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October 31, 2024

From wooden boxes and nets to 3D printers and gene editing, USGS scientists use tools old and new to tackle the tricky problems of bat science

Bats don’t make it easy to study them. How do you study an animal that is small enough to fit in your hand, blends well into its surroundings, only active at night, has a call that humans can’t hear, and spends much of its time well-hidden in caves and trees?


northern long-eared bat with brown hair, person wearing blue gloves
A northern long-eared bat (USGS).

But bats are really important! They pollinate plants that produce over 300 species of fruit, as well as agave (the plant tequila and mezcal are made from) and spread the seeds of figs, cacao (the main ingredient in chocolate) and other nuts. Bats also provide pest control by eating enormous numbers of insects, which benefits the agriculture and lumber industries—studies have estimated the value of bats to agriculture to be $3.7 billion. One study recently suggested that sharp declines in United States bat populations were correlated with insecticide use and an associated rise in human infant mortality. 


Given their importance, we can't hole up in a cave and avoid studying bats because it’s too hard! Instead, chiropterologists (bat scientists) have to get creative. Some of the methods used by USGS bat scientists have been around for a long time, like setting up big nets to capture bats, or counting bats as they emerge from a roost. But other methods rely on the latest technology, and USGS scientists are innovators, constantly coming up with and testing out new strategies for studying bat biology. 


Here are 10 exciting tools that USGS bat biologists are using or developing to learn about bat biology and develop science-based approaches for bat conservation:


The Oldies But Goodies

If it ain’t broke, keep using it. Acoustic bat detectors, mist nets, and bat houses have been the foundation of bat research for decades, and they still are, even as new tools help scientists process, manage, analyze, and share data collected with these classic approaches.

1. Bat detectors that listen for ultrasonic calls

Long one of the main workhorses of bat biology, bat detectors, or acoustic monitors, listen for the calls of echolocating bats and other bat sounds. Most bat calls are at too high a frequency to be heard by the human ear, but these devices can detect and record them. Then, researchers can visualize the patterns of the calls, or adjust the frequency so that humans can hear them. 

Like birds, different bat species have different calls, and they make different sounds when engaging in different behaviors, so scientists can identify species and other information from the calls by using specialized bat call identification software. Records from acoustic monitoring help bat biologists estimate population sizes, habitat ranges, and more.

Hoary bat echo call (USGS).
Two scientists wearing USGS shirts hold microphones attached to bat detectors high in the air
Ben Lohre and Andrea Schuhmann test acoustic microphones prior to bat surveys (Frankie Tousley, USGS).

Background image: Andrea Schuhmann examines an acoustic bat recording using a software for bat call analysis (Frankie Tousley, USGS).

Examining an acoustic bat recording

2. Really big nets, strategically placed

Mist nets have long been a primary tool for capturing both birds and bats for research. These large, thin, mesh nets are hard for people to see. The bats can still see or detect the nets through echolocation, though, so researchers try to place nets in inconspicuous locations where the bats unknowingly fly or emerge into the nets. 

They are stretched between trees or other structures in areas where bats fly, set up such that bats flying through are funneled into the net. They are often set up over water, where bats fly low to hunt for insects or to drink water. Bat biologists will carefully disentangle bats from the net before processing the bat (taking measurements or performing procedures like attaching a tag or vaccinating the bat) and eventually releasing the bat.

A scientist wearing a USGS shirt reaches out a gloved hand towards a net where a bat is tangled
Andrea Schuhmann removes a bat from a mist net. (Frankie Tousley, USGS).

Background image: 

Biologists set up a triple-high mist net to capture bats with El Capitan, one of Yosemite's most iconic rock formations, in the background, as part of a study to track bats in Yosemite (Austin Waag, USGS).

A triple-high mist net with El Capitan in the background

3. A bat in the belfry? No, a bat in the bat house!

Bats naturally roost in caves or trees, but they also commonly use human-built structures like old buildings and bridges. In some places, people have built wooden bat houses (or bigger bat condos) to encourage bats in areas where roosts may be hard to find or to deter bats from historic buildings by providing an alternate roost site. 

