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Grand Bay, MS/AL Estuarine Shorelines and Rates of Change

March 24, 2022

This collection contains estuarine shorelines and rates of change for Grand Bay, Mississippi/Alabama (1848-2017). 

The data presented here include compiled vectorized marsh shorelines and transects with shoreline change rates for the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Mississippi and Alabama from 1848 to 2017. Shoreline change, also called the linear regression rate (LRR; meters per year), is calculated using the slope of the linear trend between three or more shoreline positions over time. The digital vector shorelines were acquired from historical topographic sheets, aerial photography, or global positioning system (GPS) data. For more information on data interpretation and assessment see Terrano (2018). Additional estuarine shoreline change information and data can be found on the USGS Estuarine Shoreline Change Research Project webpage.

For full shoreline change statistics, metadata, and to download the data, please refer to: Terrano, J.F., Smith, K.E.L., Pitchford, J., McIlwain, J., and Archer, M., 2019, Shoreline change analysis for the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Mississippi Alabama—1848 to 2017 (ver. 2.0, February 2019): U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Explore the Map

Screenshot of map showing Grand Bay, MS/AL, estuarine shorelines and rates of change using colored transect lines
Screenshot from the U.S. Geological Survey geonarrative, showing Grand Bay, MS/AL, estuarine shorelines and rates of change. 
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