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The Massachusetts Reservoir Simulation Tool

October 5, 2016


The Massachusetts Reservoir Simulation Tool is a screening-level model developed to examine the effects of reservoirs on the natural streamflow of streams in Massachusetts. The Massachusetts Reservoir Simulation Tool simulates the daily water balance equation of a water supply reservoir and estimates the magnitude, frequency and duration of spillage below the dam over the period of record. The application has a menu-driven user interface that allows the simulation of single- or multiple-reservoir systems.

Documentation and limitations of methods

Levin, S.B.,2016, Effects of water-supply reservoirs on streamflow in Massachusetts: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2016-5123, 35 p., available online at:


Publication Year 2016
Title The Massachusetts Reservoir Simulation Tool
Product Type Software Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
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