Landsat data is more useful today than at any other point in its nearly 50-year history. The USGS Collections strategy is a major reason why. Landsat Collections align and correct satellite acquisitions from 1972 through the present to make the data easier to work with through time.
When do I need an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account to access Landsat data in the cloud? Is there a cost for that?
Landsat data continue to be freely available through traditional USGS tools such as EarthExplorer, but if you prefer to access the data in the cloud, an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account is required.
Landsat data are available in the cloud via the AWS Oregon us-west-2 region. There is no charge for the Landsat data, but charges from the cloud vendor might apply for any storage, processing, and egress when using the direct access capability. These charges might depend on the type of account that you have. Contact Amazon with specific questions on cost.
Learn More: Landsat Commercial Cloud Data Access
What are Cloud Optimized GeoTIFFs (COGs)?
Are Landsat data in the cloud still considered to be within the public domain?
How do I search and download Landsat Collection 2 data products?
Can Landsat satellite acquisition requests be made for a specific date and location?
How do I open Landsat satellite data files?
How long does it take to create Landsat Collection 2 Level-2 products after a Landsat scene is acquired?
How do I search for and download Landsat data?
Landsat data is more useful today than at any other point in its nearly 50-year history. The USGS Collections strategy is a major reason why. Landsat Collections align and correct satellite acquisitions from 1972 through the present to make the data easier to work with through time.
Landsat 8 image acquired on November 19, 2020 over northeast Mongolia (Path 127 Row 26). The image is shown using the shortwave infrared 1, near infrared, and red bands (bands 6,5,4).
Landsat Scene ID LC08_L1TP_127026_20201119_20201119_01_RT
Landsat 8 image acquired on November 19, 2020 over northeast Mongolia (Path 127 Row 26). The image is shown using the shortwave infrared 1, near infrared, and red bands (bands 6,5,4).
Landsat Scene ID LC08_L1TP_127026_20201119_20201119_01_RT

Will my existing workflow still be supported? Landsat downloads will continue to be available via EarthExplorer, LandsatLook, and other familiar USGS tools as they are today, without a noticeable difference to the user. The Landsat record will also remain free and open, with downloads available at no charge to the user.
Will my existing workflow still be supported? Landsat downloads will continue to be available via EarthExplorer, LandsatLook, and other familiar USGS tools as they are today, without a noticeable difference to the user. The Landsat record will also remain free and open, with downloads available at no charge to the user.
The Landsat series of Earth-observing satellites has been continuously acquiring land surface imagery since 1972. Over 10 million Landsat scenes are currently available for download. They are also accessible from a cloud environment, in a cloud optimized format that gives you more flexible, customized access.
The Landsat series of Earth-observing satellites has been continuously acquiring land surface imagery since 1972. Over 10 million Landsat scenes are currently available for download. They are also accessible from a cloud environment, in a cloud optimized format that gives you more flexible, customized access.
Left: Landsat 8 Collection 2 level-1 top of atmosphere reflectance image, center: Landsat 8 Collection 2 level-2 atmospherically corrected surface reflectance image, and right: Landsat 8 Collection 2 level-2 surface temperature image for an area over the Sapta Koshi River in Bairawa, Nepal (path 140 row 41) acquired on
Left: Landsat 8 Collection 2 level-1 top of atmosphere reflectance image, center: Landsat 8 Collection 2 level-2 atmospherically corrected surface reflectance image, and right: Landsat 8 Collection 2 level-2 surface temperature image for an area over the Sapta Koshi River in Bairawa, Nepal (path 140 row 41) acquired on
National Land Imaging Program
Economic valuation of landsat imagery
U.S. Landsat Analysis Ready Data
Landsat—Earth observation satellites
What are Cloud Optimized GeoTIFFs (COGs)?
Are Landsat data in the cloud still considered to be within the public domain?
How do I search and download Landsat Collection 2 data products?
Can Landsat satellite acquisition requests be made for a specific date and location?
How do I open Landsat satellite data files?
How long does it take to create Landsat Collection 2 Level-2 products after a Landsat scene is acquired?
How do I search for and download Landsat data?
Landsat data is more useful today than at any other point in its nearly 50-year history. The USGS Collections strategy is a major reason why. Landsat Collections align and correct satellite acquisitions from 1972 through the present to make the data easier to work with through time.
Landsat data is more useful today than at any other point in its nearly 50-year history. The USGS Collections strategy is a major reason why. Landsat Collections align and correct satellite acquisitions from 1972 through the present to make the data easier to work with through time.
Landsat 8 image acquired on November 19, 2020 over northeast Mongolia (Path 127 Row 26). The image is shown using the shortwave infrared 1, near infrared, and red bands (bands 6,5,4).
Landsat Scene ID LC08_L1TP_127026_20201119_20201119_01_RT
Landsat 8 image acquired on November 19, 2020 over northeast Mongolia (Path 127 Row 26). The image is shown using the shortwave infrared 1, near infrared, and red bands (bands 6,5,4).
Landsat Scene ID LC08_L1TP_127026_20201119_20201119_01_RT

Will my existing workflow still be supported? Landsat downloads will continue to be available via EarthExplorer, LandsatLook, and other familiar USGS tools as they are today, without a noticeable difference to the user. The Landsat record will also remain free and open, with downloads available at no charge to the user.
Will my existing workflow still be supported? Landsat downloads will continue to be available via EarthExplorer, LandsatLook, and other familiar USGS tools as they are today, without a noticeable difference to the user. The Landsat record will also remain free and open, with downloads available at no charge to the user.
The Landsat series of Earth-observing satellites has been continuously acquiring land surface imagery since 1972. Over 10 million Landsat scenes are currently available for download. They are also accessible from a cloud environment, in a cloud optimized format that gives you more flexible, customized access.
The Landsat series of Earth-observing satellites has been continuously acquiring land surface imagery since 1972. Over 10 million Landsat scenes are currently available for download. They are also accessible from a cloud environment, in a cloud optimized format that gives you more flexible, customized access.
Left: Landsat 8 Collection 2 level-1 top of atmosphere reflectance image, center: Landsat 8 Collection 2 level-2 atmospherically corrected surface reflectance image, and right: Landsat 8 Collection 2 level-2 surface temperature image for an area over the Sapta Koshi River in Bairawa, Nepal (path 140 row 41) acquired on
Left: Landsat 8 Collection 2 level-1 top of atmosphere reflectance image, center: Landsat 8 Collection 2 level-2 atmospherically corrected surface reflectance image, and right: Landsat 8 Collection 2 level-2 surface temperature image for an area over the Sapta Koshi River in Bairawa, Nepal (path 140 row 41) acquired on