping
Hydrologic Trends Analysis for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Projects related to modeling are listed below.
Estimating Potential Effects on Streamflow from Nearby Wells in the Lower San Antonio River Basin
Upper Rio Grande Basin Focus Area Study
Red River Focus Area Study
Nutrient and Sediment Variability in the Lower San Jacinto River
National Water-Quality Assessment Project in Texas - Surface Water Activities
InFRM Flood Inundation Mapping
Hydrologic Trends Analysis on selected Texas streams
Hydrogeologic Framework and Geochemistry of Gaines, Terry, and Yoakum Counties
Nutrient and Sediment Monitoring in Inflows to Texas Bays and Estuaries
Edwards Aquifer Groundwater Model Uncertainty Analysis
Coastal Lowlands Regional Groundwater Availability Study
Bandera Flood Early Warning Tool
Recent publications related to modeling are listed below. A full listing of modeling publications is available from the USGS Publication Warehouse: Modeling Publications
The importance of parameterization when simulating the hydrologic response of vegetative land-cover change
Forecast first: An argument for groundwater modeling in reverse
Geophysics- and geochemistry-based assessment of the geochemical characteristics and groundwater-flow system of the U.S. part of the Mesilla Basin/Conejos-Médanos aquifer system in Doña Ana County, New Mexico, and El Paso County, Texas, 2010–12
Characterization of streamflow, suspended sediment, and nutrients entering Galveston Bay from the Trinity River, Texas, May 2014–December 2015
Improving our understanding of hydraulic-electrical relations: A case study of the surficial aquifer in Emirate Abu Dhabi
A python framework for environmental model uncertainty analysis
Simulation of streamflow and the effects of brush management on water yields in the Double Mountain Fork Brazos River watershed, western Texas 1994–2013
New insights into the Edwards Aquifer—Brackish-water simulation, drought, and the role of uncertainty analysis
Updated numerical model with uncertainty assessment of 1950-56 drought conditions on brackish-water movement within the Edwards aquifer, San Antonio, Texas
Linkage of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool and the Texas Water Availability Model to simulate the effects of brush management on monthly storage of Canyon Lake, south-central Texas, 1995-2010
Data and Tools related to modeling are listed below.
GWWebFlow is a browser-based groundwater model viewer designed to allow users to easily explore model inputs and outputs for published and approved USGS models.
Models provide the capability to simulate scenarios of possible future conditions and management options to help water-resource professionals with planning decisions. Groundwater models are commonly used to evaluate changes to the water budget of an aquifer resulting from land-use changes, water withdrawals, and climate, and how these changes affect streamflow, lake levels, water quality, and other important variables.
Watershed models are useful for addressing a wide range of water-resource challenges, such as quantifying changes in water availability over time, understanding the effects of development and land-use changes on water resources, quantifying changes in constituent loads and yields over time, and quantifying aquifer recharge temporally and spatially throughout a watershed.
The USGS Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center (OTWSC) uses a variety of modeling techniques to simulate and describe water conditions in Oklahoma and Texas. Visit the links below for more information on our data and science.
OTWSC has expertise in a wide variety of modeling science applications, including, but not limited to:
- Hydraulic Analysis
- Flood Inundation
- Continuous Regression
- Numerical
- Groundwater Flow
- Saline and Brackish Water
- Flow and Transport
- Integrated Surface-water/Groundwater
- Land Subsidence
- Parameter Estimation/Uncertainty Quantification
- Web-based model viewer
Find out more about OTWSC geophysics science expertise in this printable information sheet.
Groundwater Models
Computer models of groundwater systems simulate the flow of groundwater, including water levels, and the transport of chemical constituents and thermal energy. Groundwater models provide hydrologists with a framework on which to organize their knowledge and understanding of groundwater systems, and they provide insights that water-resources managers need to plan effectively for future water demands.
MODFLOW is the USGS's modular hydrologic model. MODFLOW is considered an international standard for simulating and predicting groundwater conditions and groundwater/surface-water interactions.
Coastal Lowlands Regional Groundwater Availability Study
Coastal Inflow Sediment and Nutrient Monitoring
Edwards Aquifer Groundwater Model Uncertainty Analysis
Estimating Potential Effects on Streamflow from Nearby Wells in the Lower San Antonio River Basin
Hydrogeologic Framework of Gaines, Terry, and Yoakum Counties
National Water-Quality Assessment Project in Texas - Surface Water Activities
National Water-Quality Assessment Project in Texas - Groundwater Activities
Upper Rio Grande Basin Focus Area Study
Hydraulic Models
Hydrologic Engineering Center River Analysis System (HEC–RAS) is a step-backwater model for simulation of water-surface profiles with steady state (gradually varied) or unsteady-state flow computation options. Hydrologic, hydraulic, and other data (such as high resolution Digital Elevation Models and Land Use/Land Cover) can be incorporated into the HEC-RAS model in order to better represent field conditions in the study area. Once calibrated, HEC-RAS models can be used to simulate potential floods of varying flow magnitudes.
Bandera Flood Early Warning Tool
InFRM Flood Inundation Mapping
Hydrologic Trends Analysis for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Projects related to modeling are listed below.
Estimating Potential Effects on Streamflow from Nearby Wells in the Lower San Antonio River Basin
Upper Rio Grande Basin Focus Area Study
Red River Focus Area Study
Nutrient and Sediment Variability in the Lower San Jacinto River
National Water-Quality Assessment Project in Texas - Surface Water Activities
InFRM Flood Inundation Mapping
Hydrologic Trends Analysis on selected Texas streams
Hydrogeologic Framework and Geochemistry of Gaines, Terry, and Yoakum Counties
Nutrient and Sediment Monitoring in Inflows to Texas Bays and Estuaries
Edwards Aquifer Groundwater Model Uncertainty Analysis
Coastal Lowlands Regional Groundwater Availability Study
Bandera Flood Early Warning Tool
Recent publications related to modeling are listed below. A full listing of modeling publications is available from the USGS Publication Warehouse: Modeling Publications
The importance of parameterization when simulating the hydrologic response of vegetative land-cover change
Forecast first: An argument for groundwater modeling in reverse
Geophysics- and geochemistry-based assessment of the geochemical characteristics and groundwater-flow system of the U.S. part of the Mesilla Basin/Conejos-Médanos aquifer system in Doña Ana County, New Mexico, and El Paso County, Texas, 2010–12
Characterization of streamflow, suspended sediment, and nutrients entering Galveston Bay from the Trinity River, Texas, May 2014–December 2015
Improving our understanding of hydraulic-electrical relations: A case study of the surficial aquifer in Emirate Abu Dhabi
A python framework for environmental model uncertainty analysis
Simulation of streamflow and the effects of brush management on water yields in the Double Mountain Fork Brazos River watershed, western Texas 1994–2013
New insights into the Edwards Aquifer—Brackish-water simulation, drought, and the role of uncertainty analysis
Updated numerical model with uncertainty assessment of 1950-56 drought conditions on brackish-water movement within the Edwards aquifer, San Antonio, Texas
Linkage of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool and the Texas Water Availability Model to simulate the effects of brush management on monthly storage of Canyon Lake, south-central Texas, 1995-2010
Data and Tools related to modeling are listed below.
GWWebFlow is a browser-based groundwater model viewer designed to allow users to easily explore model inputs and outputs for published and approved USGS models.