Users access USGS water data in various ways, including using automated scripts and functions. Computational tools are open-source software and code resources that make USGS water data easily discoverable, accessible and usable. These tools perform tasks such as retrieving data, calculating statistics, and creating visualizations.
Computational Tools is a robust and regularly-maintained USGS code ‘toolbox’ containing software packages in open-source scripting languages including R and Python.
This toolbox aids users by providing software and user resources that:
Improve accessibility and usability of water data
Promote user understanding of USGS data
Support best practices of data use
Improve interpretation of quality flags and censored data
User-focused software and tools
We want to provide tools that are valuable to our users, so we design the functionality and features offered in a tool with you in mind. Ideas and inspiration for new tool development can come directly from users or from USGS engagement and outreach efforts. Users contribute feedback throughout the life of the tools, during development and once the tools are published. This helps ensure that the tools remain functional and relevant to today’s water data user needs.
We publish our software on public platforms such as GitHub where users can report bugs and submit feedback. We encourage collaboration and each piece of software provides information on how to contribute.
Currently available code resources
Data retrieval code packages – available in R, Python and Julia languages, these packages provide easy access to publicly available water data from the USGS, EPA and other organizations. The packages utilize the USGS water services API ( and joint USGS-EPA supported Water Quality Portal web services (
R dataRetrieval:
Python dataRetrieval:
Julia DataRetrieval:
HASP – the Hydrologic AnalySis Package. This R package retrieves publicly accessible groundwater data, performs basic statistical analyses and generates summary plots and tables to view changes over time:
Hyswap – the HYdrologic Surface Water Analysis Package. This python package provides a set of functions for calculating statistics and generating summary plots on a surface water data set:
Contact us
If you have questions or feedback about a Computational Tools resource, please contact us at:
Interested in testing this product or other Water Data for the Nation tools? Contact us at:
Users access USGS water data in various ways, including using automated scripts and functions. Computational tools are open-source software and code resources that make USGS water data easily discoverable, accessible and usable. These tools perform tasks such as retrieving data, calculating statistics, and creating visualizations.
Computational Tools is a robust and regularly-maintained USGS code ‘toolbox’ containing software packages in open-source scripting languages including R and Python.
This toolbox aids users by providing software and user resources that:
Improve accessibility and usability of water data
Promote user understanding of USGS data
Support best practices of data use
Improve interpretation of quality flags and censored data
User-focused software and tools
We want to provide tools that are valuable to our users, so we design the functionality and features offered in a tool with you in mind. Ideas and inspiration for new tool development can come directly from users or from USGS engagement and outreach efforts. Users contribute feedback throughout the life of the tools, during development and once the tools are published. This helps ensure that the tools remain functional and relevant to today’s water data user needs.
We publish our software on public platforms such as GitHub where users can report bugs and submit feedback. We encourage collaboration and each piece of software provides information on how to contribute.
Currently available code resources
Data retrieval code packages – available in R, Python and Julia languages, these packages provide easy access to publicly available water data from the USGS, EPA and other organizations. The packages utilize the USGS water services API ( and joint USGS-EPA supported Water Quality Portal web services (
R dataRetrieval:
Python dataRetrieval:
Julia DataRetrieval:
HASP – the Hydrologic AnalySis Package. This R package retrieves publicly accessible groundwater data, performs basic statistical analyses and generates summary plots and tables to view changes over time:
Hyswap – the HYdrologic Surface Water Analysis Package. This python package provides a set of functions for calculating statistics and generating summary plots on a surface water data set:
Contact us
If you have questions or feedback about a Computational Tools resource, please contact us at:
Interested in testing this product or other Water Data for the Nation tools? Contact us at: