Surface-Water and Groundwater Interaction Science in Oklahoma and Texas - Overview
Surface-water/groundwater interactions include the exchange of water, and the chemicals that may be present in the water, which can lead to issues with water supply and water quality. Groundwater can be a major contributor to streams, lakes, and wetlands while surface water can contribute recharge to groundwater. The USGS Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center (OTWSC) uses geophysics and other techniques to study surface-water/groundwater interaction across the state. Visit the links below for more information on our data and science.
Streams interact with groundwater in all types of landscapes. The interaction takes place in three basic ways:
- streams gain water from inflow of groundwater through the streambed (gaining stream),
- streams lose water to groundwater by outflow through the streambed (losing stream), or
- they do both, gaining in some reaches and losing in other reaches.
For groundwater to discharge into a stream channel, the altitude of the water table in the vicinity of the stream must be higher than the altitude of the stream-water surface. Conversely, for surface water to seep to groundwater, the altitude of the water table in the vicinity of the stream must be lower than the altitude of the stream-water surface. Surface-water depletion is directly associated with chronic lowering of groundwater levels. The amount of water that is gained by a stream from groundwater is called baseflow. Several different methods of analyzing hydrographs have been used by hydrologists to determine the baseflow component of streamflow.
The movement of water between groundwater and surface water provides a major pathway for chemical transfer between terrestrial and aquatic systems. As chemicals are transferred between groundwater and surface water, the supply of carbon, oxygen, nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus, and other chemical constituents that enhance biogeochemical processes on both sides of the interface can be affected. This transfer can affect the biological and chemical characteristics of aquatic systems downstream.
OTWSC has expertise in surface-water and groundwater interaction science applications, including, but not limited to:
- Using passive near-surface and frequency-domain electromagnetic induction methods profiling to identify where surface water and groundwater exchange occurs
- Using time-domain electromagnetic sounding (TDEM) and seismic refraction tomography (SRT) geophysical methods for mapping the contact between aquifers
- Providing qualitative information regarding surface-water and groundwater exchanges
- Characterizing the connection between surface water and groundwater
- Estimating surface-water/groundwater exchange as part of the water budget
- Numerical modeling of the integrated surface and groundwater system
- Estimating contributions of runoff and baseflow and evaluate trends in streamflow and baseflow over time
- Quantifying recharge rates to groundwater
Find out more about OTWSC surface-water science and groundwater science expertise in these printable information sheets.
Coastal Lowlands Regional Groundwater Availability Study
Estimating Potential Effects on Streamflow from Nearby Wells in the Lower San Antonio River Basin
Hydrologic Monitoring of Medina and Diversion Lakes, San Antonio Area
Streamflow and Springflow at Comal and San Marcos River
Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Program
Upper Rio Grande Basin Focus Area Study
Using Geophysics to Study Surface-Water/Groundwater Interaction
Seismic and Geoelectric Characterization of the Precambrian Granite Gravel Aquifer
Water Quality
Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone Monitoring Network
Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone Surface-water and Groundwater Interaction
Salado Creek Bacteria Source Tracking
Pecos River Basin Salinity Assessment
National Water-Quality Assessment Project in Texas - Groundwater Activities
More information about how surface-water and groundwater interact is available in USGS Circular 1139: Ground Water And Surface Water A Single Resource
Projects related to groundwater/surface-water interaction are listed below.
Upper Rio Grande Basin Focus Area Study
Investigation of Preferential Groundwater Seepage in the Ellenburger – San Saba Aquifer Using Geoelectric Measurements
Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone Surface-water and Groundwater Interaction
Red River Focus Area Study
Hydrologic Monitoring of Medina and Diversion Lakes, San Antonio Area
Geoelectric and Seismic Characterization of the Precambrian Granite Gravel Aquifer, Llano Uplift, Central Texas
Urban Waters Federal Partnership - Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone Monitoring Network
Coastal Lowlands Regional Groundwater Availability Study
Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Program (TAAP)
Publications related to groundwater/surface-water interaction are listed below.
