Suspended-sediment concentrations, acoustic data, and linear regression models for the Lower Minnesota River, Mississippi River, and Lake Pepin, 2015-2017
August 20, 2018
A series of linear regression models were developed and calibrated for the Minnesota and Mississippi Rivers. The linear regression models were calibrated using acoustic and suspended-sediment concentration data collected from March through November 2016 and 2017. The estimates of suspended-sediment concentrations from the linear regression were used to calculate loads. The calibrated models were used to improve understanding of sediment transport processes and increase accuracy of estimating sediment concentrations and loads for the Lower Minnesota River, the Mississippi River, and Lake Pepin, as part of the associated report, U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report NEED NUMBER
Citation Information
Publication Year | 2018 |
Title | Suspended-sediment concentrations, acoustic data, and linear regression models for the Lower Minnesota River, Mississippi River, and Lake Pepin, 2015-2017 |
DOI | 10.5066/F7542MXV |
Authors | Erin N Coenen, Joel T Groten, Jeffrey R Ziegeweid, William J. Lund, Erich W Kessler, Christopher A Ellison |
Product Type | Data Release |
Record Source | USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS) |
USGS Organization | Upper Midwest Water Science Center |
Rights | This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal |
Using acoustic Doppler velocity meters to estimate suspended sediment along the lower Minnesota and Mississippi Rivers
Lake Pepin is the largest naturally formed lake on the Mississippi River and has complex management needs to satisfy economic, environmental, and cultural demands. Lake Pepin is filling in with sediment at a rapid rate compared to conditions before settlement by European immigrants and intense agricultural cultivation. Accordingly, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has developed...
Joel T. Groten, Jeffrey R. Ziegeweid, J. William Lund, Christopher A. Ellison, Samuel B. Costa, Erin N. Coenen, Erich W. Kessler
Jeffrey R. Ziegeweid
Bureau Approving Official
Bureau Approving Official
Christopher A. Ellison (Former Employee)
Hydrologist - NDAA
Hydrologist - NDAA
Using acoustic Doppler velocity meters to estimate suspended sediment along the lower Minnesota and Mississippi Rivers
Lake Pepin is the largest naturally formed lake on the Mississippi River and has complex management needs to satisfy economic, environmental, and cultural demands. Lake Pepin is filling in with sediment at a rapid rate compared to conditions before settlement by European immigrants and intense agricultural cultivation. Accordingly, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has developed...
Joel T. Groten, Jeffrey R. Ziegeweid, J. William Lund, Christopher A. Ellison, Samuel B. Costa, Erin N. Coenen, Erich W. Kessler
Jeffrey R. Ziegeweid
Bureau Approving Official
Bureau Approving Official
Christopher A. Ellison (Former Employee)
Hydrologist - NDAA
Hydrologist - NDAA