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USGS Hurricane Response Met Challenges in 2017, Prepares for 2018

USGS Hurricane Response Met Challenges in 2017, Prepares for 2018

No one has a crystal ball to foresee what will happen during the 2018 hurricane season that begins June 1, but NOAA forecasters say there’s a 75...

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USGS Continues Response to Four Hurricanes

USGS Continues Response to Four Hurricanes

As thousands of people remain displaced by or are recovering from one of the four hurricanes that have affected the United States the past month, the...

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USGS Tidal Network Monitoring Elevated Water Levels Off Hampton Roads

USGS Tidal Network Monitoring Elevated Water Levels Off Hampton Roads

To learn more about USGS’ role providing science to decision makers before, during and after Hurricane Jose, visit the USGS Hurricane Jose page at htt...

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More than a dozen USGS Storm-Tide Sensors Deployed for Hurricane Jose

More than a dozen USGS Storm-Tide Sensors Deployed for Hurricane Jose

To learn more about USGS’ role providing science to decision makers before, during and after Hurricane Jose, visit the USGS Hurricane Jose page at htt...

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