Stephen Boyte
Stephen Boyte is a Research Geographer at USGS EROS in Sioux Falls, SD, USA.
Stephen Boyte is a Research Geographer at USGS EROS in Sioux Falls, SD, USA.
Science and Products
Contributions to the development of the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Sagebrush Conservation Strategy
USGS scientists are contributing to the development of the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Sagebrush Conservation Strategy, a strategy intended to provide guidance so that efforts to conserve the iconic greater sage-grouse can be expanded to the entire sagebrush biome to benefit the people and wildlife that depend on it.
Drought Monitoring Datasets Available as OGC Web Map Services (WMS)
Web Services The Drought Monitoring datasets are available as OGC Web Map Services (WMS). You can access the services using the below links.
Modeling Effects of Climate Change on Cheatgrass Die-Off Areas in the Northern Great Basin
Cheatgrass began invading the Great Basin about 100 years ago, changing large parts of the landscape from a rich, diverse ecosystem to one where a single invasive species dominates. Cheatgrass dominated areas experience more fires that burn more land than in native ecosystems, resulting in economic and resource losses. Therefore, the reduced production, or absence, of cheatgrass in...
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Weekly Changes of Exotic Annual Grasses (EAG) abundance in the Sagebrush Biome, USA, 2024
These datasets provide weekly differences of early estimates of 2024 fractional cover for exotic annual grass (EAG) that were released from April to late June. The EAG estimates were publicly released within 7-13 days of the latest satellite observation used for that version. Each weekly release contained five fractional cover maps along with their corresponding confidence maps for: 1) a...
Cheatgrass and Medusahead annual Phenology extraction in Snake River Plain and Northern Basin and Range
Phenological dynamics of terrestrial ecosystems reflect the response of the Earth's vegetation canopy to changes in climate and hydrology and are thus important to monitor operationally. The cheatgrass and medusahead phenology in the Snake River Plain (SRP) and Northern Basin and Range (NBR) based on 30m near seamless Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 (HLS) Normalized Difference...
Early Estimates of Exotic Annual Grass (EAG) in the Sagebrush Biome, USA, 2024
These datasets provide early estimates of 2024 fractional cover for exotic annual grass (EAG) species and one native perennial grass species on a weekly basis from April to late June. Typically, the EAG estimates are publicly released within 7-13 days of the latest satellite observation used for that version. Each weekly release contains five fractional cover maps along with their...
Early Estimates of Exotic Annual Grass (EAG) in the Sagebrush Biome, USA, 2023
These datasets provide early estimates of 2023 fractional cover for exotic annual grass (EAG) species and one native perennial grass species on a weekly basis from May to early July. The EAG estimates are developed typically within 7-13 days of the latest satellite observation used for that version. Each weekly release contains four fractional cover maps along with their corresponding...
Predicted exotic annual grass abundance in rangelands of the western United States using various precipitation scenarios for 2022
Invasion of exotic annual grass (EAG), such as cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum), red brome (Bromus rubens), and medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae), could have irreversible degradation impact to arid and semiarid rangeland ecosystems in the western United States. The distribution and abundance of these EAG species are highly influenced by weather variables such as temperature and...
Biophysical drivers for predicting the distribution and abundance of invasive yellow sweet clover in the Northern Great Plains
Yellow sweetclover (Melilotus officinalis; YSC), an invasive biennial legume, bloomed throughout the Northern Great Plains (NGP) following greater-than-average precipitation during 2018-2019. YSC can increase nitrogen (N) levels and potentially cause broad changes in the composition of native plant species communities. There is little knowledge of the drivers behind its spatiotemporal...
Using seasonal climate scenarios in the ForageAhead annual forage production model for early drought impact assessment
High interannual variability of forage production in semi-arid grasslands leads to uncertainties when livestock producers make decisions such as buying additional feed, relocating animals, or using flexible stocking. Within-season predictions of annual forage production (i.e., yearly production) can provide specific boundaries for producers to make these decisions with more information...
S-NPP 375-m eVIIRS Remote Sensing Phenology Metrics - across the conterminous U.S. (Ver. 2.0, August 2024)
Phenological dynamics of terrestrial ecosystems reflect the response of the Earth's vegetation canopy to changes in climate and hydrology and are thus important to monitor operationally. Researchers at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center have developed methods for documenting the seasonal dynamics of vegetation in an operational...
