Non-lead ammunition, such as those made from copper, tend to remain intact after impact with their target, while lead ammunition can fragment into many small pieces.
Groundbreaking Study Finds Widespread Lead Poisoning in Bald and Golden Eagles
Nearly 50 percent of birds sampled showed evidence of repeated exposure to lead
A first-of-its-kind, eight-year study has found widespread and frequent lead poisoning in North American bald and golden eagles impacting both species’ populations.

The paper, “Demographic Implications of Lead Poisoning for Eagles Across North America,” was published in the journal Science. Led by scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey, Conservation Science Global, Inc., and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, researchers evaluated lead exposure in bald and golden eagles from 2010 to 2018.
“Studies have shown lethal effects to individual birds, but this new study is the first to show population-level consequences from lead poisoning to these majestic species at such a wide scale," said Anne Kinsinger, USGS Associate Director for Ecosystems.
These findings are the first to look at bald and golden eagle populations across North America, using samples from 1,210 eagles over 38 U.S. states including Alaska. Poisoning at the levels found in the study is causing population growth rates to slow for bald eagles by 3.8 percent and golden eagles by 0.8 percent annually. Previously, evaluations of lead exposure and its impact on eagle populations were only performed in local and regional studies. This groundbreaking study documents how lead poisoning inhibits both species’ population growth across North America.
“This is the first study of lead poisoning of wildlife at a nationwide scale, and it demonstrates the unseen challenges facing these birds of prey. We now know more about how lead in our environment is negatively impacting North America's eagles,” said Todd Katzner, USGS wildlife biologist and lead USGS author.
In this study, almost 50 percent of the birds sampled showed evidence of repeated exposure to lead. Short-term exposure was more frequent in winter months. Both eagle species are scavengers and use dead animals as a food source year-round, but particularly rely on them during the winter months when live prey is harder to find. Lead poisoning typically occurs when an eagle eats lead ammunition fragments lodged inside an animal carcass or in gut piles left behind when game is dressed in the field. The frequency of chronic lead poisoning found in both species increased with age because lead accumulates in bone as eagles are repeatedly exposed to the heavy metal throughout their lives.
“The study’s modeling shows that lead reduces the rate of population growth for both of these protected species. That is not as impactful for bald eagles since this endemic species population is growing at 10 percent per year across the U.S. In contrast, the golden eagle’s population is not as stable, and any additional mortality could tip it towards a decline,” said Brian Millsap, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Raptor Coordinator and co-author.
This study included authors from academia, nonprofits, consulting services, industry, state, federal and international agencies. Funding was provided by nonprofit foundations and state and federal agencies.
Lead (Pb) in Bald and Golden Eagles from 38 United States, USA, 2010-2018
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Non-lead ammunition, such as those made from copper, tend to remain intact after impact with their target, while lead ammunition can fragment into many small pieces.
This bald eagle was admitted to The Raptor Center in St. Paul, MN where it was determined by veterinarians to be poisoned by lead. The bowed head, drooped wings, and green stained tail feathers are all typical signs of lead poisoning of raptors.
This bald eagle was admitted to The Raptor Center in St. Paul, MN where it was determined by veterinarians to be poisoned by lead. The bowed head, drooped wings, and green stained tail feathers are all typical signs of lead poisoning of raptors.
This radiograph, or x-ray, is of a bald eagle that had ingested lead. The cluster of bright white spots in its gut are lead shotgun pellets eaten by the eagle.
This radiograph, or x-ray, is of a bald eagle that had ingested lead. The cluster of bright white spots in its gut are lead shotgun pellets eaten by the eagle.
This deer was shot with a lead bullet. The bright white spots scattered throughout its body are fragments of lead from that bullet. These fragments can be eaten by scavengers, such as eagles, when they feed upon a gut pile or carcass left out in the field.
This deer was shot with a lead bullet. The bright white spots scattered throughout its body are fragments of lead from that bullet. These fragments can be eaten by scavengers, such as eagles, when they feed upon a gut pile or carcass left out in the field.
Golden eagle populations in North America are either holding steady or possibly in decline and below the number that which the environment can support.
Golden eagle populations in North America are either holding steady or possibly in decline and below the number that which the environment can support.
Photo of three bald eagles captured on a game camera. There are two adults with a juvenile.
Photo of three bald eagles captured on a game camera. There are two adults with a juvenile.
This adult female bald eagle is named "Relish." She was banded #57 and fitted with a GPS transmitter in January 2019 as part of the Raptor View Research Institute's bird-lead study. She nested near the Great Slave Lake in the NW Territories, Canada in the Summer of 2019. Her transmitter stopped sending location data in May 2020.
This adult female bald eagle is named "Relish." She was banded #57 and fitted with a GPS transmitter in January 2019 as part of the Raptor View Research Institute's bird-lead study. She nested near the Great Slave Lake in the NW Territories, Canada in the Summer of 2019. Her transmitter stopped sending location data in May 2020.
Two adult bald eagles look on while two younger bald eagles fight. The eagle on top is a juvenile bald eagle and the one on the bottom is a Basic IV.
Two adult bald eagles look on while two younger bald eagles fight. The eagle on top is a juvenile bald eagle and the one on the bottom is a Basic IV.
This is a young golden eagle in its third winter. Golden eagles generally don't reach adulthood until about their fifth year.
This is a young golden eagle in its third winter. Golden eagles generally don't reach adulthood until about their fifth year.
There are two juvenile golden eagles. Golden eagles are one of the largest birds in North America. They have a wingspan from 72.8 to 86.6 inches.
