Water quality and ecology of small streams
USGS Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA)
Modeling contaminant loads in rivers and streams
SPAtially Referenced Regressions On Watershed attributes (SPARROW) models
Research by the USGS National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Project on water quality of rivers and streams covers a broad range of topics, from nonpoint pollution issues to vulnerability of aquatic ecosystems. Dive in and find out more about current water-quality conditions, how and where water quality is changing, and the latest information on pesticides, nutrients, and other contaminants.
The Nation's rivers and streams are a priceless resource—they provide drinking water for a growing population, irrigation for crops, habitat for aquatic life, and countless recreational opportunities.
NAWQA research on surface-water quality is focusing on three areas:
current conditions and trends in water quality in the Nation’s rivers and streams;
developing models and interactive mappers that estimate the amount of a contaminant transported from inland watersheds to larger water bodies (SPAtially Referenced Regression On Watershed attributes, or SPARROW); and
characterizing water quality and ecology in hundreds of small streams across the United States (Regional Stream Quality Assessments; RSQA).
Explore NAWQA science on topics related to water quality in streams and rivers
Relations between land use and surface-water quality
Urban Land Use and Water Quality
Contaminants in surface water
Emerging contaminants (pharmaceuticals, personal-care products, and more)
Sediment-associated contaminants (metals, pesticides, PAHs, and more)
Coal-Tar-Based Pavement Sealcoat, PAHs, and Environmental Health
Relations to aquatic life
NWQP Research on Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs)
Drinking water issues
Drinking Water and Source Water Research
Chloride, Salinity, and Dissolved Solids
Water-Quality Benchmarks for Contaminants
Trends in water quality
Water-Quality Trends from Lake Sediment Cores
How do we do it?
Access USGS publications and manuals on National Water-Quality Project sampling methods.
Looking for information on groundwater quality as well?
Explore these links:
Learn about topics and projects related to surface-water quality.
Water-Quality Benchmarks for Contaminants
SPARROW modeling: Estimating nutrient, sediment, and dissolved solids transport
NWQP Research on Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs)
Water Quality in the Nation’s Streams and Rivers – Current Conditions and Long-Term Trends
Pesticides and Water Quality
Streamflow Alteration
Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA)
Water-Quality Trends
Sediment-Associated Contaminants
Stream Ecology
Access USGS data on surface-water quality and ecology using the links below.
Data and model archive for multiple linear regression models for prediction of weighted cyanotoxin mixture concentrations and microcystin concentrations at three recurring bloom sites in Kabetogama Lake in Minnesota
Concentrations of Pesticide, Pharmaceutical, and Organic Wastewater Contaminants from a Multi-Regional Assessment of Wadeable USA Streams, 2014-17
Pesticide and transformation product concentrations and risk quotients in U.S. headwater streams
Data set for an ecological risk assessment of Firpronil compounds in US streams
Dissolved Pesticides in Weekly Water Samples from the NAWQA Regional Stream Quality Assessments (2013-2017)
Pesticide Toxicity Index (PTI) and maximum Toxic Unit (TUmax) scores and information for fish, cladocerans, and benthic invertebrates from water samples collected at National Water Quality Network sites during Water Years 2013-2017
Concentrations of pesticides associated with streambed sediment and biofilm in California streams, 2017
Urban sediment and fallout radionuclide input characteristics of Dead Run watershed in Catonsville, Maryland for 2017-2018 (ver. 1.1, March 2020)
Pesticides in Daily and Weekly Water Samples from the NAWQA Midwest and Southeast Stream Quality Assessments (2013-2014)
Estimating the presence of paved surface parking lots in the conterminous U.S. from land use coefficients for 1974, 1982, 1992, 2002, and 2012
Water-quality trends and trend component estimates for the Nation's rivers and streams using Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season (WRTDS) models and generalized flow normalization, 1972-2012
Changes in anthropogenic influences on streams and rivers in the conterminous U.S. over the last 40 years, derived for 16 data themes
Below, you’ll find the latest in peer-reviewed journal articles and USGS reports on water-quality issues in streams and rivers.