Exotic annual grass (EAG) phenology estimates in the western U.S. rangelands based on 30-m HLS NDVI (ver. 3.0, September 2024)
This data provides locations and technical specifications of legacy and current versions of the United States Wind Turbines database. Almost all of which are utility-scale. Utility-scale turbines are ones that generate power and feed it into the grid, supplying a utility with energy. They are usually much larger than turbines that would feed a homeowner or business. Each release...
Early Estimates of Exotic Annual Grass (EAG) in the Sagebrush Biome, USA, 2022 (ver 6.0, July 2022)
These datasets provide early estimates of 2022 fractional cover for exotic annual grass (EAG) species and one native perennial grass species on a bi-weekly basis from May to early July. The EAG estimates are developed within one week of the latest satellite observation used for that version. Each bi-weekly release contains four fractional cover maps along with their corresponding...
Early Estimates of Exotic Annual Grass (EAG) in the Sagebrush Biome, USA, July 2021, (ver 2.0, January 2022)
These datasets provide early estimates of 2021 exotic annual grasses (EAG) fractional cover predicted on July 1 using satellite observation data available until June 28th. In previous releases, we developed and released one general EAG fractional cover map with an emphasis on cheatgrass (Bromus tectrorum) but also included number of other species, i.e., Bromus arvensis L., Bromus...
Fractional Estimates of Multiple Exotic Annual Grass (EAG) Species in the Sagebrush Biome, USA, 2016 - 2023 (ver. 4.0, July 2024)
This dataset release provides historical (2016 - 2023) estimates of fractional cover for Exotic Annual Grass (EAG) species and a native perennial bunch grass in the arid and semi-arid rangelands of the western United States. The dataset includes four (five for 2023) fractional cover maps per year, accompanied by corresponding confidence maps, for a group of 16 species of EAGs, Cheatgrass...
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Predicting exotic annual grass abundance in rangelands of the western United States using various precipitation scenarios
Expansion of exotic annual grass (EAG), such as cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) and medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae [L.] Nevski), could cause irreversible changes to arid and semiarid rangeland ecosystems in the western United States. The distribution and abundance of EAG species are highly affected by weather variables such as temperature and precipitation. The study's goal is to...
Devendra Dahal, Stephen P. Boyte, Michael Oimoen
Using seasonal climate scenarios in the ForageAhead annual forage production model for early drought impact assessment
High interannual variability of forage production in semiarid grasslands leads to uncertainties when livestock producers make decisions, such as buying additional feed, relocating animals, or using flexible stocking. Within-season predictions of annual forage production (i.e., yearly production) can provide specific boundaries for producers to make these decisions with more information...
Markéta Poděbradská, Bruce K. Wylie, Michael J. Hayes, Deborah J. Bathke, Yared A. Bayissa, Stephen P. Boyte, Jesslyn F. Brown, Brian D. Wardlow
Biophysical drivers for predicting the distribution and abundance of invasive yellow sweetclover in the Northern Great Plains
ContextYellow sweetclover (Melilotus officinalis; YSC) is an invasive biennial legume that bloomed across the Northern Great Plains in 2018–2019 in response to above-average precipitation. YSC can increase nitrogen (N) levels and potentially cause substantial changes in the composition of native plant species communities. There is little knowledge of the spatiotemporal variability and...
Sakshi Saraf, Ranjeet John, Reza Goljani Amirkhiz, Venkatesh Kolluru, Khushboo Jain, Matthew B. Rigge, Vincenzo Giannico, Stephen P. Boyte, Jiquan Chen, Geoffrey M. Henebry, Meghann Jarchow, Raffaele Lafortezza
Extracting exotic annual grass phenology and climate relations in western U.S. rangeland ecoregions
This research builds upon the extensive body of work to model exotic annual grass (EAG) characteristics and invasion. EAGs increase wildland fire risk and intensifies wildland fire behavior in western U.S. rangelands. Therefore, understanding characteristics of EAG growth increases understanding of its dynamics and can inform rangeland management decisions. To better understand EAG...