For researchers, bat houses or condos can be great sites to conduct research or capture bats for vaccination. Researchers working on vaccines for white-nose syndrome envision eventually being able to deploy the vaccine by spraying roosts, including bat houses and bat condos, so that bats don’t need to be captured.

A narrow wooden box mounted on a pole, viewed from the bottom, showing four narrow sections for bats to roost
A bat box. (Frankie Tousley, USGS)

Background image: bats roosting in a bat box. (Frankie Tousley, USGS)

Bats roosting in a bat box

The Internet of Bats

While old tools are still essential, the power of the internet and big data are helping scientists gather, process, and make available more bat data than ever before.

4. An interactive map and database of bats

The USGS leads the North American Bat Monitoring Program, or NABat, an international interagency program designed to monitor bat distributions and abundances on public and private lands, with the goal of providing data to inform bat management and conservation. Partner organizations share bat observation data with one another, largely from acoustic monitoring, and have since built an enormous database. 

As of October 2024, the NABat database has over 100 million uploaded acoustic records, as well as nearly 50 million capture, internal roost survey, and emergence counts. In the NABat Partner Portal, users can visualize bat observation records on a map across North America and sort available data by location, species, data type, and date. With so much data now available, USGS researchers in the NABat program are now incorporating machine learning to help process the data, developing software that can identify bat species from audio files.

Background image: a screenshot of the NABat Partner Portal interactive map.

NA Bat Partner Portal screenshot

5. An interactive map and database of … not bats?

Sometimes bat researchers need a map of where bats are located, sometimes they need a map of something completely different, like wind turbines. The US Wind Turbine Database might not include bat-specific data, but it’s a key tool for understanding the threat wind energy may pose to bat populations and how wind energy developers can minimize bat mortality. 

By looking at the overlap between bat habitat and the locations of wind energy, USGS scientists have identified where and during what times of year Mexican free-tailed bats are most at risk from wind turbines. Energy developers can then use this information to determine how strategies like slowing turbine speeds can be used most effectively to minimize collisions with bats.

Image: Wind Turbine and Forest
Wind turbines on a clear day (Paul Cryan, USGS).

Background image: a screenshot of the US Wind Turbine Database.

US Wind Turbine Database

6. Tiny transmitters that weigh as little as a raindrop

Until recently, it’s been difficult to track individual bat movements over long distances or time periods, since they are too small to carry the heavier GPS tags used for other mammals and large birds. But a new type of animal tracking technology, which uses tiny, lightweight nanotags that can be affixed to small flying animals like bats, birds, and even dragonflies, has made the task much easier. 

The tags are part of the Motus Wildlife Tracking System, run by an international collaborative research network. The Motus network is made up of arrays of more than a thousand automated radio telemetry receiving stations around the world that detect signals from tiny tags worn by animals. USGS scientists are using Motus tags to track bats in Washington and California for studies that inform white-nose syndrome monitoring and management, and along the California coast, the data will inform planning for offshore wind energy.

Background image: Hoary bat with a Motus tag (USGS).

Hoary bat with Motus tag

7. Hot videos (from temperature-sensing cameras)

Hibernating bats can spend more than half the year inactive in caves or other dark, difficult to access hibernation locations (hibernacula). Understanding what goes on during hibernation is not only important to understanding a bat’s life history, but hibernation is also when bats are most at risk from white-nose syndrome—the disease disrupts hibernation, causing bats to exhaust their energy stores and die. 

USGS researchers have placed remote, weatherproof temperature-sensing cameras in hibernacula to observe bat behavior during this time of year, in one study collecting nearly 18,000 hours of video (they also developed software to help process all that video). The thermal cameras, which can detect bats and their movements in the dark, showed how two different species behave during hibernation, which may influence their differing susceptibility to white-nose syndrome. Thermal cameras have been used to study other kinds of bat behavior at night, too, like bat interactions with wind turbines.

