Tom Custer installing a tree swallow nest box, April 2012, Black River
By Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
2012 (approx.)
Detailed Description
Tom Custer installing a tree swallow nest box, April 2012, Black River at Loraine, OH
Public Domain.
Wildlife Toxicology
The team's long term goal is: Examine the causes, fates, exposures, biological accumulation, and adverse effects (including sublethal effects) of environmental contaminants on animal (largely bird) populations.
Low Levels of Contaminants Found in Great Lakes Tree Swallow Nestlings
Tree swallow nestlings at most study sites in the Great Lakes basin were minimally exposed to organic contaminants.
Wildlife Toxicology
The team's long term goal is: Examine the causes, fates, exposures, biological accumulation, and adverse effects (including sublethal effects) of environmental contaminants on animal (largely bird) populations.
Low Levels of Contaminants Found in Great Lakes Tree Swallow Nestlings
Tree swallow nestlings at most study sites in the Great Lakes basin were minimally exposed to organic contaminants.