Trenton D Benedict, Stephen P. Boyte, Devendra Dahal, Dinesh Shrestha, Sujan Parajuli, Logan J. Megard
Multi-species inference of exotic annual and native perennial grasses in rangelands of the western United States using Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 data
The invasion of exotic annual grass (EAG), e.g., cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) and medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae), into rangeland ecosystems of the western United States is a broad-scale problem that affects wildlife habitats, increases wildfire frequency, and adds to land management costs. However, identifying individual species of EAG abundance from remote sensing, particularly...
Devendra Dahal, Neal J. Pastick, Stephen P. Boyte, Sujan Parajuli, Michael J. Oimoen, Logan J. Megard
Tools and technologies for quantifying spread and impacts of invasive species
The need for tools and technologies for understanding and quantifying invasive species has never been greater. Rates of infestation vary on the species or organism being examined across the United States, and notable examples can be found. For example, from 2001 to 2003 alone, ash (Fraxinus spp.) mortality progressed at a rate of 12.97 km year −1 (Siegert et al. 2014), and cheatgrass...
Matt Reeves, Ines Ibanez, Dana Blumenthal, Gang Chen, Qinfeng Guo, Catherine S. Jarnevich, Jennifer Koch, Frank Sapio, Michael D. Schwartz, Ross K. Meentemeyer, Bruce Wylie, Stephen P. Boyte
Rapid monitoring of the abundance and spread of exotic annual grasses in the western United States using remote sensing and machine learning
Exotic annual grasses (EAG) are one of the most damaging agents of change in western North America. Despite known socio-environmental effects of EAG there remains a need to enhance monitoring capabilities for better informing conservation and management practices. Here, we integrate field observations, remote sensing and climate data with machine-learning techniques to estimate and...
Neal Pastick, Bruce Wylie, Matthew B. Rigge, Devendra Dahal, Stephen P. Boyte, Matthew O. Jones, Brady W Allred, Sujan Parajuli, Zhuoting Wu
Exploring VIIRS continuity with MODIS in an expedited capability for monitoring drought-related vegetation conditions
Vegetation has been effectively monitored using remote sensing time-series vegetation index (VI) data for several decades. Drought monitoring has been a common application with algorithms tuned to capturing anomalous temporal and spatial vegetation patterns. Drought stress models, such as the Vegetation Drought Response Index (VegDRI), often use VIs like the Normalized Difference...
Trenton D Benedict, Jesslyn F. Brown, Stephen P. Boyte, Daniel Howard, Brian Fuchs, Brian D. Wardlow, Tsegaye Tadesse, Kirk Evenson
Estimating abiotic thresholds for sagebrush condition class in the western United States
Sagebrush ecosystems of the western United States can transition from extended periods of relatively stable conditions to rapid ecological change if acute disturbances occur. Areas dominated by native sagebrush can transition from species-rich native systems to altered states where non-native annual grasses dominate, if resistance to annual grasses is low. The non-native annual grasses...
Stephen P. Boyte, Bruce K. Wylie, Yingxin Gu, Donald J. Major
Characterizing land surface phenology and exotic annual grasses in dryland ecosystems using Landsat and Sentinel-2 data in harmony
Invasive annual grasses, such as cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.), have proliferated in dryland ecosystems of the western United States, promoting increased fire activity and reduced biodiversity that can be detrimental to socio-environmental systems. Monitoring exotic annual grass cover and dynamics over large areas requires the use of remote sensing that can support early detection and...
Neal Pastick, Devendra Dahal, Bruce K. Wylie, Sujan Parajuli, Stephen P. Boyte, Zhuoting Wu
Validating a time series of annual grass percent cover in the sagebrush ecosystem
We mapped yearly (2000–2016) estimates of annual grass percent cover for much of the sagebrush ecosystem of the western United States using remotely sensed, climate, and geophysical data in regression-tree models. Annual grasses senesce and cure by early summer and then become beds of fine fuel that easily ignite and spread fire through rangeland systems. Our annual maps estimate the...
Stephen P. Boyte, Bruce K. Wylie, Donald J. Major
Fusing MODIS with Landsat 8 data to downscale weekly normalized difference vegetation index estimates for central Great Basin rangelands, USA
Data fused from distinct but complementary satellite sensors mitigate tradeoffs that researchers make when selecting between spatial and temporal resolutions of remotely sensed data. We integrated data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor aboard the Terra satellite and the Operational Land Imager sensor aboard the Landsat 8 satellite into four regression...
