Black-capped Chickadee with lower elongated and upper curved beak
Detailed Description
A Black-capped Chickadee with a severely deformed beak where the upper beak is elongated and curved down while the lower beak is elongated and straight
Public Domain.
Monitoring and Research Boreal Partners in Flight Projects
Boreal Partners in Flight has five major regional projects designed to monitor broad-scale trends in populations of landbirds. There are also many projects throughout Alaska that address specific research questions or local monitoring needs.
Background of Beak Deformity Research
Large numbers of Black-capped Chickadees with abnormal beaks were reported in south-central Alaska in the late 1990s. More recently, similar beak deformities have appeared in other species throughout the state. At least 30 Alaskan bird species are affected and the geographic extent of the problem appears to be growing. In addition to Alaskan observations, we have received increasing numbers of...
Monitoring and Research Boreal Partners in Flight Projects
Boreal Partners in Flight has five major regional projects designed to monitor broad-scale trends in populations of landbirds. There are also many projects throughout Alaska that address specific research questions or local monitoring needs.
Background of Beak Deformity Research
Large numbers of Black-capped Chickadees with abnormal beaks were reported in south-central Alaska in the late 1990s. More recently, similar beak deformities have appeared in other species throughout the state. At least 30 Alaskan bird species are affected and the geographic extent of the problem appears to be growing. In addition to Alaskan observations, we have received increasing numbers of...