- Wetlands are hotspots for mercury methylation and export of methylmercury to aquatic foodwebs.
- Rice is the most abundant wetland type in California and globally in temperate and tropical latitudes.
Mercury in the Environment
Science used to highlight a dangerous issue
Got Mercury?
The fish in your stream might just tell you where it came from
Mercury is a potent neurotoxin that can affect the human nervous system. Eating fish contaminated with mercury can cause serious harm to people and wildlife.
Mercury is a potent neurotoxin that can accumulate in fish to levels of concern for human health and the health of fish-eating wildlife. Mercury contamination of fish is the primary reason for issuing fish consumption advisories, which exist in every State in the Nation. Much of the mercury in the environment originates from combustion of coal and can travel long distances in the atmosphere before being deposited on the land surface. As a result, mercury can bioaccumulate in fish in areas with no obvious source of mercury pollution.1
Mercury is the leading cause of impairment in the Nation's estuaries and lakes and was cited in nearly 80 percent of all reported fish-consumption advisories.2 The geographic extent of mercury advisories covers more than 10 million acres of lakes and more than 400,000 stream miles.3
The fact sheet Mercury Contamination of Aquatic Ecosystems answers many of the basic questions about mercury. For a deeper dive into the topic, download the USGS Circular 1395, highlighted below.

- Highly toxic to the nervous system
- Persistent in the environment
- Bioaccumulates (higher concentrations in tissues of aquatic plants and animals than in water)
- Biomagnifies (higher concentrations at increasingly higher levels in the food chain)
- Numerous chemical forms in air, water, sediment, and biota
Mercury contamination is global and affects many waters that have no obvious mercury source. This is because mercury emissions generally disperse widely in the atmosphere before being deposited to the earth's surface. Mercury is emitted by natural sources, such as volcanoes, geothermal springs, geologic deposits, and the ocean. Human-related sources primarily include coal combustion, waste incineration, industrial uses, and mining. During the last 150 years, human activities have more than doubled natural amounts of mercury in the atmosphere.4
In natural waters, inorganic mercury is generally not a health concern. The real issue is methylmercury, an organic form that is highly toxic to the nervous system. Methylmercury is produced from inorganic mercury by methylation, a microbial process that is controlled by certain bacteria and enhanced by chemical and environmental variables, such as the presence of organic matter and the absence of oxygen. More than 95 percent of all mercury in fish is methylmercury, and this form of mercury biomagnifies to high concentrations at the top of food chains.5
- Mercury in the Environment
- USGS Mercury Research Laboratory
- Mercury in Aquatic Ecosystems
- Mercury Statistics and Information
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Use the links below to access web pages describing additional USGS research on mercury and associated topics
Metals and Other Trace Elements
Water-Quality Trends From Lake Cores
Sediment-Associated Contaminants
Stream Ecology
Mercury Cycling and Effects on Ecological Communities
Habitat and Land-Use Influences on Contaminant Bioaccumulation
Contaminant Bioaccumulation through Food Webs
Use the links below to explore multimedia items associated with USGS research on mercury and water quality.

- Wetlands are hotspots for mercury methylation and export of methylmercury to aquatic foodwebs.
- Rice is the most abundant wetland type in California and globally in temperate and tropical latitudes.

Dave Krabbenhoft discusses the history of his 28-year career at the USGS.
Dave Krabbenhoft discusses the history of his 28-year career at the USGS.
An animation of the USGS topographic map of Mercury created using images from NASA’s MESSENGER spacecraft.
An animation of the USGS topographic map of Mercury created using images from NASA’s MESSENGER spacecraft.
Frozen fish samples awaiting mercury analysis
Frozen fish samples awaiting mercury analysis
Gold pan with more than 30 grams of mercury from 1 kilogram of mercury-contaminated sediments collected in a drainage tunnel.
Gold pan with more than 30 grams of mercury from 1 kilogram of mercury-contaminated sediments collected in a drainage tunnel.
Access USGS reports and publications on mercury and water quality. For more publications on mercury, search the USGS Publications Warehouse. Look here for help using the Pubs Warehouse.
Mercury contamination of aquatic ecosystems
Chemical and physical controls on mercury source signatures in stream fish from the northeastern United States
Topics in coal geochemistry—Short course
External quality assurance project report for the National Atmospheric Deposition Program’s National Trends Network and Mercury Deposition Network, 2015–16
Spatial patterns and temporal changes in atmospheric-mercury deposition for the midwestern USA, 2001–2016
Lake levels and water quality in comparison to fish mercury body burdens, Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota, 2013–15
Optimizing fish sampling for fish - mercury bioaccumulation factors
Effects of urbanization on mercury deposition and accumulation in New England
Mercury in the nation's streams - Levels, trends, and implications
An empirical approach to modeling methylmercury concentrations in an Adirondack stream watershed
Mercury bioaccumulation in estuarine wetland fishes: Evaluating habitats and risk to coastal wildlife
Methylmercury-induced changes in gene transcription associated with neuroendocrine disruption in largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides)
Mercury in the soil of two contrasting watersheds in the eastern United States
Use the links below to find news stories on USGS research on mercury and water quality.
Isotopic tracers in fish in Northeast provide clue to mercury sources
Mercury is a potent neurotoxin that can affect the human nervous system. Eating fish contaminated with mercury can cause serious harm to people and wildlife.
Mercury is a potent neurotoxin that can accumulate in fish to levels of concern for human health and the health of fish-eating wildlife. Mercury contamination of fish is the primary reason for issuing fish consumption advisories, which exist in every State in the Nation. Much of the mercury in the environment originates from combustion of coal and can travel long distances in the atmosphere before being deposited on the land surface. As a result, mercury can bioaccumulate in fish in areas with no obvious source of mercury pollution.1
Mercury is the leading cause of impairment in the Nation's estuaries and lakes and was cited in nearly 80 percent of all reported fish-consumption advisories.2 The geographic extent of mercury advisories covers more than 10 million acres of lakes and more than 400,000 stream miles.3
The fact sheet Mercury Contamination of Aquatic Ecosystems answers many of the basic questions about mercury. For a deeper dive into the topic, download the USGS Circular 1395, highlighted below.

