Mauna Loa: Preparing for the next eruption of Earth’s largest active volcano — Volcano Awareness Month 2022 Geonarrative
The seventh in a series of programs by HVO staff that will be posted on our website throughout the month of January. These programs are presented as part of the Island of Hawai‘i’s annual Volcano Awareness Month, an effort to increase understanding of Hawaiian volcanoes among residents and visitors. Questions? Email
Volcano Awareness Month 2022 Geonarrative
Available here:
Please also see the recent "Volcano Watch" article on Volcano Awareness Month 2022.
Mauna Loa: Preparing for the next eruption of Earth’s largest active volcano
Storymaps, or geonarratives, are web maps that incorporate interactive maps with supportive text and photos. This geonarrative provides an overview of Mauna Loa’s eruptive history and hazards and includes interactive maps and datasets to help Island of Hawai‘i residents prepare for the next eruption. Mauna Loa erupted most recently in 1984, and will erupt again in the future, posing significant risks to people living on the flanks of the volcano. The geonarrative text is adapted largely from the USGS Fact Sheet “Mauna Loa—History, Hazards, and Risk of Living With the World’s Largest Volcano” (Trusdell, 2012).
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