The USGS Director Applegate Visits Western Fisheries Research Center
In March, the USGS Director Applegate attended the World Fisheries Congress. The trip to Seattle for the Congress gave Director Applegate the opportunity to visit several USGS science centers in the Puget Sound area, including the Western Fisheries Research Center!
At our Seattle Headquarters, Director Applegate peered into experimental fish tanks, explored the inner workings of the extensive water treatment system, and enjoyed the newly painted mural depicting the mission of the WFRC. Throughout the visit, WFRC staff shared their expertise and passion for science, providing Director Applegate insights into a myriad of topics, including environmental DNA, bioenergetics, chemical threats in stormwater, visual ecology, Klamath sucker research, and much more. These engaging discussions underscored the breadth and depth of WFRC’s research efforts, highlighting our dedication to addressing environmental challenges and advancing our understanding of aquatic ecosystems.
Check out more from the World Fisheries Congress story.
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