Threatened and Endangered Species
Habitat Suitability for Big Spring Spinedace (Lepidomeda mollispinis pratensis) in Meadow Valley Wash, Nevada
Forest Restoration Treatments on Demography of a Federally Listed Ground Squirrel
Candy Darter Habitat Suitability Model in Virginia
Evaluating the Effect of Management and Stressors on At-risk Species in Pine Barrens
Pallid Sturgeon in the Missouri River
Biologists in slow and steady race to help North America’s largest and rarest tortoise species
Marbled Murrelet
Fragmentation effects on an endangered species from the interior to edge of its range
Grizzly Bear Movement Models
Does Selenium Affect Yuma Ridgway’s Rails?
Birds and Habitat Change in the West
Bumble Bees and Hooved Animals in the Pacific Northwest
Atlantic and Caribbean Seabirds
Beluga Whale
Columbia River Salmon and Steelhead
Desert Tortoise Recovery Strategy
Chronic Wasting Disease
As human activities impact habitats, fish, and wildlife, more and more species are becoming threatened with extinction. To counter this trend, we are researching methods that fish and wildlife managers could use either to increase the survivorship of at-risk species. Note: This page is under construction.