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Data analysis and figures for Differences in Rhizosphere Microbial Communities Between Native and Non-Native Phragmites australis May Depend on Stand Density

This repository holds the code to reproduce the data analyses and figures found in "Differences in Rhizosphere Microbial Communities Between Native and Non-Native Phragmites australis May Depend on Stand Density" published in Ecology and Evolution written by Wesley A. Bickford, Donald R. Zak, Kurt P. Kowalski, and Deborah E. Goldberg.

Annual Management Unit Summary Code

The Phragmites Adaptive Management Framework (PAMF) is an adaptive management program created to improve the efficacy and efficiency of Phragmites management efforts throughout the Great Lakes region. Managers enroll Phragmites stands, report the management techniques they used, and monitor the invasion status of Phragmites on their site (management unit - MU). Through a systematic approach, PAMF
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