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Web Tools

Explore GECSC scientific and data-driven web tools that include data visualizations, digital repositories, and interactive maps with data access and data analysis capabilities.

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Fire In Ice Data Visualizations

Glaciers and ice caps around the world are melting. Deposition of dark aerosols from fire on ice can increase glacier melting. The researchers of this project use ice cores from the Juneau Icefield to show how wildfires in the region are affecting the icefield. Three interactive data visualizations help tell this story.

Intermountain West Seamless Geologic Map Explorer

The Intermountain West Seamless Geologic Map Explorer is an interactive mapping application that hosts surficial and bedrock geologic data layers for a transect from the Rio Grande rift to the Basin and Range.

USGS Geochron Database Explorer

This Web Application is a tool for viewing, exploring, and downloading the "USGS Geochron: A Database of Geochronological and Thermochronological Dates and Data" Data Release.

USGS Wildfire Hazard and Risk Assessment Clearinghouse

This online tool was designed to help identify which wildfire hazard and risk assessments are available across the United States. It provides information about available risk assessments and links to assessment data when publicly available.

USGS 3D Geologic Model Inventory

This Webapp can be used to visualize and explore the inventory of published USGS 3D geological models.

World Terrestrial Ecosystems Explorer

The World Terrestrial Ecosystems Explorer (WTEE) contains the World Terrestrial Ecosystems (WTE) 2020 global raster dataset that was produced in a joint effort by the USGS, Esri, and The Nature Conservancy. This dataset, with a 250-meter spatial resolution, identifies 431 ecosystem types including both ‘natural’ ecosystems and ‘converted’ landscapes.

U.S. Wind Turbine Database (USWTDB) Viewer

The U.S. Wind Turbine Database (USWTDB) Viewer lets you visualize, inspect, interact, and download the most current onshore and offshore turbine locations in the United States, corresponding facility information, and turbine technical specifications through a dynamic web application. The Viewer provides direct access to data and information stored within the USWTDB.

Global Coastline Explorer

The Global Coastline Explorer contains a high-resolution dataset of Earth's coastlines and data about the ecological settings in which coastlines occur. This geospatial data represents 4 million 1 km or shorter coastal segments, each attributed with values from ten ecological settings variables representing the adjacent ocean, the adjacent land, and the coastline itself.

Global Island Explorer

The Global Island Explorer has 340,691 global island polygons grouped into four size classes: continental mainlands, big islands, small islands, and very small islands. Each polygon was derived from a new 30m resolution Global Shoreline Vector (GSV) dataset that was created by interpreting coastal shorelines from 2014 satellite imagery in Google Earth Engine.

Global Mountain Explorer 2.0

The Global Mountain Explorer supports the visual comparison of three well-known global mountain raster datasets. Two were derived from 1km DEMs with the first being produced by Kapos et al. (2000), and the second by Körner et al. (2011). The third global mountain dataset, produced by Karagulle et al. (2017), was derived from a finer resolution 250m DEM.
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