Stephen P. Boyte, Bruce K. Wylie, Matthew B. Rigge, Devendra Dahal
Science and Products
Contributions to the development of the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Sagebrush Conservation Strategy
USGS scientists are contributing to the development of the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Sagebrush Conservation Strategy, a strategy intended to provide guidance so that efforts to conserve the iconic greater sage-grouse can be expanded to the entire sagebrush biome to benefit the people and wildlife that depend on it.
Drought Monitoring Datasets Available as OGC Web Map Services (WMS)
Web Services The Drought Monitoring datasets are available as OGC Web Map Services (WMS). You can access the services using the below links.
Modeling Effects of Climate Change on Cheatgrass Die-Off Areas in the Northern Great Basin
Cheatgrass began invading the Great Basin about 100 years ago, changing large parts of the landscape from a rich, diverse ecosystem to one where a single invasive species dominates. Cheatgrass dominated areas experience more fires that burn more land than in native ecosystems, resulting in economic and resource losses. Therefore, the reduced production, or absence, of cheatgrass in...
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Weekly Changes of Exotic Annual Grasses (EAG) abundance in the Sagebrush Biome, USA, 2024
These datasets provide weekly differences of early estimates of 2024 fractional cover for exotic annual grass (EAG) that were released from April to late June. The EAG estimates were publicly released within 7-13 days of the latest satellite observation used for that version. Each weekly release contained five fractional cover maps along with their corresponding confidence maps for: 1) a...
Cheatgrass and Medusahead annual Phenology extraction in Snake River Plain and Northern Basin and Range
Phenological dynamics of terrestrial ecosystems reflect the response of the Earth's vegetation canopy to changes in climate and hydrology and are thus important to monitor operationally. The cheatgrass and medusahead phenology in the Snake River Plain (SRP) and Northern Basin and Range (NBR) based on 30m near seamless Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 (HLS) Normalized Difference...
Early Estimates of Exotic Annual Grass (EAG) in the Sagebrush Biome, USA, 2024
These datasets provide early estimates of 2024 fractional cover for exotic annual grass (EAG) species and one native perennial grass species on a weekly basis from April to late June. Typically, the EAG estimates are publicly released within 7-13 days of the latest satellite observation used for that version. Each weekly release contains five fractional cover maps along with their...
Early Estimates of Exotic Annual Grass (EAG) in the Sagebrush Biome, USA, 2023
These datasets provide early estimates of 2023 fractional cover for exotic annual grass (EAG) species and one native perennial grass species on a weekly basis from May to early July. The EAG estimates are developed typically within 7-13 days of the latest satellite observation used for that version. Each weekly release contains four fractional cover maps along with their corresponding...
Predicted exotic annual grass abundance in rangelands of the western United States using various precipitation scenarios for 2022
Invasion of exotic annual grass (EAG), such as cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum), red brome (Bromus rubens), and medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae), could have irreversible degradation impact to arid and semiarid rangeland ecosystems in the western United States. The distribution and abundance of these EAG species are highly influenced by weather variables such as temperature and...
Biophysical drivers for predicting the distribution and abundance of invasive yellow sweet clover in the Northern Great Plains
Yellow sweetclover (Melilotus officinalis; YSC), an invasive biennial legume, bloomed throughout the Northern Great Plains (NGP) following greater-than-average precipitation during 2018-2019. YSC can increase nitrogen (N) levels and potentially cause broad changes in the composition of native plant species communities. There is little knowledge of the drivers behind its spatiotemporal...
Using seasonal climate scenarios in the ForageAhead annual forage production model for early drought impact assessment
High interannual variability of forage production in semi-arid grasslands leads to uncertainties when livestock producers make decisions such as buying additional feed, relocating animals, or using flexible stocking. Within-season predictions of annual forage production (i.e., yearly production) can provide specific boundaries for producers to make these decisions with more information...
S-NPP 375-m eVIIRS Remote Sensing Phenology Metrics - across the conterminous U.S. (Ver. 2.0, August 2024)
Phenological dynamics of terrestrial ecosystems reflect the response of the Earth's vegetation canopy to changes in climate and hydrology and are thus important to monitor operationally. Researchers at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center have developed methods for documenting the seasonal dynamics of vegetation in an operational...