Bat, bird, and insect activity can be monitored with pairs of thermal-imaging cameras mounted on the wind turbines (a), and automatically recorded to a computer inside the base of the turbine (b). (From Cryan et al., Animals 2022, 12(1)
Bat, bird, and insect activity can be monitored with pairs of thermal-imaging cameras mounted on the wind turbines, and automatically recorded to a computer inside the base of the turbine. (Paul Cryan, USGS).

Background video: Thermal imagery shows a bat approaching a wind turbine tower (USGS).

Bat approaching wind turbine GIF 2

If You Make it, Bats Will Come (And Be Protected from Disease)

USGS scientists are innovators, developing and testing creative new ways to study bats rooted in the latest biomedical and industrial tech.

8. 3D printers that make bat detecting tools more accessible

There are lots of cool tools to study bats, but tools like bat detectors are expensive, which can limit how many of these devices scientists can deploy and how much data they can gather. USGS scientist Paul Cryan is trying to solve this problem with 3D printing. 3D printing allows you to design, test, and build bat audio and video recording devices, more cheaply and accessibly, and customize it to your specific needs. The 3D printed tools are made of recyclable materials and are waterproof and hardy—perfect for field conditions.

A video of a 3D printer printing something red
A 3D-printer in action.
A person holds out a boxy red device made with a 3D printer
Background image: Paul Cryan shows off a 3D-printed bat research tool (Allie Weill, USGS).

Background image: Paul Cryan shows off some of his 3D-printed bat research tools (Allie Weill, USGS).

Paul Cryan holds 3D printed bat tools

9. A CRISPR-based sensor that can detect the agent of a deadly bat disease

CRISPR is a powerful gene editing technique that can edit the DNA of living organisms. Since this technology is precise, cheap, and relatively easy, it has many applications in biotechnology and medicine. One way CRISPR can be used is in the detection of disease—including wildlife disease. Last year, USGS scientists published a paper describing how CRISPR technology can be used to detect the fungus that causes white-nose syndrome in bats, a disease that has killed millions of bats across North America. The tool is minimally invasive and can be used to detect the pathogen from skin swabs of bats in the field. The technique is among the first applications of CRISPR technology to the detection of wildlife disease.

A scientist wearing a full-body protective suit and mask and gloves swabs under a bridge covered in graffiti
A researcher collects guano samples to test with the CRISPR-Cas biosensor.

Background image: Fluorescence readout of CRISPR white-nose syndrome biosensor results. Samples that fluoresce indicate the presence of Pseudogymnoascus destructans (Pd; the pathogen that causes white-nose-syndrome) DNA (USGS).

Fluorescence readout of CRISPR white-nose syndrome biosensor results

10. Vaccines that bats give to each other by grooming

Sure, bats, like many animals can spread disease to one another when they are in close proximity, by touching and grooming one another. But did you know that bats may also be able to spread vaccines to one another in this way? USGS scientists have been field-testing a vaccine for white-nose syndrome for the past few years. The initial version of the vaccine was administered orally, by pipetting the vaccine into the mouths of each bat one-by-one. That takes a long time, and it requires capturing and directly interacting with each bat. 

Gloved hands holding a bat white glove scientists administers vaccine orally.
A researcher gives a bat an oral white-nose syndrome vaccine. (Tonie Rocke, USGS).

Now, USGS scientists are working on a different approach: topical vaccines that bats can spread to one another when they groom each other. So far, they have applied topical vaccine to individual hand-captured bats, but the ultimate goal is to develop a method to spray the vaccine on structures bats use, like bat houses, to minimize disruption to bats and apply the vaccine more efficiently. This year, they have been testing the potential delivery medium, which doesn’t contain the vaccine yet, but contains a biomarker that will help scientists assess uptake by bats and whether it can work for the vaccine.

A person uses a brush to apply a substance to the bottom of a bat house
A researcher applies a test delivery medium for white-nose syndrome vaccine to a bat house. (USGS).

Background image: Bats showing signs of infections with Pseudogymnoascus destructans, the fungus that causes white-nose syndrome. (Kimberli Miller, USGS).

Hibernating Bats with White-nose Syndrome

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