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Climate Science Champions Season 3: Owen McKenna, Research Ecologist

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Research Ecologist Owen McKenna investigates how climate and land use change are impacting the Prairie-Pothole region, a critical habitat for ducks and other migratory waterfowl.  

The Prairie-Pothole region in the Midwestern United States is the “duck factory of America,” a mottled grassland covered in seasonal wetlands that shelter thousands of migratory waterfowl each year. Owen McKenna, a Research Ecologist with the Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center and Visiting Scientist with the Midwest Climate Adaptation Science Center, explores how climate and land use change affect this unique landscape. He studies the changing wetland and water systems in the area, looking at how this impacts waterfowl populations and water resources used by diverse human communities.  

Learn more about Owen’s work.




Public Domain.

Music: “Face of the Earth” by Jakob Ahlbom and “Where She’ll Go (Instrumental Version)” by Mimmi Bangoura, used with permission from Epidemic Sound.

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