New insights into surface-water/groundwater exchanges in the Guadalupe River, Texas, from floating geophysical methods
Water-quality observations of the San Antonio segment of the Edwards aquifer, Texas, with an emphasis on processes influencing nutrient and pesticide geochemistry and factors affecting aquifer vulnerability, 2010–16
Streamflow gains and losses in the Colorado River in northwestern Burnet and southeastern San Saba Counties, Texas
A multiphased approach to groundwater investigations for the Edwards-Trinity and related aquifers in the Pecos County region, Texas
A conceptual hydrogeologic model for the hydrogeologic framework, geochemistry, and groundwater-flow system of the Edwards-Trinity and related aquifers in the Pecos County region, Texas
A conceptual model of the hydrogeologic framework, geochemistry, and groundwater-flow system of the Edwards-Trinity and related aquifers in the Pecos County region, Texas
Streamflow, groundwater hydrology, and water quality in the upper Coleto Creek watershed in southeast Texas, 2009–10
Recent (2008-10) water quality in the Barton Springs segment of the Edwards aquifer and its contributing zone, central Texas, with emphasis on factors affecting nutrients and bacteria
Surface-water/groundwater interactions include the exchange of water, and the chemicals that may be present in the water, which can lead to issues with water supply and water quality. Groundwater can be a major contributor to streams, lakes, and wetlands while surface water can contribute recharge to groundwater. The USGS Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center (OTWSC) uses geophysics and other techniques to study surface-water/groundwater interaction across the state. Visit the links below for more information on our data and science.
Streams interact with groundwater in all types of landscapes. The interaction takes place in three basic ways:
- streams gain water from inflow of groundwater through the streambed (gaining stream),
- streams lose water to groundwater by outflow through the streambed (losing stream), or
- they do both, gaining in some reaches and losing in other reaches.
For groundwater to discharge into a stream channel, the altitude of the water table in the vicinity of the stream must be higher than the altitude of the stream-water surface. Conversely, for surface water to seep to groundwater, the altitude of the water table in the vicinity of the stream must be lower than the altitude of the stream-water surface. Surface-water depletion is directly associated with chronic lowering of groundwater levels. The amount of water that is gained by a stream from groundwater is called baseflow. Several different methods of analyzing hydrographs have been used by hydrologists to determine the baseflow component of streamflow.
The movement of water between groundwater and surface water provides a major pathway for chemical transfer between terrestrial and aquatic systems. As chemicals are transferred between groundwater and surface water, the supply of carbon, oxygen, nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus, and other chemical constituents that enhance biogeochemical processes on both sides of the interface can be affected. This transfer can affect the biological and chemical characteristics of aquatic systems downstream.
OTWSC has expertise in surface-water and groundwater interaction science applications, including, but not limited to:
- Using passive near-surface and frequency-domain electromagnetic induction methods profiling to identify where surface water and groundwater exchange occurs
- Using time-domain electromagnetic sounding (TDEM) and seismic refraction tomography (SRT) geophysical methods for mapping the contact between aquifers
- Providing qualitative information regarding surface-water and groundwater exchanges
- Characterizing the connection between surface water and groundwater
- Estimating surface-water/groundwater exchange as part of the water budget
- Numerical modeling of the integrated surface and groundwater system
- Estimating contributions of runoff and baseflow and evaluate trends in streamflow and baseflow over time
- Quantifying recharge rates to groundwater
Find out more about OTWSC surface-water science and groundwater science expertise in these printable information sheets.
Coastal Lowlands Regional Groundwater Availability Study
Estimating Potential Effects on Streamflow from Nearby Wells in the Lower San Antonio River Basin
Hydrologic Monitoring of Medina and Diversion Lakes, San Antonio Area
Streamflow and Springflow at Comal and San Marcos River
Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Program
Upper Rio Grande Basin Focus Area Study
Using Geophysics to Study Surface-Water/Groundwater Interaction
Seismic and Geoelectric Characterization of the Precambrian Granite Gravel Aquifer
Water Quality
Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone Monitoring Network
Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone Surface-water and Groundwater Interaction
Salado Creek Bacteria Source Tracking
Pecos River Basin Salinity Assessment
National Water-Quality Assessment Project in Texas - Groundwater Activities
More information about how surface-water and groundwater interact is available in USGS Circular 1139: Ground Water And Surface Water A Single Resource
Projects related to groundwater/surface-water interaction are listed below.
Upper Rio Grande Basin Focus Area Study
Investigation of Preferential Groundwater Seepage in the Ellenburger – San Saba Aquifer Using Geoelectric Measurements
Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone Surface-water and Groundwater Interaction
Red River Focus Area Study
Hydrologic Monitoring of Medina and Diversion Lakes, San Antonio Area
Geoelectric and Seismic Characterization of the Precambrian Granite Gravel Aquifer, Llano Uplift, Central Texas
Urban Waters Federal Partnership - Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone Monitoring Network
Coastal Lowlands Regional Groundwater Availability Study
Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Program (TAAP)
Publications related to groundwater/surface-water interaction are listed below.