Karst Aquifers: Edwards Balcones Fault Zone Aquifer
The Edwards aquifer is the most transmissive of all the aquifers in Texas and Oklahoma, with large discharges from springs and from flowing and pumped wells. This aquifer demonstrates karst features such as springs and in-stream sinkholes, as well as endangered species.
The Edwards aquifer is the most transmissive of all the aquifers in Texas and Oklahoma. Large discharges from springs and from flowing and pumped wells attest to the highly permeable nature of the aquifer. The area underlain by the Edwards aquifer is a combination of agricultural and ranch land and areas of dense population, including the cities of Austin in Travis County and San Antonio in Bexar County. It has been designated a sole source aquifer by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and is the primary source of water for San Antonio, America's eighth largest city. The aquifer is separated into three parts by a groundwater divide and the Colorado River.
Following deposition of Cretaceous rocks, tectonic movement caused the relative uplift of the Edwards Plateau and subsidence of the Gulf of Mexico, and a number of en echelon, northeastward-trending faults formed along the Balcones Fault Zone. The Edwards aquifer is generally coincident with the fault zone. The downdip boundary of the aquifer is largely fault controlled. As a result of the faulting, the chemical quality of the water in the Edwards aquifer can change abruptly in a very short distance across a zone often referred to as the "saline-water line."
As streams cross the Balcones Fault Zone, water percolates downward along the faults where permeability might be greatly enhanced by partial dissolution of limestone. Secondary sources of recharge are direct infiltration of precipitation that falls on aquifer outcrop areas, internal flow of groundwater from the Trinity aquifer where the Edwards and the Trinity aquifers are juxtaposed, and upward leakage from the underlying Trinity aquifer where an upward vertical head gradient exists. Direct recharge to the aquifer can be quite rapid through sinkholes. Water levels in wells completed in the Edwards aquifer rise immediately and springflows increase quickly after major recharge events, thus attesting to a dynamic flow system and the rapid movement of large volumes of water.
In-Stream Sinkholes
Featured Studies and Datasets
Aquifer-scale studies and the datasets they produce are a key component to understanding how karst aquifers behave, and the quality of water within them.
- Barton Springs Aquifer Groundwater Quality — Annual summertime sampling of about a dozen groundwater wells, during non-stormflow conditions, for a variety of constituents.
- Barton Springs Characterization — A 2-year water-quality study of the 4th largest spring in Texas, which produced an interpretive report.
- National Water-Quality Assessment, South-Central Texas — A program to describe the status and trends in water quality of a large, representative part of the Nation's surface-water and groundwater resources.
Additional Information
The following websites are additional sources of information about this aquifer:
- The Edwards Aquifer Website (by Gregg Eckhardt)
- Edwards Aquifer Authority
- Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District
- San Marcos Salamander Photos - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Digital Library
- Barton Springs Salamander Photos - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Digital Library
Below are other science projects associated with karst aquifers.
Karst Aquifers
Karst Aquifers: Arbuckle-Simpson Aquifer
Karst Aquifers: Basin and Range and Bear River Range Carbonate Aquifers
Karst Aquifers: Colorado Plateau Karst
Karst Aquifers: Edwards Balcones Fault Zone Aquifer
Karst Aquifers: Edwards-Trinity Plateau Aquifer
Karst Aquifers: Upper Floridan and Biscayne Aquifers
Karst Aquifers: Madison Aquifer
Karst Aquifers: Midwest Paleozoic Carbonate Aquifers
Karst Aquifers: New England Karst Aquifers
Karst Aquifers: Ozark Plateau Karst Aquifers
Karst Aquifers: Roswell Basin Aquifer
Karst Aquifers: Pacific Northwest Pseudokarst Aquifers
Below are publications associated with this karst aquifer.
Assessing the vulnerability of public-supply wells to contamination—Edwards aquifer near San Antonio, Texas
Hydrogeologic settings and groundwater-flow simulations for regional investigations of the transport of anthropogenic and natural contaminants to public-supply wells—Investigations begun in 2004
Simulations of groundwater flow and particle-tracking analysis in the zone of contribution to a public-supply well in San Antonio, Texas
Hydrogeology, chemical characteristics, and water sources and pathways in the zone of contribution of a public-supply well in San Antonio, Texas
Recent (2008-10) water quality in the Barton Springs segment of the Edwards aquifer and its contributing zone, central Texas, with emphasis on factors affecting nutrients and bacteria
Nitrate concentrations and potential sources in the Barton Springs segment of the Edwards aquifer and its contributing zone, Central Texas
Recent (2008-10) concentrations and isotopic compositions of nitrate and concentrations of wastewater compounds in the Barton Springs zone, south-central Texas, and their potential relation to urban development in the contributing zone
Geochemical evolution processes and water-quality observations based on results of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program in the San Antonio segment of the Edwards aquifer, Texas, 1996-2006
Description and evaluation of numerical groundwater flow models for the Edwards Aquifer, south-central Texas
Using nitrate to quantify quick flow in a karst aquifer
Nutrient dynamics as indicators of karst processes: Comparison of the Chalk aquifer (Normandy, France) and the Edwards aquifer (Texas, U.S.A.)
