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Subaerial Barrier Sediment Partitioning (SBSP) Model Version 1.0

November 2, 2020
The Subaerial Barrier Sediment Partitioning (SBSP) model is a framework to simulate the morphological development of an idealized barrier coast in the cross-shore domain. The model code, built in MATLAB, consists of two scripts which must reside within the same folder when executed. The first, SBSP_InputControl.m, contains the user-defined input variables to run the simulation. The second, SBSP_Processing, is the core script running the model framework. The model in its current form allows the user to generate a graphical, quasi-stratigraphic output of barrier morphology, including an animated GIF of barrier evolution which also contains subplots tracking sediment input to the beach, barrier width, and beach width through time. An additional, auxiliary plot is included and can be modified to display stored variables as desired.
Publication Year 2020
Title Subaerial Barrier Sediment Partitioning (SBSP) Model Version 1.0
DOI 10.5066/P9DE6QCL
Authors Daniel J Ciarletta, Jennifer L Miselis, Justin L. Shawler, Christopher J. Hein
Product Type Software Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center
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