USGS scientist helped the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and FISHBIO to collect and tag adult green sturgeon on the Sacramento River. The purpose of the project is to monitor fish movements and behavior in relation to flood control projects in the Sacramento River.
Amy C Hansen
Amy C. Hansen began working as a fishery biologist at the USGS Western Fisheries Research Center's Columbia River Research Laboratory in 2000. Her work focuses on downstream passage, migration, and survival of juvenile Chinook salmon and steelhead at hydroelectric dams using radio and acoustic telemetry.
Research Interests:
I am interested in fish migration and survival using a variety of telemetry technologies. Much of my work has been associated with hydropower issues and juvenile salmonids in the Columbia and Snake rivers in Washington and Oregon. My research has involved assessing different passage structures as well as dam operations to increase fish passage and survival. Recently, I have been evaluating fish passage at high-head dams which offer a diverse set of challenges for migratory fish. Currently, I am working on a winter run Chinook salmon reintroduction program in the watershed upstream of Shasta Reservoir in California.
Professional Experience
10/2000 to Present - Fishery Biologist, U.S. Geological Survey, Western Fisheries Research Center, Columbia River Research Laboratory, Cook, WA
3/2000 to 10/2000 - Biologist I, IAP, located at U.S. Geological Survey, Western Fisheries Research Center, Columbia River Research Laboratory, Cook, WA
Education and Certifications
B.S. 1995. Biology. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
Honors and Awards
2002, 2002, 2003, 2005, and 2006 - Star Performance Award
6/1997 - Advanced open water SCUBA certification
6/1995 - Open water SCUBA certification
Science and Products
USGS scientist helped the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and FISHBIO to collect and tag adult green sturgeon on the Sacramento River. The purpose of the project is to monitor fish movements and behavior in relation to flood control projects in the Sacramento River.
USGS scientist helped the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and FISHBIO to collect and tag adult green sturgeon on the Sacramento River. The purpose of the project is to monitor fish movements and behavior in relation to flood control projects in the Sacramento River.
USGS scientist helped the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and FISHBIO to collect and tag adult green sturgeon on the Sacramento River. The purpose of the project is to monitor fish movements and behavior in relation to flood control projects in the Sacramento River.
Brian Ekstrom and Lance Downing pulling the beach seine to collect juvenile fish at a restoration site on the lower Columbia River
linkBrian Ekstrom and Lance Downing of USGS are pulling a beach seine to collect juvenile fish for monitoring at a restoration site on the lower Columbia River. The restoration site was created with dredge material in October of 2020 and USGS is monitoring juvenile salmon use, community assemblage, and predator presence.
Brian Ekstrom and Lance Downing pulling the beach seine to collect juvenile fish at a restoration site on the lower Columbia River
linkBrian Ekstrom and Lance Downing of USGS are pulling a beach seine to collect juvenile fish for monitoring at a restoration site on the lower Columbia River. The restoration site was created with dredge material in October of 2020 and USGS is monitoring juvenile salmon use, community assemblage, and predator presence.
Shoreline traps in Lookout Point Reservoir, Oregon.
Shoreline traps in Lookout Point Reservoir, Oregon.
Juvenile Chinook salmon on the Middle Fork Willamette River, Oregon.
Juvenile Chinook salmon on the Middle Fork Willamette River, Oregon.
Adult green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris) movements in the Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta, California, December 2020–January 2023
Survival implications of diversion entrainment for outmigrating juvenile Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and steelhead (O. mykiss)
Passage of adult coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) over Lake Creek Falls, Oregon, 2019
Across the Pacific Northwest, there are many examples of artificial structures created to allow passage of upstream-migrating salmon over natural barriers. We studied upstream passage across three structures installed in 1989 to allow passage of salmon over Lake Creek Falls, a series of three natural waterfalls at the outlet of Triangle Lake on Lake Creek, in the central Oregon Coast Range (lat 12
Juvenile green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris) movement during autumn and winter in the lower Sacramento River, California, 2016–20
Monitoring the movements of juvenile Pacific Lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus) in the Yakima River, Washington, using acoustic telemetry, 2019–20
Behavior and survival of hatchery rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the upper Cowlitz River Basin, Washington, 2013 and 2017
Evaluation of movement and survival of juvenile steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in the Klickitat River, Washington, 2018–2019
Evaluation of factors affecting migration success of adult sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in the Yakima River, Washington, 2020
Behavior and movement of adult winter steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the upper Cowlitz River Basin, Washington, 2017–18
Evaluation of water temperature effects on adult sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) behavior in the Yakima River, Washington, 2019
Using the STARS Model to evaluate the effects of two proposed projects for the long-term operation of State Water Project Incidental Take Permit Application and CEQA compliance
Movement and apparent survival of acoustically tagged juvenile late-fall run chinook salmon released upstream of Shasta Reservoir, California
Science and Products
USGS scientist helped the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and FISHBIO to collect and tag adult green sturgeon on the Sacramento River. The purpose of the project is to monitor fish movements and behavior in relation to flood control projects in the Sacramento River.
USGS scientist helped the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and FISHBIO to collect and tag adult green sturgeon on the Sacramento River. The purpose of the project is to monitor fish movements and behavior in relation to flood control projects in the Sacramento River.
USGS scientist helped the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and FISHBIO to collect and tag adult green sturgeon on the Sacramento River. The purpose of the project is to monitor fish movements and behavior in relation to flood control projects in the Sacramento River.
USGS scientist helped the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and FISHBIO to collect and tag adult green sturgeon on the Sacramento River. The purpose of the project is to monitor fish movements and behavior in relation to flood control projects in the Sacramento River.
Brian Ekstrom and Lance Downing pulling the beach seine to collect juvenile fish at a restoration site on the lower Columbia River
linkBrian Ekstrom and Lance Downing of USGS are pulling a beach seine to collect juvenile fish for monitoring at a restoration site on the lower Columbia River. The restoration site was created with dredge material in October of 2020 and USGS is monitoring juvenile salmon use, community assemblage, and predator presence.
Brian Ekstrom and Lance Downing pulling the beach seine to collect juvenile fish at a restoration site on the lower Columbia River
linkBrian Ekstrom and Lance Downing of USGS are pulling a beach seine to collect juvenile fish for monitoring at a restoration site on the lower Columbia River. The restoration site was created with dredge material in October of 2020 and USGS is monitoring juvenile salmon use, community assemblage, and predator presence.
Shoreline traps in Lookout Point Reservoir, Oregon.
Shoreline traps in Lookout Point Reservoir, Oregon.
Juvenile Chinook salmon on the Middle Fork Willamette River, Oregon.
Juvenile Chinook salmon on the Middle Fork Willamette River, Oregon.
Adult green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris) movements in the Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta, California, December 2020–January 2023
Survival implications of diversion entrainment for outmigrating juvenile Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and steelhead (O. mykiss)
Passage of adult coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) over Lake Creek Falls, Oregon, 2019
Across the Pacific Northwest, there are many examples of artificial structures created to allow passage of upstream-migrating salmon over natural barriers. We studied upstream passage across three structures installed in 1989 to allow passage of salmon over Lake Creek Falls, a series of three natural waterfalls at the outlet of Triangle Lake on Lake Creek, in the central Oregon Coast Range (lat 12