Relation of specific conductance in ground water to intersection of flow paths by wells, and associated major ion and nitrate geochemistry, Barton Springs Segment of the Edwards Aquifer, Austin, Texas, 1978-2003
The Edwards aquifer is the most transmissive of all the aquifers in Texas and Oklahoma, with large discharges from springs and from flowing and pumped wells. This aquifer demonstrates karst features such as springs and in-stream sinkholes, as well as endangered species.
The Edwards aquifer is the most transmissive of all the aquifers in Texas and Oklahoma. Large discharges from springs and from flowing and pumped wells attest to the highly permeable nature of the aquifer. The area underlain by the Edwards aquifer is a combination of agricultural and ranch land and areas of dense population, including the cities of Austin in Travis County and San Antonio in Bexar County. It has been designated a sole source aquifer by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and is the primary source of water for San Antonio, America's eighth largest city. The aquifer is separated into three parts by a groundwater divide and the Colorado River.
Following deposition of Cretaceous rocks, tectonic movement caused the relative uplift of the Edwards Plateau and subsidence of the Gulf of Mexico, and a number of en echelon, northeastward-trending faults formed along the Balcones Fault Zone. The Edwards aquifer is generally coincident with the fault zone. The downdip boundary of the aquifer is largely fault controlled. As a result of the faulting, the chemical quality of the water in the Edwards aquifer can change abruptly in a very short distance across a zone often referred to as the "saline-water line."
As streams cross the Balcones Fault Zone, water percolates downward along the faults where permeability might be greatly enhanced by partial dissolution of limestone. Secondary sources of recharge are direct infiltration of precipitation that falls on aquifer outcrop areas, internal flow of groundwater from the Trinity aquifer where the Edwards and the Trinity aquifers are juxtaposed, and upward leakage from the underlying Trinity aquifer where an upward vertical head gradient exists. Direct recharge to the aquifer can be quite rapid through sinkholes. Water levels in wells completed in the Edwards aquifer rise immediately and springflows increase quickly after major recharge events, thus attesting to a dynamic flow system and the rapid movement of large volumes of water.
In-Stream Sinkholes
Featured Studies and Datasets
Aquifer-scale studies and the datasets they produce are a key component to understanding how karst aquifers behave, and the quality of water within them.
- Barton Springs Aquifer Groundwater Quality — Annual summertime sampling of about a dozen groundwater wells, during non-stormflow conditions, for a variety of constituents.
- Barton Springs Characterization — A 2-year water-quality study of the 4th largest spring in Texas, which produced an interpretive report.
- National Water-Quality Assessment, South-Central Texas — A program to describe the status and trends in water quality of a large, representative part of the Nation's surface-water and groundwater resources.
Additional Information
The following websites are additional sources of information about this aquifer:
- The Edwards Aquifer Website (by Gregg Eckhardt)
- Edwards Aquifer Authority
- Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District
- San Marcos Salamander Photos - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Digital Library
- Barton Springs Salamander Photos - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Digital Library
Below are other science projects associated with karst aquifers.
Karst Aquifers
Karst Aquifers: Arbuckle-Simpson Aquifer
Karst Aquifers: Basin and Range and Bear River Range Carbonate Aquifers
Karst Aquifers: Colorado Plateau Karst
Karst Aquifers: Edwards Balcones Fault Zone Aquifer
Karst Aquifers: Edwards-Trinity Plateau Aquifer
Karst Aquifers: Upper Floridan and Biscayne Aquifers
Karst Aquifers: Madison Aquifer
Karst Aquifers: Midwest Paleozoic Carbonate Aquifers
Karst Aquifers: New England Karst Aquifers
Karst Aquifers: Ozark Plateau Karst Aquifers
Karst Aquifers: Roswell Basin Aquifer
Karst Aquifers: Pacific Northwest Pseudokarst Aquifers
Below are publications associated with this karst aquifer.