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Application of normalized radar backscatter and hyperspectral data to augment rangeland vegetation fractional classification
Rangeland ecosystems in the western United States are vulnerable to climate change, fire, and anthropogenic disturbances, yet classification of rangeland areas remains difficult due to frequently sparse vegetation canopies that increase the influence of soils and senesced vegetation, the overall abundance of senesced vegetation, heterogeneity of life forms, and limited ground-based data...
Matthew B. Rigge, Brett Bunde, Kory Postma, Simon Oliver, Norman Mueller
Deep lithospheric controls on surface deformation and seismicity around the East Anatolian Fault Zone and A3 Triple Junction
The East Anatolian Fault Zone (EAFZ) is a plate-bounding strike-slip fault capable of hosting large earthquakes, as demonstrated by the extremely damaging February 2023 Mw 7.8 and Mw 7.7 mainshocks of the Kahramanmaraş earthquake sequence. Deformation related to this boundary, part of the Anatolia-Arabia-Africa (A3) Triple Junction, is diffuse, as was shown by part of this earthquake...
Jonathan Daily, Michael H. Darin, Donna L. Whitney, M. Cosca, Christian Teyssier, Nuretdin Kaymakci, Tuna Eken, Mary R. Reid, Susan L. Beck
Mammalian lures monitored with time-lapse cameras increase detection of pythons and other snakes
BackgroundEnhancing detection of cryptic snakes is critical for the development of conservation and management strategies; yet, finding methods that provide adequate detection remains challenging. Issues with detecting snakes can be particularly problematic for some species, like the invasive Burmese python (Python bivittatus) in the Florida Everglades.MethodsUsing multiple survey...
Marina E. McCampbell, McKayla M. Spencer, Kristen Hart, Gabrielle Link, Andrew J. Watson, Robert A. McCleery
Computationally efficient emulation of spheroidal elastic deformation sources using machine learning models: a Gaussian-process-based approach
Elastic continuum mechanical models are widely used to compute deformations due to pressure changes in buried cavities, such as magma reservoirs. In general, analytical models are fast but can be inaccurate as they do not correctly satisfy boundary conditions for many geometries, while numerical models are slow and may require specialized expertise and software. To overcome these...
Kyle R. Anderson, Mengyang Gu
Siting considerations for satellite observation of river discharge
With growing global capability for satellite measurement of river discharge (flow) comes a need to understand and reduce error in satellite-based discharge measurements. Satellite-based discharge estimates are based on measurements of water surface width, elevation, slope, and potentially velocity. Site selection is important for reducing error and uncertainty in both conventional and...
Jack R. Eggleston, Chris A. Mason, David M. Bjerklie, Michael T. Durand, Robert W. Dudley, Merritt Elizabeth Harlan
A reproducible manuscript workflow with a Quarto template
Scientists and resource managers increasingly use Markdown-based tools to create reproducible reports and manuscripts. These workflows allow people to use standardized methods that are more reproducible, efficient, and transparent than other standard office tools. We present a Quarto template and demonstrate how this template may be used for a journal, the Journal of Fish and Wildlife...
Richard A. Erickson, Althea A. Archer, Michael N. Fienen
Assessing the vertical accuracy of digital elevation models by quality level and land cover
The vertical accuracy of elevation data in coastal environments is critical because small variations in elevation can affect an area’s exposure to waves, tides, and storm-related flooding. Elevation data contractors typically quantify the vertical accuracy of lidar-derived digital elevation models (DEMs) on a per-project basis to gauge whether the datasets meet quality and accuracy...
Minoo Han, Nicholas Enwright, Dean B. Gesch, Jason M. Stoker, Jeffrey J. Danielson, Christopher J. Amante
A spatial machine learning model developed from noisy data requires multiscale performance evaluation: Predicting depth to bedrock in the Delaware River Basin, USA
Spatial machine learning models can be developed from observations with substantial unexplainable variability, sometimes called ‘noise’. Traditional point-scale metrics (e.g., R2) alone can be misleading when evaluating these models. We present a multi-scale performance evaluation (MPE) using two additional scales (distributional and geostatistical). We apply the MPE framework to...
Phillip J. Goodling, Kenneth Belitz, Paul Stackelberg, Brandon Fleming
Back from the brink: Estimating daily and annual abundance of natural-origin salmon smolts from 30-years of mixed-origin capture-recapture data
Evaluating the status and trends of natural-origin anadromous fish populations over time requires robust estimates of out-migrating juvenile abundance. Information on abundance is typically acquired by capturing actively migrating fish as they pass stationary monitoring platforms. Challenges to estimation include protracted migration timing, temporally varying capture probabilities and...
Dalton Hance, John Plumb, Russell Perry, Kenneth Tiffan
Modeling the mid-Piacenzian warm climate using the water isotope-enabled Community Earth System Model (iCESM1.2-ITPCAS)
The mid-Piacenzian Warm Period (MPWP, ~ 3.264–3.025 Ma) is the most recent example of a persistently warmer climate in equilibrium with atmospheric CO2 concentrations similar to today. Towards studying patterns and dynamics of a warming climate the MPWP is often compared to today. Following the Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project, Phase 2 (PlioMIP2) protocol we prepare a water isotope...
Yong Sun, Baohuang Su, Harry J. Dowsett, Haibin Wu, Jun Hu, Christian Stepanek, Zhongyu Xiong, Xiayu Yuan, Gilles Ramstein
Viability modeling for decision support with limited data: A lizard case study
Plateau spot-tailed earless lizards, Holbrookia lacerata, are a species of ground lizard in central Texas that are under review for listing as endangered under the US Endangered Species Act, but heretofore no predictive models of population dynamics or viability have been developed. We used limited available data and published demographic rates in a PVA model to predict future status of...
Ashley B.C. Goode, Nathan Allan, Conor P. McGowan
Thermo-hydrologic processes governing supra-permafrost talik dynamics in discontinuous permafrost near Umiujaq (Québec, Canada)
Widespread supra-permafrost talik formation is currently recognized as a critical mechanism that could accelerate permafrost thaw in the Arctic (e.g., Connon et al. 2018; Farquharson et al. 2022). However, the trajectory of permafrost dynamics following talik formation may prove difficult to predict. Physically-based cryohydrogeologic models provide a powerful tool for understanding...
Philippe Fortier, Nathan Young, Michelle A. Walvoord, Jean-Michel Lemieux, Aaron Mohammed