There are two juvenile golden eagles. Golden eagles are one of the largest birds in North America. They have a wingspan from 72.8 to 86.6 inches.
A Basic II bald eagle on the left fights with a golden eagle. A Basic IV bald eagle flies away.
A Basic II bald eagle on the left fights with a golden eagle. A Basic IV bald eagle flies away.
Two young golden eagles fight in the snow. In the winter, eagles tend to scavenge for food as prey become scarce.
Two young golden eagles fight in the snow. In the winter, eagles tend to scavenge for food as prey become scarce.
In August of 2018 this adult female golden eagle was captured and outfitted with a GPS transmitter. You can see the transmitter on the eagle’s back, below the head. This was the first golden eagle ever captured as part of a research project in Yellowstone National Park.
In August of 2018 this adult female golden eagle was captured and outfitted with a GPS transmitter. You can see the transmitter on the eagle’s back, below the head. This was the first golden eagle ever captured as part of a research project in Yellowstone National Park.
The eagle in the foreground with the wide white tail band is a golden eagle. The other eagles are two adult and one Basic II bald eagles.
The eagle in the foreground with the wide white tail band is a golden eagle. The other eagles are two adult and one Basic II bald eagles.
Demographic implications of lead poisoning for eagles across North America
Lead (Pb) in Bald and Golden Eagles from 38 United States, USA, 2010-2018
If you are unable to access or download a product, email a request, including the full citation, or call (541) 750-1030.
Non-lead ammunition, such as those made from copper, tend to remain intact after impact with their target, while lead ammunition can fragment into many small pieces.
Non-lead ammunition, such as those made from copper, tend to remain intact after impact with their target, while lead ammunition can fragment into many small pieces.
This bald eagle was admitted to The Raptor Center in St. Paul, MN where it was determined by veterinarians to be poisoned by lead. The bowed head, drooped wings, and green stained tail feathers are all typical signs of lead poisoning of raptors.
This bald eagle was admitted to The Raptor Center in St. Paul, MN where it was determined by veterinarians to be poisoned by lead. The bowed head, drooped wings, and green stained tail feathers are all typical signs of lead poisoning of raptors.
This radiograph, or x-ray, is of a bald eagle that had ingested lead. The cluster of bright white spots in its gut are lead shotgun pellets eaten by the eagle.
This radiograph, or x-ray, is of a bald eagle that had ingested lead. The cluster of bright white spots in its gut are lead shotgun pellets eaten by the eagle.
This deer was shot with a lead bullet. The bright white spots scattered throughout its body are fragments of lead from that bullet. These fragments can be eaten by scavengers, such as eagles, when they feed upon a gut pile or carcass left out in the field.
This deer was shot with a lead bullet. The bright white spots scattered throughout its body are fragments of lead from that bullet. These fragments can be eaten by scavengers, such as eagles, when they feed upon a gut pile or carcass left out in the field.
Golden eagle populations in North America are either holding steady or possibly in decline and below the number that which the environment can support.
Golden eagle populations in North America are either holding steady or possibly in decline and below the number that which the environment can support.
Photo of three bald eagles captured on a game camera. There are two adults with a juvenile.
Photo of three bald eagles captured on a game camera. There are two adults with a juvenile.
This adult female bald eagle is named "Relish." She was banded #57 and fitted with a GPS transmitter in January 2019 as part of the Raptor View Research Institute's bird-lead study. She nested near the Great Slave Lake in the NW Territories, Canada in the Summer of 2019. Her transmitter stopped sending location data in May 2020.
This adult female bald eagle is named "Relish." She was banded #57 and fitted with a GPS transmitter in January 2019 as part of the Raptor View Research Institute's bird-lead study. She nested near the Great Slave Lake in the NW Territories, Canada in the Summer of 2019. Her transmitter stopped sending location data in May 2020.
Two adult bald eagles look on while two younger bald eagles fight. The eagle on top is a juvenile bald eagle and the one on the bottom is a Basic IV.
Two adult bald eagles look on while two younger bald eagles fight. The eagle on top is a juvenile bald eagle and the one on the bottom is a Basic IV.
This is a young golden eagle in its third winter. Golden eagles generally don't reach adulthood until about their fifth year.
This is a young golden eagle in its third winter. Golden eagles generally don't reach adulthood until about their fifth year.
There are two juvenile golden eagles. Golden eagles are one of the largest birds in North America. They have a wingspan from 72.8 to 86.6 inches.
There are two juvenile golden eagles. Golden eagles are one of the largest birds in North America. They have a wingspan from 72.8 to 86.6 inches.
A Basic II bald eagle on the left fights with a golden eagle. A Basic IV bald eagle flies away.
A Basic II bald eagle on the left fights with a golden eagle. A Basic IV bald eagle flies away.
Two young golden eagles fight in the snow. In the winter, eagles tend to scavenge for food as prey become scarce.
Two young golden eagles fight in the snow. In the winter, eagles tend to scavenge for food as prey become scarce.
In August of 2018 this adult female golden eagle was captured and outfitted with a GPS transmitter. You can see the transmitter on the eagle’s back, below the head. This was the first golden eagle ever captured as part of a research project in Yellowstone National Park.
In August of 2018 this adult female golden eagle was captured and outfitted with a GPS transmitter. You can see the transmitter on the eagle’s back, below the head. This was the first golden eagle ever captured as part of a research project in Yellowstone National Park.
The eagle in the foreground with the wide white tail band is a golden eagle. The other eagles are two adult and one Basic II bald eagles.
The eagle in the foreground with the wide white tail band is a golden eagle. The other eagles are two adult and one Basic II bald eagles.