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Coastal Multibeam Bathymetry Data Collected in August 2022 From Breton Island, Louisiana

As part of the restoration monitoring component of the Deepwater Horizon early restoration project, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center in St. Petersburg, Florida (USGS–SPCSMC), conducted a bathymetric survey near Breton Island, Louisiana (LA). During this study, multibeam bathymetry data were collected aboard the research vessel (R...

Gulf of Mexico Sediment Trap Foraminifera Data

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) deployed a sediment trap (McLane PARFLUX 78H) mooring in the northern Gulf of Mexico (27.5 degrees N and 90.3 degrees W, water depth 1150 meters [m]) in January 2008 to collect seasonal time-series data on the flux and assemblage composition of planktic foraminifers. The trap was positioned in the water column at a depth of 700 m on a mooring cable to...

2021 Gulf of Mexico Mangrove Freeze Damage Data

This data set contains measurements of black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) leaf damage following the February 2021 freeze event that affected mangroves in the northern Gulf of Mexico.

12-Digit Hydrologic Unit Outlet Locations for Selected Watersheds Draining to the Gulf of Mexico in the South-Central and Southeastern United States, Derived from the USGS Watershed Boundary Dataset (dated August 13, 2020) and NHDPlus version 2.1

This USGS data release includes a shapefile of outlet point locations for 12-digit hydrologic units (HU12s) from the Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD), dated August 13, 2020 (U.S. Geological Survey and others, 2020), draining to the Gulf of Mexico in the south-central and southeastern United States. The outlet locations were derived by combining the WBD boundaries with flow direction...

Data Release: Modeling coastal salinity regime for biological application

Salinity regimes in coastal ecosystems are highly dynamic and driven by complex geomorphic and hydrological processes. Estuarine biota are generally adapted to salinity fluctuation, but are vulnerable to salinity extremes. Characterizing coastal salinity regime for ecological studies therefore requires representing extremes of salinity ranges at various time scales relevant to ecology (e...

Vegetation greenness observations by dune crest elevation, East and West Ship Island, Mississippi 2008-2009

This data release provides greenness for the dune crest and nearby backslope of the dune estimated from cloud-free 30-m satellite imagery during the hurricane seasons for 2008 and 2009 for East and West Ship Island, Mississippi. These data also include dune crest elevation from September 2008 produced by the U.S. Geological Survey (

Habitat use and trends of landbirds using National Wildlife Refuges along the northern Gulf of Mexico during migration

This data release includes measures of vertically-integrated reflectivity (VIR) and estimates of linear trends in VIR as observed by the Weather Surveillance Radar 1988 Doppler (WSR-88D) stations along the Gulf of Mexico during spring and autumn migrations from 2018-2020. The VIR is a measure of bird density and can be used to map the spatial distribution of birds as they leave stopover...

Data from: Decision science for management of coastal ecosystems

Coastal management decisions are complex and include challenging tradeoffs. Decision science offers a useful framework to address such complex problems. We illustrate the process with several coastal restoration studies. Our capstone example is based on a recent barrier island restoration assessment project at Dauphin Island, Alabama, which included the development of geomorphological...

Water-quality and phytoplankton data for Lake Pontchartrain and the western Mississippi Sound associated with operation of the Bonnet Carre Spillway, 2008-2020

The Bonnet Carré Spillway (BCS), located about 28 miles northwest of New Orleans, Louisiana, was constructed in the early 1930s as part of an integrated flood-control system for the lower Mississippi River Plain. The BCS is designed to divert water from the Mississippi River (MSR) into Lake Pontchartrain (LP), which then flows into Lake Borgne and the Mississippi Sound (MS Sound), thus...

Green turtle genetics in the Gulf of Mexico, 2006-2019

Mitochondrial DNA markers have elucidated patterns of connectivity between green turtle nesting populations (rookeries) and juveniles foraging in neritic nursery habitats. However, missing rookery baseline data and haplotype sharing among populations have often impeded inferences, including ascertaining origins of Gulf of Mexico juveniles. We sequenced the mitochondrial control region...

Satellite tracking data for post-nesting green turtles from Northwest Florida (2002-2020)

This dataset includes processed satellite tracking data collected from green turtles between July 2002 and October 2020 in the Gulf of Mexico along the west coast of Florida from the Florida Keys to the Gulf Islands National Seashore. It contains model output including from the state-space model (SSM) described in Lamont et al. (2022) and centroids associated with the 50 percent and 95...

Radioanalytical Measurements on Samples From Submarine, Karstic Carbonate Features Along the West Florida Shelf

Relict karstic features, often referred to as blue holes, are common features along continental shelves that are underlain by carbonate rich sediments and/or rocks. Several of these features occur along the west-Florida shelf within the Gulf of Mexico, including the two mentioned in this data product: Amberjack Hole and Green Banana Sink (hereafter referred to as Green Banana)...
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