Find U.S. Volcano
Sarigan volcano forms a 3-km-long, roughly triangular island. A low truncated cone with a 750-m-wide summit crater contains a small ash cone.
Quick Facts
Location: Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
Latitude: 16.708° N
Longitude: 145.78° E
Elevation: 538 (m) 1,765 (f)
Volcano type: Stratovolcano
Composition: Andesite - Basalt
Most recent eruption: Holocene
Threat Potential: Moderate*
*based on the National Volcano Early Warning System
Sarigan volcano forms a 3-km-long, roughly triangular island. A low truncated cone with a 750-m-wide summit crater contains a small ash cone. The youngest eruptions produced two lava domes from vents above and near the south crater rim. Lava flows from each dome reached the coast and extended out to sea, forming irregular shorelines. The northern flow overtopped the crater rim on the north and NW sides. The sparse vegetation on the flows indicates they are of Holocene age. From the Smithsonian Global Volcanism Program.