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2020 Puerto Rico Earthquakes

News and Information related to the recent earthquakes in Puerto Rico.


USGS releases a comprehensive look at water resources in the United States

USGS releases a comprehensive look at water resources in the United States

National Preparedness Month 2020: Earthquakes and Tsunamis

National Preparedness Month 2020: Earthquakes and Tsunamis

USGS Scientists Find Seafloor Faults Near Puerto Rico Quakes’ Epicenters

USGS Scientists Find Seafloor Faults Near Puerto Rico Quakes’ Epicenters


Quantifying 10 years of improved earthquake-monitoring performance in the Caribbean region

Over 75 tsunamis have been documented in the Caribbean and adjacent regions during the past 500 years. Since 1500, at least 4484 people are reported to have perished in these killer waves. Hundreds of thousands are currently threatened along the Caribbean coastlines. Were a great tsunamigenic earthquake to occur in the Caribbean region today, the effects would potentially be catastrophic...
Daniel E. McNamara, Christa Hillebrandt-Andrade, Jean-Marie Saurel, V. Huerfano-Moreno, Lloyd Lynch

Core data from offshore Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands

In 2008, as a collaborative effort between Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the U.S. Geological Survey, 20 giant gravity cores were collected from areas surrounding Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The regions sampled have had many large earthquake and landslide events, some of which are believed to have triggered tsunamis. The objective of this coring cruise, carried out...
Shannon K. Hoy, Jason D. Chaytor, Uri S. ten Brink

Event sedimentation in low-latitude deep-water carbonate basins, Anegada passage, northeast Caribbean

The Virgin Islands and Whiting basins in the Northeast Caribbean are deep, structurally controlled depocentres partially bound by shallow-water carbonate platforms. Closed basins such as these are thought to document earthquake and hurricane events through the accumulation of event layers such as debris flow and turbidity current deposits and the internal deformation of deposited...
Jason D. Chaytor, Uri S. ten Brink
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