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Basic hydrologic data collection, processing, analysis, dissemination, and archiving are major parts of the California Water Science Center program. Streamflow data, for example, are used for flood and water-supply forecasts, planning and design, river regulation, streamflow statistics, and research investigations. Much of the data are available on a near-real-time basis by satellite telemetry.

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Model Archive Summary for Turbidity Derived Suspended-Sediment Concentrations at USGS Station 11455335; Sacramento River Deep Water Ship Channel near Rio Vista, California (2015 - 2021)

Continuous 15-minute time-series suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) data computed from USGS instream turbidity data using a YSI EXO multi-parameter water quality sonde for the Sacramento River Deep Water Ship Channel near Rio Vista, California station (DWS; USGS #11455335). A Model Archive Summary (MAS) describes the development of a continuous 15-minute SSC time-series regression...

Salinas Valley Hydrologic System: Land Use Data

This digital dataset contains the land use data used for both the Salinas Valley Hydrologic Models (SVHM): the Salinas Valley Watershed Model (SVWM), the Salinas Valley Integrated Hydrologic Model (SVIHM), and Salinas Valley Operational Model (SVOM)). Land use data were compiled from available state, local, and federal datasets. Available multi-year composite land use data were...

Select Borehole Data for the East Mesa area and vicinity, Imperial County, CA

This data release provides borehole location and lithology information from selected boreholes in the East Mesa and surrounding areas of Imperial County, California. The area of focus includes parts of the Imperial, Ogilby, and Amos Valley groundwater basins. The purpose of the study is to estimate the future Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) concentration in groundwater pumped by the LCWPS...

Numerical model files for simulating future climate scenarios, Yucaipa Valley watershed, California

Managing water resources in semiarid watersheds is challenging because of limited water supply and uncertain impacts of future climate conditions on groundwater resources. This paper examines the impact of future climate changes on the urban Yucaipa Valley watershed in southern California using an integrated hydrological model referred to herein as the Yucaipa model. Coupled Groundwater...

Soil texture and hydraulic conductivity at a 1-kilometer resolution for the Contiguous United States based on 30-meter resolution data from the Polaris database.

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Integrated Water Availability Assessments (IWAAs) Program is designed to deliver nationally consistent assessments of water supplies for human and ecological needs, and to identify factors that influence water availability. In support of these studies, a National-Extent Hydrogeologic Framework (NEHF) is under development. The NEHF is a three-dimensional...

Quaternary ammonium compounds in wastewater treatment effluents from 2020 to 2021

Quaternary ammonium compounds (QAC) are used in many commercial and household disinfection products. A method was developed to measure QAC occurrence in water discharged from three wastewater treatment plants during 2020 and 2021. Water samples (20 mL) were processed via solid phase extraction using weak cation exchange (WCX) cartridges (3 cc, 60 mg) and analyzed via liquid...

Water chemistry data for samples collected at groundwater and surface-water sites in the San Ardo Oil Field study area, March 2019–May 2021, Monterey County, California

The California State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) initiated the Oil and Gas Regional Monitoring Program (RMP) to assess effects of oil and gas development on groundwater designated for any beneficial use. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is the technical lead in conducting the RMP through the California Oil, Gas, and Groundwater (COGG) Program, working in...

Example Groundwater-Level Datasets and Benchmarking Results for the Automated Regional Correlation Analysis for Hydrologic Record Imputation (ARCHI) Software Package

This data release provides two example groundwater-level datasets used to benchmark the Automated Regional Correlation Analysis for Hydrologic Record Imputation (ARCHI) software package (Levy and others, 2024). The first dataset contains groundwater-level records and site metadata for wells located on Long Island, New York (NY) and some surrounding mainland sites in New York and...

Carmel River Basin Hydrologic Models: Future Climate Data

This digital dataset contains the gridded future climate data used for the Carmel River Basin Hydrologic Model. The daily climate data for the Carmel River Basin Hydrologic Model Hydrologic Model are based on the Salinas and Carmel River Basins Study (SCRBS) future climate scenarios (Henson and others, 2024). SCRBS considers one baseline climate scenario that represents recent historical...

Evaluating Seawater Intrusion Forecast Uncertainty under Climate Change in Pajaro Valley, California: Model Archive

Climate change and climate variability impacts such as rising sea levels have the potential to exacerbate seawater intrusion and the strain on coastal freshwater resources in already stressed groundwater basins such as those in the Pajaro Valley groundwater basin, California. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) developed the Pajaro Valley Hydrologic model (PVHM) to quantitatively assess...

​Geochemical, grain size, lithological, diatom, bathymetric, and age model data for Wildcat Lake, Point Reyes National Seashore 2021

These data are the geochemical (from X-ray fluorescence spectrometry), grain size, lithological (loss on ignition), diatom assemblages (taxa counts), bathymetric, and radioactive isotopes (210-Pb, 137Cs) from sediments from Wildcat Lake, Point Reyes National Seashore, California, USA starting in 2021. Taken together, they provide evidence for extreme precipitation events linked to...

Water Chemistry Data for Samples Collected at Groundwater Sites in the Placerita Oil Field Study Area, June 2018–November 2018, Los Angeles County, California

The California State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) initiated the Oil and Gas Regional Monitoring Program (RMP) to assess effects of oil and gas development on groundwater designated for any beneficial use. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is the technical lead in conducting the RMP through the California Oil, Gas, and Groundwater (COGG) Program, working in...
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