Exotic annual grass (EAG) phenology estimates in the western U.S. rangelands based on 30-m HLS NDVI (ver. 3.0, September 2024)
This data provides locations and technical specifications of legacy and current versions of the United States Wind Turbines database. Almost all of which are utility-scale. Utility-scale turbines are ones that generate power and feed it into the grid, supplying a utility with energy. They are usually much larger than turbines that would feed a homeowner or business. Each release...
Early Estimates of Exotic Annual Grass (EAG) in the Sagebrush Biome, USA, 2022 (ver 6.0, July 2022)
These datasets provide early estimates of 2022 fractional cover for exotic annual grass (EAG) species and one native perennial grass species on a bi-weekly basis from May to early July. The EAG estimates are developed within one week of the latest satellite observation used for that version. Each bi-weekly release contains four fractional cover maps along with their corresponding...
Early Estimates of Exotic Annual Grass (EAG) in the Sagebrush Biome, USA, July 2021, (ver 2.0, January 2022)
These datasets provide early estimates of 2021 exotic annual grasses (EAG) fractional cover predicted on July 1 using satellite observation data available until June 28th. In previous releases, we developed and released one general EAG fractional cover map with an emphasis on cheatgrass (Bromus tectrorum) but also included number of other species, i.e., Bromus arvensis L., Bromus...
Fractional Estimates of Multiple Exotic Annual Grass (EAG) Species in the Sagebrush Biome, USA, 2016 - 2023 (ver. 4.0, July 2024)
This dataset release provides historical (2016 - 2023) estimates of fractional cover for Exotic Annual Grass (EAG) species and a native perennial bunch grass in the arid and semi-arid rangelands of the western United States. The dataset includes four (five for 2023) fractional cover maps per year, accompanied by corresponding confidence maps, for a group of 16 species of EAGs, Cheatgrass...
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Predicting exotic annual grass abundance in rangelands of the western United States using various precipitation scenarios
Expansion of exotic annual grass (EAG), such as cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) and medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae [L.] Nevski), could cause irreversible changes to arid and semiarid rangeland ecosystems in the western United States. The distribution and abundance of EAG species are highly affected by weather variables such as temperature and precipitation. The study's goal is to...
Devendra Dahal, Stephen P. Boyte, Michael Oimoen
Using seasonal climate scenarios in the ForageAhead annual forage production model for early drought impact assessment
High interannual variability of forage production in semiarid grasslands leads to uncertainties when livestock producers make decisions, such as buying additional feed, relocating animals, or using flexible stocking. Within-season predictions of annual forage production (i.e., yearly production) can provide specific boundaries for producers to make these decisions with more information...
Markéta Poděbradská, Bruce K. Wylie, Michael J. Hayes, Deborah J. Bathke, Yared A. Bayissa, Stephen P. Boyte, Jesslyn F. Brown, Brian D. Wardlow
Biophysical drivers for predicting the distribution and abundance of invasive yellow sweetclover in the Northern Great Plains
ContextYellow sweetclover (Melilotus officinalis; YSC) is an invasive biennial legume that bloomed across the Northern Great Plains in 2018–2019 in response to above-average precipitation. YSC can increase nitrogen (N) levels and potentially cause substantial changes in the composition of native plant species communities. There is little knowledge of the spatiotemporal variability and...
Sakshi Saraf, Ranjeet John, Reza Goljani Amirkhiz, Venkatesh Kolluru, Khushboo Jain, Matthew B. Rigge, Vincenzo Giannico, Stephen P. Boyte, Jiquan Chen, Geoffrey M. Henebry, Meghann Jarchow, Raffaele Lafortezza
Extracting exotic annual grass phenology and climate relations in western U.S. rangeland ecoregions
This research builds upon the extensive body of work to model exotic annual grass (EAG) characteristics and invasion. EAGs increase wildland fire risk and intensifies wildland fire behavior in western U.S. rangelands. Therefore, understanding characteristics of EAG growth increases understanding of its dynamics and can inform rangeland management decisions. To better understand EAG...
Trenton D Benedict, Stephen P. Boyte, Devendra Dahal, Dinesh Shrestha, Sujan Parajuli, Logan J. Megard
Multi-species inference of exotic annual and native perennial grasses in rangelands of the western United States using Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 data
The invasion of exotic annual grass (EAG), e.g., cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) and medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae), into rangeland ecosystems of the western United States is a broad-scale problem that affects wildlife habitats, increases wildfire frequency, and adds to land management costs. However, identifying individual species of EAG abundance from remote sensing, particularly...
