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Jeffrey R. Ziegeweid

Jeffrey Ziegeweid is a Bureau Approving Official in the Office of Science Quality and Integrity. 

Jeffrey started working for the U.S. Geological Survey in 2008. Prior to becoming a Bureau Approving Official, Jeffrey held USGS positions as a Hydrologic Technician, Hydrologist, Supervisory Hydrologist, Ecologist, and Hydrologic Reports Specialist. Jeffrey has worked for the Minnesota (2008-18), Upper Midwest (2018-21), and California (2021-2024) Water Science Centers and completed a 120-detail with the Midwest Climate Adaptation Science Center in 2020. Most of Jeffrey’s USGS research focused on the intersection of surface-water hydrology, water quality, and aquatic biology. Prior to joining the USGS, Jeffrey worked in a variety of scientific disciplines and geographic locations, including work experience in the Arctic Circle and a study abroad program in Antarctica.

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