Does the USGS have APIs?
An API (Application Programming Interface) enables application programs to interact with each other and share data.
The USGS has many different APIs. Some are listed on a central site. A list of popular USGS APIs includes:
- Earthquakes
- EROS Machine-to-Machine (satellite data and imagery)
- Geomagnetism
- Mineral Resources Online Spatial Data
- Publications Warehouse
- The National Map (base geospatial data)
- Volcanoes
- Water
- USGS ScienceBase Catalog
Where can I find metadata for USGS products?
Metadata links are included with all individual files listed in our Science Data Catalog. USGS data that predate 2000 might not have metadata. Metadata for Publications Metadata for publications (bibliographic information) authored by USGS scientists are in the USGS Publications Warehouse. Metadata for The National Map Products and Services In The National Map Viewer, click on the "Layer List"...
How do I get USGS data?
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) provides data on many different science topics. Most of it can be downloaded for free from our website. Our Science Data Catalog is a good starting point. Also try using your browser's search engine and including the keyword "". If you are looking for a particular data set and cannot find it through Internet searches or our Science Data Catalog...
Can The National Map data be downloaded via direct links?
Direct access to The National Map data is provided via browsable links through: Amazon's Cloud USGS Server Navigate to the appropriate theme folders to access staged products for download. Data can also be downloaded using: The National Map Download Client 3DEP LidarExplorer (lidar only) TopoView (topographic maps only) Download Manager Tool/uGET (for batch downloads). Learn more: The National...
Is there an API for accessing The National Map data?
An Application Programming Interface (API) is a way for developers to interface with data. The National Map (TNM) has one API (TNMAccess) that provides access to all TNM downloadable products that are available through The National Map Download Client. Developers can use HTTP GET and POST requests to directly access products, or use the light graphical interface on the API page to generate queries...
How can I download orthoimagery in bulk?
Download orthoimagery in bulk through a Bulk Download Application (BDA). Free registration is required. Start by clicking on the Help link in EarthExplorer and selecting the Bulk Download Tutorial. To receive bulk data via external hard drive, you must supply the hard drive(s) within our specifications, pay for shipping the drive(s), and provide a paid return label or a carrier account number...
An agricultural package for MODFLOW 6 using the Application Programming Interface
An agricultural water use package has been developed for MODFLOW 6 using the MODFLOW Application Programming Interface (API). The MODFLOW API Agricultural Water Use Package (API-Ag) was based on the approach to simulate irrigation demand in the MODFLOW-NWT and GSFLOW Agricultural Water Use (AG) Package. The API-Ag Package differs from the previous approach by implementing new features...
Joshua Larsen, Christian D. Langevin, Joseph D. Hughes, Richard G. Niswonger
The MODFLOW Application Programming Interface for simulationcontrol and software interoperability
The MODFLOW API allows other programs to control MODFLOW and interactively change variables without having to modify the source code. The MODFLOW API is based on the Basic Model Interface (BMI), which is a set of conventions that define how to initialize a simulation, update the model state by advancing in time, and finalize the run. For many existing MODFLOW coupling applications, the...
Joseph D. Hughes, Martijn J. Russcher, Christian D. Langevin, Eric D. Morway, Richard R. McDonald
Where can I find metadata for USGS products?
Metadata links are included with all individual files listed in our Science Data Catalog. USGS data that predate 2000 might not have metadata. Metadata for Publications Metadata for publications (bibliographic information) authored by USGS scientists are in the USGS Publications Warehouse. Metadata for The National Map Products and Services In The National Map Viewer, click on the "Layer List"...
How do I get USGS data?
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) provides data on many different science topics. Most of it can be downloaded for free from our website. Our Science Data Catalog is a good starting point. Also try using your browser's search engine and including the keyword "". If you are looking for a particular data set and cannot find it through Internet searches or our Science Data Catalog...
Can The National Map data be downloaded via direct links?
Direct access to The National Map data is provided via browsable links through: Amazon's Cloud USGS Server Navigate to the appropriate theme folders to access staged products for download. Data can also be downloaded using: The National Map Download Client 3DEP LidarExplorer (lidar only) TopoView (topographic maps only) Download Manager Tool/uGET (for batch downloads). Learn more: The National...
Is there an API for accessing The National Map data?
An Application Programming Interface (API) is a way for developers to interface with data. The National Map (TNM) has one API (TNMAccess) that provides access to all TNM downloadable products that are available through The National Map Download Client. Developers can use HTTP GET and POST requests to directly access products, or use the light graphical interface on the API page to generate queries...
How can I download orthoimagery in bulk?
Download orthoimagery in bulk through a Bulk Download Application (BDA). Free registration is required. Start by clicking on the Help link in EarthExplorer and selecting the Bulk Download Tutorial. To receive bulk data via external hard drive, you must supply the hard drive(s) within our specifications, pay for shipping the drive(s), and provide a paid return label or a carrier account number...
An agricultural package for MODFLOW 6 using the Application Programming Interface
An agricultural water use package has been developed for MODFLOW 6 using the MODFLOW Application Programming Interface (API). The MODFLOW API Agricultural Water Use Package (API-Ag) was based on the approach to simulate irrigation demand in the MODFLOW-NWT and GSFLOW Agricultural Water Use (AG) Package. The API-Ag Package differs from the previous approach by implementing new features...
Joshua Larsen, Christian D. Langevin, Joseph D. Hughes, Richard G. Niswonger
The MODFLOW Application Programming Interface for simulationcontrol and software interoperability
The MODFLOW API allows other programs to control MODFLOW and interactively change variables without having to modify the source code. The MODFLOW API is based on the Basic Model Interface (BMI), which is a set of conventions that define how to initialize a simulation, update the model state by advancing in time, and finalize the run. For many existing MODFLOW coupling applications, the...
Joseph D. Hughes, Martijn J. Russcher, Christian D. Langevin, Eric D. Morway, Richard R. McDonald
Updated Date: August 22, 2024