- Highly toxic to the nervous system
- Persistent in the environment
- Bioaccumulates (higher concentrations in tissues of aquatic plants and animals than in water)
- Biomagnifies (higher concentrations at increasingly higher levels in the food chain)
- Numerous chemical forms in air, water, sediment, and biota
Mercury contamination is global and affects many waters that have no obvious mercury source. This is because mercury emissions generally disperse widely in the atmosphere before being deposited to the earth's surface. Mercury is emitted by natural sources, such as volcanoes, geothermal springs, geologic deposits, and the ocean. Human-related sources primarily include coal combustion, waste incineration, industrial uses, and mining. During the last 150 years, human activities have more than doubled natural amounts of mercury in the atmosphere.4
In natural waters, inorganic mercury is generally not a health concern. The real issue is methylmercury, an organic form that is highly toxic to the nervous system. Methylmercury is produced from inorganic mercury by methylation, a microbial process that is controlled by certain bacteria and enhanced by chemical and environmental variables, such as the presence of organic matter and the absence of oxygen. More than 95 percent of all mercury in fish is methylmercury, and this form of mercury biomagnifies to high concentrations at the top of food chains.5
- Mercury in the Environment
- USGS Mercury Research Laboratory
- Mercury in Aquatic Ecosystems
- Mercury Statistics and Information
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Use the links below to access web pages describing additional USGS research on mercury and associated topics
Metals and Other Trace Elements
Water-Quality Trends From Lake Cores
Sediment-Associated Contaminants
Stream Ecology
Mercury Cycling and Effects on Ecological Communities
Habitat and Land-Use Influences on Contaminant Bioaccumulation
Contaminant Bioaccumulation through Food Webs
Use the links below to explore multimedia items associated with USGS research on mercury and water quality.

- Wetlands are hotspots for mercury methylation and export of methylmercury to aquatic foodwebs.
- Rice is the most abundant wetland type in California and globally in temperate and tropical latitudes.
- Wetlands are hotspots for mercury methylation and export of methylmercury to aquatic foodwebs.
- Rice is the most abundant wetland type in California and globally in temperate and tropical latitudes.

Dave Krabbenhoft discusses the history of his 28-year career at the USGS.
Dave Krabbenhoft discusses the history of his 28-year career at the USGS.
An animation of the USGS topographic map of Mercury created using images from NASA’s MESSENGER spacecraft.
An animation of the USGS topographic map of Mercury created using images from NASA’s MESSENGER spacecraft.
Frozen fish samples awaiting mercury analysis
Frozen fish samples awaiting mercury analysis
Gold pan with more than 30 grams of mercury from 1 kilogram of mercury-contaminated sediments collected in a drainage tunnel.
Gold pan with more than 30 grams of mercury from 1 kilogram of mercury-contaminated sediments collected in a drainage tunnel.
Access USGS reports and publications on mercury and water quality. For more publications on mercury, search the USGS Publications Warehouse. Look here for help using the Pubs Warehouse.
Mercury contamination of aquatic ecosystems
Chemical and physical controls on mercury source signatures in stream fish from the northeastern United States
Topics in coal geochemistry—Short course
External quality assurance project report for the National Atmospheric Deposition Program’s National Trends Network and Mercury Deposition Network, 2015–16
Spatial patterns and temporal changes in atmospheric-mercury deposition for the midwestern USA, 2001–2016
Lake levels and water quality in comparison to fish mercury body burdens, Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota, 2013–15
Optimizing fish sampling for fish - mercury bioaccumulation factors
Effects of urbanization on mercury deposition and accumulation in New England
Mercury in the nation's streams - Levels, trends, and implications
An empirical approach to modeling methylmercury concentrations in an Adirondack stream watershed
Mercury bioaccumulation in estuarine wetland fishes: Evaluating habitats and risk to coastal wildlife
Methylmercury-induced changes in gene transcription associated with neuroendocrine disruption in largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides)
Mercury in the soil of two contrasting watersheds in the eastern United States
Use the links below to find news stories on USGS research on mercury and water quality.