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Geospatial Data for Coal Beds in the Little Snake River coal field and Red Desert area, Greater Green River Basin, Wyoming

August 16, 2018
The data release encapsulates geospatial data in support of the regional scale study, Coal Geology and Assessment of Coal Resources and Reserves in the Little Snake River coal field and Red Desert assessment area, Greater Green River Basin, Wyoming. The assessment area covers about 2,300 square miles of the Eastern portion of the 15,400 square mile Greater Green River Basin in Southwestern Wyoming. This release includes geospatial data for the study area boundary, depth to coal, thickness of coal, outcrops and reliability. These data were compiled from numerous sources, the primary one being a database of point data that resides in a separate data release.
Publication Year 2018
Title Geospatial Data for Coal Beds in the Little Snake River coal field and Red Desert area, Greater Green River Basin, Wyoming
DOI 10.5066/F7GQ6X2J
Authors Scott A Kinney, Jon Haacke, Robert F Miller, Dylan E. Harwell
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Energy Resources Program Headquarters Office
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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