Agriculture — A river runs through it — The connections between agriculture and water quality
Inclusion of pesticide transformation products is key to estimating pesticide exposures and effects in small U.S. streams
Cyanotoxin mixture models: Relating environmental variables and toxin co-occurrence to human exposure risk
Nitrogen and phosphorus sources and delivery from the Mississippi/Atchafalaya River Basin: An update using 2012 SPARROW models
Multi-region assessment of chemical mixture exposures and predicted cumulative effects in USA wadeable urban/agriculture-gradient streams
Changing climate drives future streamflow declines and challenges in meeting water demand across the southwestern United States
Nitrate in streams during winter low‐flow conditions as an indicator of legacy nitrate
Biofilms provide new insight into pesticide occurrence in streams and links to aquatic ecological communities
Landscape drivers of dynamic change in water quality of US rivers
Changing suspended sediment in United States rivers and streams: Linking sediment trends to changes in land use/cover, hydrology and climate
Causal factors for pesticide trends in streams of the United States: Atrazine and deethylatrazine
Multi-region assessment of pharmaceutical exposures and predicted effects in USA wadeable urban-gradient streams
Cyanotoxin occurrence in large rivers of the United States
SPARROW Modeling Program
Isotopic tracers in fish in Northeast provide clue to mercury sources
Research by the USGS National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Project on water quality of rivers and streams covers a broad range of topics, from nonpoint pollution issues to vulnerability of aquatic ecosystems. Dive in and find out more about current water-quality conditions, how and where water quality is changing, and the latest information on pesticides, nutrients, and other contaminants.
The Nation's rivers and streams are a priceless resource—they provide drinking water for a growing population, irrigation for crops, habitat for aquatic life, and countless recreational opportunities.
NAWQA research on surface-water quality is focusing on three areas:
current conditions and trends in water quality in the Nation’s rivers and streams;
developing models and interactive mappers that estimate the amount of a contaminant transported from inland watersheds to larger water bodies (SPAtially Referenced Regression On Watershed attributes, or SPARROW); and
characterizing water quality and ecology in hundreds of small streams across the United States (Regional Stream Quality Assessments; RSQA).
Explore NAWQA science on topics related to water quality in streams and rivers
Relations between land use and surface-water quality
Urban Land Use and Water Quality
Contaminants in surface water
Emerging contaminants (pharmaceuticals, personal-care products, and more)
Sediment-associated contaminants (metals, pesticides, PAHs, and more)
Coal-Tar-Based Pavement Sealcoat, PAHs, and Environmental Health
Relations to aquatic life
NWQP Research on Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs)
Drinking water issues
Drinking Water and Source Water Research
Chloride, Salinity, and Dissolved Solids
Water-Quality Benchmarks for Contaminants
Trends in water quality
Water-Quality Trends from Lake Sediment Cores
How do we do it?
Access USGS publications and manuals on National Water-Quality Project sampling methods.
Looking for information on groundwater quality as well?
Explore these links:
Learn about topics and projects related to surface-water quality.
Water-Quality Benchmarks for Contaminants
SPARROW modeling: Estimating nutrient, sediment, and dissolved solids transport
NWQP Research on Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs)
Water Quality in the Nation’s Streams and Rivers – Current Conditions and Long-Term Trends
Pesticides and Water Quality
Streamflow Alteration
Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA)
Water-Quality Trends
Sediment-Associated Contaminants
Stream Ecology
Access USGS data on surface-water quality and ecology using the links below.
Data and model archive for multiple linear regression models for prediction of weighted cyanotoxin mixture concentrations and microcystin concentrations at three recurring bloom sites in Kabetogama Lake in Minnesota
Concentrations of Pesticide, Pharmaceutical, and Organic Wastewater Contaminants from a Multi-Regional Assessment of Wadeable USA Streams, 2014-17
Pesticide and transformation product concentrations and risk quotients in U.S. headwater streams
Data set for an ecological risk assessment of Firpronil compounds in US streams
Dissolved Pesticides in Weekly Water Samples from the NAWQA Regional Stream Quality Assessments (2013-2017)
Pesticide Toxicity Index (PTI) and maximum Toxic Unit (TUmax) scores and information for fish, cladocerans, and benthic invertebrates from water samples collected at National Water Quality Network sites during Water Years 2013-2017
Concentrations of pesticides associated with streambed sediment and biofilm in California streams, 2017
Urban sediment and fallout radionuclide input characteristics of Dead Run watershed in Catonsville, Maryland for 2017-2018 (ver. 1.1, March 2020)
Pesticides in Daily and Weekly Water Samples from the NAWQA Midwest and Southeast Stream Quality Assessments (2013-2014)
Estimating the presence of paved surface parking lots in the conterminous U.S. from land use coefficients for 1974, 1982, 1992, 2002, and 2012
Water-quality trends and trend component estimates for the Nation's rivers and streams using Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season (WRTDS) models and generalized flow normalization, 1972-2012
Changes in anthropogenic influences on streams and rivers in the conterminous U.S. over the last 40 years, derived for 16 data themes
Below, you’ll find the latest in peer-reviewed journal articles and USGS reports on water-quality issues in streams and rivers.