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June 7, 2024
The hyswap-geospatial-data-assembly contains function scripts that acquire and pre-process geospatial data used as input for hyswap (HYdrologic Surface Water Analysis Package), a Python package with functions for manipulating hydrologic data and visualizing current conditions with a historical context. hyswap-gda supports hyswap by providing functions that process required spatial inputs data. This repository can also be leveraged for other downstream applications. Briefly, hyswap-gda takes drainage area shapefiles that a user saves locally as well as USGS watershed boundary (hydrologic units, or HUCs) data at multiple resolution levels, determines the overlap between drainage areas and HUCs, and produces a dataframe of the proportion of overlap between drainage areas and HUCs (and vice versa). The output is formatted to be an input to the hyswap package for calculating runoff at various spatial scales. The spatial data such as HUC boundaries or drainage areas that are fetched and processed through the functions in this repository can also be used to spatially visualize results from hyswap calculations.
Publication Year 2024
Title surface-water-geospatial-data-assembly
DOI 10.5066/P165UIYY
Authors Margaux J Sleckman, Elise D Hinman, Scott D Hamshaw, Lee Stanish
Product Type Software Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Water Resources Mission Area - Headquarters
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