Devendra Dahal, Neal J. Pastick, Stephen P. Boyte, Sujan Parajuli, Michael J. Oimoen, Logan J. Megard
Tools and technologies for quantifying spread and impacts of invasive species
The need for tools and technologies for understanding and quantifying invasive species has never been greater. Rates of infestation vary on the species or organism being examined across the United States, and notable examples can be found. For example, from 2001 to 2003 alone, ash (Fraxinus spp.) mortality progressed at a rate of 12.97 km year −1 (Siegert et al. 2014), and cheatgrass...
Matt Reeves, Ines Ibanez, Dana Blumenthal, Gang Chen, Qinfeng Guo, Catherine S. Jarnevich, Jennifer Koch, Frank Sapio, Michael D. Schwartz, Ross K. Meentemeyer, Bruce Wylie, Stephen P. Boyte
Rapid monitoring of the abundance and spread of exotic annual grasses in the western United States using remote sensing and machine learning
Exotic annual grasses (EAG) are one of the most damaging agents of change in western North America. Despite known socio-environmental effects of EAG there remains a need to enhance monitoring capabilities for better informing conservation and management practices. Here, we integrate field observations, remote sensing and climate data with machine-learning techniques to estimate and...
Neal Pastick, Bruce Wylie, Matthew B. Rigge, Devendra Dahal, Stephen P. Boyte, Matthew O. Jones, Brady W Allred, Sujan Parajuli, Zhuoting Wu
Exploring VIIRS continuity with MODIS in an expedited capability for monitoring drought-related vegetation conditions
Vegetation has been effectively monitored using remote sensing time-series vegetation index (VI) data for several decades. Drought monitoring has been a common application with algorithms tuned to capturing anomalous temporal and spatial vegetation patterns. Drought stress models, such as the Vegetation Drought Response Index (VegDRI), often use VIs like the Normalized Difference...
Trenton D Benedict, Jesslyn F. Brown, Stephen P. Boyte, Daniel Howard, Brian Fuchs, Brian D. Wardlow, Tsegaye Tadesse, Kirk Evenson
Estimating abiotic thresholds for sagebrush condition class in the western United States
Sagebrush ecosystems of the western United States can transition from extended periods of relatively stable conditions to rapid ecological change if acute disturbances occur. Areas dominated by native sagebrush can transition from species-rich native systems to altered states where non-native annual grasses dominate, if resistance to annual grasses is low. The non-native annual grasses...
Stephen P. Boyte, Bruce K. Wylie, Yingxin Gu, Donald J. Major
Characterizing land surface phenology and exotic annual grasses in dryland ecosystems using Landsat and Sentinel-2 data in harmony
Invasive annual grasses, such as cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.), have proliferated in dryland ecosystems of the western United States, promoting increased fire activity and reduced biodiversity that can be detrimental to socio-environmental systems. Monitoring exotic annual grass cover and dynamics over large areas requires the use of remote sensing that can support early detection and...
Neal Pastick, Devendra Dahal, Bruce K. Wylie, Sujan Parajuli, Stephen P. Boyte, Zhuoting Wu
Validating a time series of annual grass percent cover in the sagebrush ecosystem
We mapped yearly (2000–2016) estimates of annual grass percent cover for much of the sagebrush ecosystem of the western United States using remotely sensed, climate, and geophysical data in regression-tree models. Annual grasses senesce and cure by early summer and then become beds of fine fuel that easily ignite and spread fire through rangeland systems. Our annual maps estimate the...
Stephen P. Boyte, Bruce K. Wylie, Donald J. Major
Fusing MODIS with Landsat 8 data to downscale weekly normalized difference vegetation index estimates for central Great Basin rangelands, USA
Data fused from distinct but complementary satellite sensors mitigate tradeoffs that researchers make when selecting between spatial and temporal resolutions of remotely sensed data. We integrated data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor aboard the Terra satellite and the Operational Land Imager sensor aboard the Landsat 8 satellite into four regression...
Stephen P. Boyte, Bruce K. Wylie, Matthew B. Rigge, Devendra Dahal